Interested in becoming a PacificSport Columbia Basin Member?
Under PSCB bylaws, applications for membership are reviewed by the Board.
All members have the same rights and are considered general members. However, members are categorized by type to help ensure representation and adequately guide the future direction of the organization.
Membership Category Descriptions
Athlete: Current Registered Targeted athletes under the BC Athlete Targeting system.
Coach: Registered coaches working with targeted athletes under the BC Athlete Targeting system.
Athlete Support: Gymworks, Performance Health, and MoreStuff Partners; Certified professionals working with athletes including but not limited to
physiotherapists, athletic trainer, dietitians, strength and conditioning etc.
Official: Registered referees, umpires, commissionaire, race directors who etc. officiate sporting events.
Administrator: Officers, directors, coordinators, and volunteers taking leadership roles affiliated with a registered sports organization.
Sport Sector Partners: Representation from organizations that serve the sport and recreation needs of Columbia Basin residents including but not limited to municipalities, aligned non-profits, academic institutions and schools / school districts.
Builder: People who have contributed to sport in the Columbia Basin and may no longer be affiliated with a sports organization. These would be life-time members and recognize their sporting legacy.
Further considerations include:
● There is no membership fee.
● Memberships are valid for each calendar year.
● Members can opt out of a membership at any time.
● Members are renewed automatically for up to three years.
● A person can only hold one membership and hence can only be listed under one category. There is no issue with changing categories.
Personal Information will be collected according to the PSCB Privacy Policy. By providing a valid email, you agree to be contacted at that address with regards to relevant membership information and is a requirement for membership. The email contact will also be used to maintain a membership registry under the BC Societies Act
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