
An hour is a unit of time historically reckoned as 1⁄24 of a day and defined as exactly 3,600 seconds. There are 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day.

Here at Timebank South West we truly appreciate the value of one single hour. The list of what you can achieve in an hour is endless and that doesn’t just mean the skill you share.

Some Timebank members offer their help across the city - Viki in Efford asked for help to get some pictures framed and up on the wall to create a focal point in her hallway.  Nic from Plympton shared her expertise to get them framed and Mike from Peverell used his DIY skills to get them up on the wall.  They all said how much they enjoyed chatting and getting to know one another along the way too!

Member quote:

"I didn't want to throw it away because it's one of my favourite cardigans - now I can wear it again"

So, what difference can an hour make?

New member Rosamund as really keen on sharing her skills with others. Being a retired Textiles teacher she has a really wide range of talents in that area. An exchange request came in the same day that Rosamund signed up; Pauline needed help getting to know her sewing machine and wanted someone to give her guidance on taking up her curtains. This was exactly what Rosumand wanted to do, offer help and advice enabling the other member to complete the task herself and have the confidence to keep going with other projects. Rosamund said “ I spent a lovely hour and a half with Pauline, getting her used to her machine and helping her with her curtains. I left my number with her in case she loses confidence later”

Member quote:

"It only took me an hour, I only sewed up a few holes" The owner of the jumper said: "It's amazing.  You can't even see where the holes were - it's like magic. I'm so grateful"  

How can an hour, given by one person to another, have so much more value?

Bob just loves helping.  He also loves all things IT and has travelled around Plymouth helping people set up their new mobile phone, get to grips with their Virgin Media TV package, use their iPad.  Bob said "If I can put a smile on people's faces by helping them I love that.  I love this 'helping job' - it's so rewarding"

What does it mean to you to have the help you need from another member?

“It means the world to me because it gives me my privacy”. (this was having a garden gate fixed)

“Members of Timebank have been knitting hundreds of Pants for our bears which has had an impact on delivering our PANTS message (Privates are Private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means No, Talk about secrets that upset you and Speak up someone can help) - we are blown away by the support they have already offered”.

“A little understanding goes a long long way!”

Member quote:

 "I popped into timebank because my social prescriber told me to.  I didn't really know what to expect and I wasn't even sure I wanted to go, but I did.  I wasn't in a great place and ended up talking to complete strangers about what was going on for me.  They were amazing and just listened - they will never know how much help they all gave me that afternoon.  Giving someone a bit of time is such a precious thing.  I pop in when I can now and want to offer my help to other people when I can"

How does it make you feel to offer your help to another member?

“I find my time and skills are in need but other people fail to make use of them”

“Being able to offer my hours from my Time Bank to help someone else gives me great pleasure knowing that they can benefit from having the time to help them”.

“It's good to be needed”

“Especially at our age, it makes you feel useful”

“It keeps me occupied”

“It makes me feel good to help other people”

“It is satisfying and rewarding to help someone with a skill that another person cannot, for whatever reason, do themselves”.

 “l would feel good if l was able to give a helping hand to another member of the team, In  fact l do give a helping hand to others outside of the team sometimes.”

“I  like to help people, especially those in my area and its a great way to meet new people.”

“I really enjoyed the recent exchange we did at the Library helping to clean up their garden space, it will be lovely to see families using the space throughout the summer”. 

“It gave me the opportunity to do something different”. 

Member quote:

“Timebank helps me feel part of a community. Helping someone gives me some self worth and I love to help others. Its lovely when somebody wants to help me and I’m very grateful for their help”. 

Is there an exchange that has stood out to you, whether it's the help you received or the person who helped you?

When at Timebank I feel safe, because my recent family difficulties, it has helped me a lot Paul was very very good

l joined the team on recommendation from a advisor in my doctor's surgery which l did but not without some indecision knitting and sitting was not my thing, l was really feeling down and alone at the time in fact life didn't mean anything to me, but l joined, not many people there but all was willing to welcome me which was the main thing and now I am coming around to the meetings and make an effort to attend each week, l can appreciate that lonely ness is and can make one feel down but since that l joined the team l am feeling a bit better but still lonely at times but will time and a bit of help from other's thing may get better”.

Member quote:

" It has been amazing, the confidence it gave me, being ‘in charge’. I felt a real sense of achievement”.

Looking to offer you skills? Take a look at some opportunities to exchange below …

Time for Tea

an afternoon tea with songs from across the years

 We're always up for trying something different so when a few people said  us "weekends are so difficult when get holder and you're on you're own" - we started to think if there was something we could try that might change that.  Lots of people had said "Tea Dances are great for older people" and whilst for some they might be great there were lots of people we asked who said "not for me".  So we came up with a different idea - that still involved cakes, scones and a bit of dancing!!

'TIME FOR TEA' - an afternoon tea with songs from across the years.  The music chosen by the people who came along.  We joined up with the fabulous folk at Moments Cafe and Memory Matters and our first Time for Tea event happened on Sunday 23rd July.  It was a fabulous afternoon with lots of laughter, smiles, chat and Chris Hall, one of our timebank members, even entertained people with a few of his amazing magic tricks.  There were sandwiches, cakes, scones, cream and jam - with the usual jam/cream debate taking place!  Then....we danced, around 'the handbag' to Abba, Boney M, YMCA and many more songs.  A truly lovely afternoon and we're hoping to do it all over again.  So if it sounds like 'your cup of tea' keep an eye on our newsletter and Facebook page for more info.