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Dear <<First Name>>,

Firstly, a huge thank you to those who supported our end of year fundraising drive. We really appreciate the financial support and continue to be amazed by the ongoing vote of confidence in our work.

We are pleased to report that we have secured two large grants. The first, from Lendlease Future Steps, will be used to undertake significant improvements to one of our properties. The second, from the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, will support our Learning Space. The generosity of individual donors and other funders ensures we can continue to go the extra mile for our children and young people.

The National Youth Homelessness Conference was held earlier this week. Our Chief Executive Officer, Justene Gordon, attended the Conference with our Patron, Brian Burdekin AO and other Burdekin employees. Brian Burdekin delivered the keynote address and this will be uploaded to our website very soon.

We were part of an AMAZING Manly Warringah Sea Eagles URM community round game day recently, read all about it in our 'Community in Action' blog.

National Homelessness Week is coming up on August 7th with the theme: 'It's time to end homelessness'. There are many ways in which you can participate to raise awareness. One way is to attend the launch event, a forum focusing on the solutions needed to end First Nations homelessness.

The causes of youth homelessness are complex, and they often correlate and overlap. This month, we explore the bi-directional link between youth homelessness and youth mental health issues. Evidence supports strong links between the two and we know from experience that mental health challenges in a child or young person can increase their risk of homelessness.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter.  We hope you enjoyed it and encourage you to share it with others who may also be interested. If you haven’t already done so, please connect with us via our social media accounts to keep up to date with the latest news and announcements.

With our best wishes,
The Burdekin Team

Community in Action


Youth Homelessness Conference


National Homelessness Week


Causes of youth homelessness - mental health


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