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Leading Measures

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In EOS, one of the most important and most powerful tools we use is called the SCORECARD. This is a scorecard that we review every week and we populate it with information on some measurables that we measure in the business.
We teach our clients to come up with these numbers that are incredibly important, these measurables, because once they know what the numbers are that they need to see on a weekly basis, that will tell them exactly how well the business is doing, they've won the race.
I teach them all the time that it's really important also to think about what the leading numbers are, as opposed to the lagging numbers, and to see that you have more of those leading numbers on your scorecard.
A leading number is something that you do that leads the process. For example: if you make a certain amount of sales calls, that's the leading number; so many sales calls per week, you can expect a certain amount of sales at the end of the week and the end of the month and the end of the year. The more sales calls you make and the better your conversion rate is, the more sales you'll have. If you just measure the sales alone, it doesn't tell you the picture. You need to see what the inputs are. 

In my own practice and when I work with my clients, I encourage them to combine this with the establishment of good habits.
I'm currently reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear again because it's so powerful in helping you to have a cadence, a regular cadence of working on these leading numbers, or doing these actions, so that you drive the leading numbers.
If you have a regular routine of 'on Mondays I do this' and I reward myself for doing it at the end of Monday, then it becomes a habit, it becomes part of me and I'm constantly building the business.
So there you have it. It's really important first of all to have a scorecard, to know what measurables you want to measure to be able to know that your business is doing well, and then lastly to constantly drive those numbers so that in the end of the day you can expect great outcomes.
If you want to know more about EOS or what it can do for yourself or for someone you love, let me know and I'll do a complimentary 90 minute meeting with them to tell them all about EOS and what it can mean for them.
Have a great week.
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Best wishes,
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