
Meeting Notice: In-Person and Zoom
  Monday, July 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Where: Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota FL 34231

Topic: "Phosphate Strip Mining: A threat to Our Watershed and Your Drinking Water"
Rachael Curran, attorney for People for Protecting the Peace River         
Ragan Whitlock, staff attorney for Center for Biological Diversity 
Brooks Armstrong, President of People for Protecting the Peace River. Member of FLVCS and our Environmental Working Group (EWG).

ZOOM: You must register in advance for the Zoom webinar. You can register here.

Let's Have Clean Water In Florida: Sign the Right to Clean Water Petition.
Here is a good video to send to your friends when you ask them to sign.

Phosphate mining in Florida is a threat to the drinking water source for more than a million Floridians. The mining industry is now pushing to expand mining in the Peace River watershed. The Peace River is a major drinking water source for Southwest Florida. The industry has a poor record of spills and catastrophic failures. What happens if there is another major spill in the river? 

                                             A phosphate Mine

Be An FLVCS Activist!
  1. Invite your friends to our meeting. Let your friends who care about Florida's environment and waterways know about our meeting.
  2. If you are outside of the Sarasota area, invite your friends to a watching party for the meeting. 
  3. Sign the right to clean water petition. You can find it here.
  4. Send the right to Clean Water Petition to your friends and ask them to sign it.
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