Spotlight on...
Elizabeth Parry
Elizabeth Parry, PhD is 2022-24 Alaska INBRE Graduate Research Assistant, and the recipient of the Robert and Judy Belous Global Change Research Endowment. She was highlighted recently by the UAF Graduate School & Interdisciplinary Studies (read the story here). Amy Loeffler, Senior Science Communicator for IAB, recently caught up with Elizabeth to ask her how she has been "Impacted by INBRE."
When did you know you wanted to be a scientist?
As a child, and up until I started my bachelor’s degree, I actually wanted to be a veterinarian! While I continued as a pre-vet student throughout my bachelor’s degree, I found that I wasn’t as interested in the medical sciences as I thought I would be. Instead, I became much more interested in topics that covered the intersections of the social and natural sciences, such as environmental and public health. These interests eventually led me to a master’s degree where I become more interested in research, which I decided to continue through a Ph.D. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I knew when I wanted to become a scientist, but rather was fortunate to be able to follow where my interests took me, which landed me in scientific research.
What is your current research?
My current research is focused on developing a new tool to measure food security using a One Health lens, with a specific focus on food security among Alaska Native populations.
How has INBRE has impacted your career?
Not only has INBRE allowed me to continue to pursue my degree and advance my career through financial support but it has also provided incredible opportunities for me to gain experience with presenting and networking at scientific conferences and events. For example, this year I received a travel award through INBRE that allowed me to present a poster on my research at the Arctic Science Summit Week in Vienna, Austria. This was an invaluable experience that not only allowed me to practice my research and presentation skills at an international venue, but also exposed me to a wealth of fantastic research taking place all over the world.
Do you have any advice for undergraduates considering the pursuit of science-focused careers?
If available, take advantage of opportunities to practice science in the field. I think as an undergraduate, it can be easy to become bogged down in the requirements and deadlines of classes, and miss the applications of science in the real world. Experiencing some fieldwork, even if it’s simply in your backyard, can help to translate what you are learning in your textbooks into practice, while also helping you to figure out what science-focused careers you may or may not be interested in.
Thinking about a career in research or wondering how to move forward in your journey to becoming an independent researcher? Whether you’re an undergraduate or graduate student, a postdoc, early-stage or an established investigator, there is an NIH funding program out there for you!
Explore this new interactive infographic to get to know the different programs by career stage, learn useful tips, and better understand the lingo of NIH funding.
Single Cell RNA-Seq Workshop
August 7-11, 2023
Online via Zoom
This workshop is brought to you by the National Center for Genome Research (NCGR), and sponsored by New Mexico INBRE.
Who: This advanced workshop is targeted towards undergraduate or graduate students in biology or related fields.
Objective: Students will leverage their Unix and R command knowledge and become familiar with the SingleCellExperiment and Seurat R packages as well as an interactive Shiny web application to perform statistical metrics and data visualization for a variety of bioinformatic approaches to single cell sequencing analysis.
Logistics: The workshop will be conducted virtually using primarily Zoom as our conferencing platform. We will also use a variety of other software and tools, and you will log onto NCGR’s Unix analysis server for the command line tools. After the workshop, students can use our analysis server for their research or education purposes for up to one year.
Contact: Please contact Project Coordinator, Ethan Price with any additional questions you may have at eprice@ncgr.org and we look forward to your participation!
Attendance is free for NM students and researchers and discounted for those in other INBRE states!
More Information and Registration here
Since 2008, ITHS has offered funding for new clinical and translational research projects or “pilots” to get off the ground. Investigators from across the five-state WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) region are encouraged to apply.
2023 ITHS Pilot Program Awards: Apply Now
- New Interdisciplinary Academic Collaborations - ITHS offers New Interdisciplinary Partnership awards to facilitate the formation and development of new partnerships between academic investigators who have not previously received joint research funding for interdisciplinary projects addressing critical transitions in translational research in innovative ways, with the potential to become long-term partnerships with a deep commitment to a common goal. This pilot award will provide up to $50,000 toward specific project-related milestones in total costs for 1 year. No-cost extensions are not permitted.
- Academic Community Partnerships - ITHS offers Academic Community Partnership Awards to jump-start partnerships between academic and community investigators in new projects that investigate a community-based health problem, disseminate evidence-based health innovations into practice, target health promotion or prevention, or examine ways to enhance or implement sustainable health programs in community settings. This pilot award will provide up to $50,000 toward specific project-related milestones in total costs for 1 year. No-cost extensions are not permitted.
- Early-Stage Product Development Award - ITHS offers ESPD Awards to help translate clinically relevant research discoveries toward development of commercial products that improve human health. Projects should be designed to demonstrate or strengthen critical evidence that the envisioned product accomplishes its health-related purpose with respect to safety, efficacy, scalability, feasibility or clinical utility (i.e., proof of concept). This pilot award will provide up to $100,000 toward specific project-related milestones in total costs for 1 year. No-cost extensions are not permitted.
The NIH designed the SuRE R16 program to help qualifying institutions on their path toward building and sustaining a research infrastructure. In partnership, the SuRE Resource Center provides free training, guidance, and expertise to help bridge the gap pin taking those initial steps.
Check out current training options below:
Webinar for Subawards, Consultants, and Vendors
July 13, 2023 - 11:00 am AKST
Includes live Q & A
Register Here
This training will review ethe differences between three types of formal partnerships in a sponsored project external to your institution. Learn how these partnerships function and how the NIH defines them.
July '23 Grantsmanship Bootcamp Training
July 18-19, 2023 - 9am-12pm AKST
Two 3-hour sessions plus live Q&A
Register to receive your Zoom link
Join this two-day training event to prepare new investigators for the upcoming SuRE-First Sept 28, 2023 NIH application deadline. Topics will include Specific Aims, Significance & Innovation, Approach, Biosketch, Data Management & Sharing Policy, and Institutional Letters.
Communicating Across Difference (CAD) Research Study -
Pick one date: July 6 - July 7 - July 10 - July 12 - July 13 - July 14
Are you an undergrad researcher working with a near-peer (grad or postdoc) mentor, or a near-peer mentoring an undergrad? If so, we invite you to apply to participate in the Communication Across Difference (CAD) research study. This study is investigating what factors may influence the development of researchers' communication skills, including the role of mentors in facilitating this process. The study includes:1 engaging 1.5-hour workshop, optional creation of a short video about your research project, 3 surveys over 9 months ($60 total compensation per participant). Register here by June 30, 2023. For more information, visit the NRMN website
Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) Program for Early Stage Investigators - NIGMS has announced that the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) notice of funding opportunity for early stage investigators (ESIs) (PAR-23-145) has been reissued. MIRA funding provides support for an area of research in an ESI’s laboratory that falls within the NIGMS mission. The next application due date is October 3, 2023. NIGMS is hosting a webinar to discuss the key features of the ESI MIRA program and to answer your questions on Wed, July 26, Read more
AIM-AHEAD Call for Proposals
The NIH's Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) program has established mutually beneficial, coordinated, and trusted partnerships to enhance the participation and representation of researchers and communities currently underrepresented in the development of AI/ML models and to improve the capabilities of this emerging technology, beginning with electronic health records (EHR) and extending to other diverse data to address health disparities and inequities. More information.
Upcoming Webinars/Conferences
NCURA Opportunities: (National Council of University Research Administrators)
July 24, 2023 @ 2-3:30pm ET (10am-11:30am AK) - Register here Live Virtual Experience - "Strategies for Working with Investigators: Crucial, Critical, Courageous Conversations"
2023 NIH IDeA Western Regional Conference - Aug 2-4, 2023, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. The goal of this conference is to provide a platform for biomedical scientists to learn from colleagues about the latest research in the NIH IDeA Western Region (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming). The conference features oral and poster scientific sessions, keynote talks, professional development workshops, and information sharing sessions with NIH officials. Open to faculty, students, and staff. Register now! https://nminbre.org/western-regional-meeting/
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Publications, News Articles, Announcements, and Photos!
Pilot Faculty, Undergraduate, and Graduate Research Assistants: Please send your news, publications, post-doc announcements, and photos, we would like to share. Thank you in advance for your help!
Please send to: