 <<First Name>>,

Thank you for praying for and supporting the worldwide work of Living Hope Ministries. In this Enews you'll hear from Bonnie about "What Is A Godly Woman?" You'll also read Veronica's powerful story of transformation and mark your calendar for Oct. 28th! Help us help young men by sharing about the Hope House and more...

What Is A Godly Woman?

by Bonnie White, Women's Minister

Our culture seems to be more confused than ever about what a woman is.  Some say a woman is simply anyone who feels like or believes they are a woman.  Others believe a woman is independent, sexually liberated, and not only can but should do everything a man does.  And of course, we must remember stereotypes that believe a woman is a girly girl who loves shopping, makeup, and accessorizing or is a wife and mom barefoot in the kitchen. 
Some of these beliefs involve a woman’s interests, personality, or the roles she fills.  Others focus on her internal feelings and beliefs about herself.  With all these ideas and beliefs out there, it is more important than ever that we understand what God says about womanhood.  Only when we understand God’s (click here to read the rest of the story)

Becoming The Real Veronica
by Veronica, Women's Group

I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and my mom had me when she was 16 and couldn’t really provide for me. My dad disappeared and didn’t want to have anything to do with us. My mom left to go to the US to make more money and left me with my grandparents, who raised me, and I called them Mom and Dad. My mom hoped to make enough money so she could get us to go to the US as well. At six, I finally made my way to the US.

When I was about 11, I remember watching the television one day, and somehow there were two people having sex on the TV. My aunt finally noticed it and quickly...(read the rest of Veronica's story here)


Mark Your Calendar

LHM Celebration Fundraiser

October 28, 2024

Arlington, TX

Watch for ticket sales next month!

Bois to Men

We want to help young men between 18-26 struggling with their sexual identity and looking for hope. We want to provide them with a genuine, God-honoring, and Christ-centered community. We want to help them become the man of God they were created to be. If you know of a young man like this, the Hope House may be just the place for them! The Hope House is a highly accountable, grace-filled community of men striving to develop their gifts and talents to make a difference in the world. But no one knows about the Hope House unless you tell them. If you know of a young man ready for an experience that could change the rest of his life, please have him contact us. You can help change the course of his life now and for eternity.


What does it mean to be "in Christ?"  For the next several months, we will be exploring the book of Ephesians in LHM Groups. Please join us to see the rich truths and practical applications Paul gives us as we live in Christ. We have both in-person and Zoom groups for men, women, family and friends, and wives of men who struggle. If you are interested in attending one of our free, confidential, and Christ-centered experiences, please contact us to schedule an intake interview.
Donate to Living Hope Ministries
Summer is a particularly difficult time for nonprofits like ours.  We know there are many charities worthy of your support. We are honored that you would prayerfully consider investing in the work of LHM. Your investment in LHM brings hope to people around the world. Thank you in advance for your generosity and prayerful support!
Check out over 200 episodes of Hope Cast! - Honest conversations about real issues Christians face regarding sexuality, faith, and discipleship.
Designed specifically to speak into the sexual and relational brokenness of our lives, these verse-by-verse teachings of the Bible help all believers discover how to surrender their lives, sexuality, and identities to the Lord and be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.


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