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Three Benefits of Clear Focus

Dear Reader
In EOS we talk about focus all the time. We start off by talking about the book "Focus" by Al Ries.
This book talks about the power of the sun. If you think about this, every day the sun sends billions and trillions of kilowatts of power to the earth. It showers the earth with all this power.
And despite all this power, all this energy, we can go outside and we can get maybe a suntan from all that energy, but we're safe in the sun. But if you take that same light, that same sunlight and you bring it together, you focus it in a laser beam, you can cut through steel, you can cut through anything and it becomes this incredibly powerful force.
The same is true for your thoughts. Normally the entrepreneur, the business leader, the busy person, has got about 136 thoughts in their minds at the same time. We have all been there.
But if we can bring that into focus, if we bring that focus down, bring it to 3 to 7 priorities and focus on each of those in their respective time slot when they're the most important, that focus becomes very, very powerful. 

I've seen three real benefits that come from that focus. The first thing is clarity. Once you come back from a clarity break and you know what to focus on, your mind is clear, you can think about this one thing and you can do this at the best of your ability. That's clarity, really important. 

The second thing is, with clarity comes confidence. As a leader, you show up, you show the direction, you've got a clear direction. So it brings that confidence that this is where we're going and you're worth following, people will actually follow you as their leader. So that's the second thing. 

The third benefit we see is control. With focus, with clarity, with confidence comes control. You become more in control of your destiny, of where the company is going, where your life is going, because you're focusing on what's important and you're executing to the best of your ability in those areas.
So there you have it. A CLEAR FOCUS will bring you three real benefits: CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and CONTROL. Try it for yourself.
If you want to know more about EOS, or you know someone that can really benefit from it, let me know and I'll gladly explain to them what the system can mean to them. 

Have a great week
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Best wishes,
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