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Monthly Members' Newsletter
For new friends, welcome! We are an interdisciplinary network of Masters, PhD and Early Career Researchers focused on defence, security and military topics concerning policy, strategy, history, culture and society. We hope you find our network interesting, exciting, informative, and supportive.
For old friends, thanks for your continued involvement. It is always worth remembering that we would be nothing without you! For our July newsletter we are looking into military leadership. We have lots of different perspectives to share with you so we hope you enjoy the read.
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Welcome to the Defence Research Network Newsletter!
Hello again everyone! I am excited to be sharing this month's theme of Military Leadership with you and want to thank Georgie Eckersley, Jeff Tibbett and Tamiris Santos for their 'leadership' of this theme! Thank you to all of the wonderful contributors to the theme, we are really grateful to hear about their research and experience in this field.
I always find it fascinating the common misconceptions about military leadership, dominated by the expectation of the 'drill sergeant' approach of leadership by direct orders. Away from basic training and emergency situations, such as firefighting, my experience has been of a far more collaborative form of leadership. Certainly, as a military engineer I observed far more effective leadership from those who sought specialist expertise from their team to make their decision, fostering an open dialogue and safe space for raising concerns and thinking through risks. I would encourage reflection on the tension between the expectations of military leadership and the realities and how these apply in the very different settings the military operates in, as you consider our monthly theme.
Finally, I am delighted to introduce Rupak Pathak as the newest member of our committee. Check out the 'News from our Committee' section below to hear more from Rupak.
Take care,
Hannah West
Chair of the Defence Research Network
In Conversation
Edited by Tamiris Santos
Commander Patricia Bezerra
Commander Patricia Pontes Bezerra is currently Head of the Pedagogical Division of the Brazilian Defense College. She joined the Navy in 1992 as a Sergeant, where she remained for 7 years as an Electro technician, performing duties at the Navy Arsenal in Rio de Janeiro. Approved in a new public exam, she became an officer in the position of Pedagogue. She worked directly in the preparation of students at the Naval College (1999 to 2001); in the training of Marine Recruits (2001 to 2007); at the Navy Teaching Directorate (2007-2017); as Head of the Naval College Teaching Department (2018-2021). She holds a master’s degree in education in the area of Integral Training and Curriculum and is a PhD candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Maritime Studies at the Naval War College. Her research topics are related to competencies mapping and curriculum development.
DRN: How would you define military leadership?
Commander Patricia: Leadership is one of those themes of great importance in contemporary times, being possible to analyze in several corporate environments. When the subject is dealt with in the military environment, it acquires an even greater relevance.
The military environment presents, among others, two very different contexts: the first is when military organizations operate in peacetime, in which a bureaucratic structure predominates, where organizational entities can follow processes, activities and tasks defined within a rational logic. The second context involves critical moments of conflict or even war, in which the same organizational entities existing in peacetime, begin to follow protocols related to military doctrine, in which respect for training and training are essential. In this scenario, paradoxical logic prevails (refer to Luttwak, 2009).
Awareness of the two environments in which military personnel operate promotes the need for two different types of leadership: one aimed at maintaining the objectives and activities of military organizations in peacetime; such as: readiness, motivation, and training; training in the "state of the art" of war. In this sense, the leader is someone who maintains the harmonious functioning of his team, seeking to achieve results at the levels necessary for readiness.
The second environment in which the military operates, involving conflicts and wars, requires a different type of military leadership, for which attributes such as courage, adaptability, self-denial, and discipline become indispensable, combined with performance consistent with the professional mastery of weapons and strategy.
Thus, in my view, military leadership is the ability of a military commander to move in contexts of peace and war, leading people and administrative processes aimed at maintaining the readiness and readiness of his troops and equipment while managing to mobilize the necessary attributes to face emergencies, conflicts and wars. Flexibility, consistency of behavior, discipline, courage, selflessness and professional training are all components of military leadership. However, it must be emphasized that not all military leaders possess or will possess these leadership attributes.
DRN: To what extent do you consider it important for your daily activities?
Commander Patricia: During my 31 years of effective military service, leadership has always been important. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the exercise of leadership was essential. In February 2020, when the pandemic was declared in Brazil, the orientation was that most of the population remained at home while some professionals were called to face and maintain their activities. In my particular case, we spent 46 days with the students of the Naval College, in teaching activities, in a boarding school system. I was the head of a department with about 60 professionals, teaching approximately 600 students. In addition to the challenges already imposed to deal with teaching adolescents and young people, working with civilian and military teachers, and dealing with military personnel of different ranks and positions in various professional areas, factors such as scarce knowledge about the disease, fear of losing one's life, low morale of the "troop", were part of the whole process.
After two years of this experience, I can analyze some important elements of the situation. Firstly, it was marked by daily challenges of responsibility, empathy and transparent communication. The actions taken during that period were vital for the physical and emotional integrity of the students and staff to be maintained. The mission was fully accomplished, the lessons learnt were countless and the personal, professional and emotional ones created last to this day.
DRN: What are the main challenges regarding leadership and command?
Commander Patricia: The main challenge in exercising leadership is to reconcile two seemingly paradoxical activities without which leadership cannot be exercised: being flexible in the face of the new, whether it is a technology, a behavior or a relationship necessary for routine activities; but also being the guardian of the hierarchy and discipline of the group, keeping the focus on fulfilling the mission. The leader who does not promote mission fulfilment has not effectively exercised military leadership. In this sense, in-depth knowledge and adherence to the organization, but also to human behavior and the profession of arms are necessary for leadership. Leadership also involves authorship and therefore risk and responsibility for those who exercise it.
“Command” is a verb of Latin origin Comandare from co-, "together", plus mandare, "to entrust, to invest someone with a mission". Thus, command is always something shared, it needs a "contract": the one who commands must have the approval of his commanders, which will give legitimacy, and authority to his commanding “voice”. Commanding is, in this perspective, an art in the sense that it involves the human, creative ability of someone who seeks to accomplish something intentionally, employing all his being, and following the rules, laws and regulations, with responsibility. So commanding and leading are different actions.
DRN: Any additional thoughts on how military leadership and civil-military relations could be improved?
Commander Patricia: Leadership is a phenomenon that occurs in interpersonal relationships. Based on this premise, the most effective way to improve it, as far as civilians and military personnel are concerned, is the development of joint, coordinated, collaborative actions between civilians and military personnel who are co-responsible for achieving a given mission. The common goal is what should drive the civil-military relationship, whether it is eliminating enemy aggression, providing security in the face of a disaster, protecting property, people or national symbols, or preserving sovereignty, among others. The limits of action of each actor, whether civilian or military, will depend on the nature of the mission, and leadership, in this case, must be situational.
It should be noted that the two careers, civilian and military, have very different ethos, but some values should be developed as common within a given society. A sense of patriotism, professionalism, a sense of duty, and respect for the law are not exclusive to a particular career.
The military career provided two very striking experiences in relation to civil-military interaction. The first occurred when I joined the Brazilian Navy in 1992 and went to work at the Navy Arsenal in Rio de Janeiro, which had about 5,000 employees, mostly men and civilians. The Arsenal is a military service organization, an industrial area for the construction and maintenance of operational assets, ships and submarines, in which I worked as a 3rd Sergeant. The industrial environment, whose tasks at the time had very defined times and movements, allowed clear roles for each activity, but there were still several moments when the specificity of each career presented challenges to be overcome.
In 2018, therefore 26 years after joining the Navy and already as an Officer, I had a new opportunity to work intensely in an environment with civilians and military personnel. This time the work involved a smaller number of employees, but the diversity of training was the biggest challenge. As Head of the Teaching Department at the Naval College, I had a team of 27 civilian teachers and 25 military teachers, as well as civilian administrative staff. The school environment in a boarding school made all relationships intense, and it was a unique moment for the understanding that the diversity of areas of knowledge, age group, gender, graduations and positions expanded the possibilities of offering quality education to students and, above all, comprehensive training as human beings.
In 2021, during post Covid-19 pandemic, I reported to my current workplace, a school of high studies, whose mission is to develop the Defense mentality for military and civilians. Civil-military relations are intense in this context, involving mostly advisory-level staff with much experience in their particular contexts.
It is possible to notice differences in language, behavior, and research topics, making this academic environment an effervescent "melting pot", demonstrating the potential that such diversity produces in the search for solutions to problems in the field of defense, for the construction of collaborative and respectful relationships and for the construction of knowledge that aims at the development of the country.
DRN: Any additional comments you would like to add?
Commander Patricia: The research I am currently conducting seeks to develop a methodology that will allow the Brazilian Navy to draw up a profile of the officers of the Armed Forces who graduate from the Naval School. One of the competences required of these officers in their daily work is undoubtedly military leadership.
The theoretical framework used during the literature review and bibliographic research, anchored in the studies of Gonski (1997) and Zarifian (2001), indicates that competencies can and should be developed in the school environment and later in the work context. However, they have intrinsic components to the individual. In this regard, military leadership competence should become the target of the teaching-learning process. It is, therefore, a great challenge, as it must be translated into content and experiences that allow the solid construction of the characteristics necessary for the military leader.
References (and useful resources about education, strategy and leadership as well!)
GONCZI, Adrew. Problemas Associados com la implementacion de la Educación Baseada en la Competencia: de lo Atomístico a lo Holístico. In: Formación basada en Competencia Laboral: Situación actual y perspectivas. Montevideo. Cinterfor – OIT, Conocer, 1997.
LUTTWAK, E. N. Estratégia – A Lógica da Guerra e da Paz. Tradução de Álvaro Pinheiro. Rio de Janeiro: Biblioteca do Exército, 2009.
ZARIFIAN, Philippe. Objetivo competência: por uma nova lógica. São Paulo: Atlas, 2001.
Reflections on "Military Leadership"
Written by Mick Earle & Edited by Tegan Harrison
A friend of the DRN, Mick Earle, has kindly offered some reflections on Leadership in the British Army. Mick is a Behavioural Change Consultant working predominantly in the corporate sector who has 12 years service in 21 SAS, one of the UK’s Special Forces Army Reserve regiments. Combining his military and civilian experiences Mick also co-designed and co-delivered the ‘Post Operational Stress Management’ programme for Counter-IED (bomb disposal) and EOD Search teams returning from Op Herrick in Afghanistan between 2010 and 2015.
Leadership in the British Army is discussed and defined in ‘Developing Leaders’ - A British Army Guide ( produced in 2014 by Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. This is a well researched and well written evidenced upgrade to RMAS’s ‘Leadership Precis’ from the 1990’s, looking back into history to lesson’s learned and supporting current thinking with academic models and theory.
Based on my personal experience most people with no experience of ‘Military Leadership’ still appear to firmly believe that it’s all about some people barking orders and other people blindly following them. While this would be an appropriate leadership style to adopt when managing a crisis (reacting to ‘effective enemy fire’ or managing an unruly mob in support of an overseas aid mission etc) the British Army is a complex organisation consisting of many diverse roles and functions operating in a wide spectrum of theatres and situations, so it’s realistic to accept that a doctrine built on one leadership style is going to fall very short of the mark.
Effective corporate People Managers (‘Leaders’) will understand (and hopefully put into practice) the Situational Leadership model developed in 1996 by author Paul Hersey and leadership expert Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager. The model explores different leadership approaches for different scenarios driven by two main metrics; the capability of the person being managed and their motivation to get the job done.
Effective Military Leadership takes into account ‘Situational Leadership’, recognising when a Direct/Autocratic approach is most appropriate and equally when a more Coaching/Supportive or Delegative approach would drive better results. As an illustration; the SAS Selection course is designed to identify those individuals who won’t give up when faced with great adversity, ie, those with high levels of self discipline not reliant on someone else telling them what to do. Most SAS recruits who fail ‘Selection’ are not failed by the Training Wing ‘Directing Staff’ (DS), they give up and Voluntarily Withdraw (VW). The opportunity to pass Selection is in effect Delegated to the recruit so you won’t find DS shouting and screaming at a recruit to do better. Instead a more Coaching approach is adopted in the knowledge that the recruit must in the end complete the requirements on their own.
As valuable as Situational Leadership clearly is, on the whole corporate ‘People Managers’ don’t require their employees to ‘close with and kill the enemy’. This lethal imperative, although not totally restricted to the Armed Forces, creates almost unique leadership dynamics which right from the initial stages of recruit training are addressed through respect for the recognised rank structure and effective ‘role-modelling’ by leaders to their subordinates.
From an Army perspective, on the modern battlefield it’s generally accepted that soldiers don’t fight ‘for King and Country’, in the thick of a fire-fight, ambush or assault the combatants will be fighting for their own survival, to kill or be killed. In the ultimate VUCA environment, when their heads and senses are screaming at them to be ‘anywhere but here right now’ survival will generally depend on personal skills (‘tradecraft’) and the mutual support provided by their colleagues around them.
In amongst the rapidly changing chaos, instilling confidence to your team to see the job through to the end is the essence of Military Leadership which amongst other things relies heavily on;
Knowledge – The motto of the RAF Parachute Training School is ‘Knowledge dispels fear’ which I’ve personally found very useful in both corporate and military scenarios. Fear is often driven by a lack of understanding about the scenario you’re going into and I’ve countless examples of how confidence can increase exponentially when people have a better understanding about what they’re facing.
The Chinese General Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC), philosopher and author of The Art of War put great emphasis on knowledge of both your own capabilities and those of your enemies. Military Leadership at a strategic level is as much about interpretation (ie, what do you think is happening as opposed to what you’re being told is happening). One of the published Core Values of the SAS includes “the essential trait of Humility” which I interpret to mean ‘when you work hard to be at the top of your game, understand that everyone else will be trying just as hard to beat you’.
Structure – In chaos we look for order,* stability, reference points and/or foundations on which to build/recover. As a Leadership tool, the British Army’s rank structure is designed to give stability and reference points. In the past when the Army was considerably younger (when the Infantry was indeed populated by infants) and arguably often seen as a career of last resort for those academically challenged the Army had a more ‘pastoral’ function and the structure was probably more akin to a family than it possibly is today.
Nowadays, the battlefield is becoming ever more complex and technical requiring new trades and academic skill but in its basic form the rank structure still enables individuals to know where they fit into the larger formation/plan and from whom to best seek advice and direction. The power of the rank structure doesn’t come from just ‘adhering to the hierarchy’, it benefits from a long history of success rooted in trust and respect (see below).
* Similar but not the same as Fredrich Nietzsche's "From chaos, comes order".
Respect – On the battlefield the brunt of the effort is being taken (and administered) by the more junior ranks (Privates and Junior NCOs). The level of trust between everyone is immense but as humans we don’t just trust anyone, it’s a trait which needs to be earned and developed. Right from their initial Basic Training a recruit learns that their Leaders are not just there by default. In the British Army Military Leaders are promoted based on demonstrable skill and experience, including assessment on the ability to manage people (which is often sadly side-lined in the corporate sector). Recruits quickly see that their NCOs have skills and experience which will be required on the battlefield. They can teach you to win the fire-fight (aka, to survive).
Junior Officers are well advised to listen to and respect the advice from the Platoon/Troop Sergeants (Senior NCOs) who will have better tradecraft skills and experience. Seriously worried for their lives as a result of poor decision making and lack of respect for experience some experienced US Army NCO’s in Vietnam developed a particularly effective way of managing their inexperienced Junior Officers (
Role-modelling – Most recruits won’t tell you that despite the pain and punishments metered out (“I can be your Mentor, or your Tormentor”) ultimately they’ll greatly respect and always remember the NCOs who trained them. This is quite likely because the NCO demonstrated everything the recruit wanted to be – the thing they aspired to. Role-modelling is a delicate Delegative leadership tool as it puts the emphasis on the recruit to change their behaviour to be like someone else.
Personally as an Army Officer I quickly understood that unless I was managing chaos, if I ever reverted to ‘pulling rank’ I’d lost the moral high ground. Conversely, if my superior Officers weren’t role-models for the kind of Officer I aspired to be it would be less likely I would respect them and consequently I was just ‘following orders’ as opposed to being motivated by them.
In conclusion;
In the British Army, Military Leadership has;
- Foundations in ‘lessons learnt’ over hundreds of years modified where necessary to reflect modern war-fighting.
- Developed an effective rank structure which delivers demonstrable benefits on many levels.
- Is held together with Respect and effective Role-modelling of behaviours required to keep people alive on the battlefield.
- Essential components of Knowledge, Structure, Respect and Role-Modelling.
‘The Role of the Home for Our National Defence’
Edited by Tegan Harrison
The Kerslake Commission for Armed Forces Housing hosted a workshop on July 19th. The engagement workshop, ‘The Role of the Home for Our National Defence’, brought people together from across the academic, charity, military, private and parliamentary sectors to discuss the role of Housing and it’s impacts for the UK’s Armed Services.
Beginning with opening presentations from Professor Edgar Jones, Dr Rachael Gribble and Louise Davidson, perspective was placed on the importance of housing that promotes shared community identity, the responsibility of care the military has for their service personnel and families, and the practical importance of co-location for various important aspects of community and other support.
The discussions emphasized the need for planned, transparent, long-term changes that acknowledge the role, meaning and experience of home beyond the dilapidated stock. With a diverse group of participants sharing their lived and professional experience, the workshop enabled the Commission to map out a range of barriers to achieving this, deliberate a reasonable baseline accommodation standard, and discuss what meaningful change would look like.
The Commission seeks to bring people together to continue the late Lord Kerslake’s lifelong work of solving difficult problems for public good. We are now in the final stage of evidence collection, before we continue the process of developing our recommendations for publication this autumn. We would be grateful for any last-minute submissions, if interested please submit it in writing to Abigail Worrell ( as soon as possible. Anonymous submissions are welcome.
Thinking About Leadership Differently
Edited by Tegan Harrison
Can military leadership be thought of differently? This article uses an evidence-based approach to outline a 5R leadership development program. Rooted in social identity research the paper offers an alternate way to think about military leadership beyond the traditional model of leadership being about the leader toward a perspective of identity, ethos and team.
News from our community
Edited by Tegan Harrison
Participation in the King’s College London Teaching in IR and Security Studies Workshop
Some of our members recently attended the King's College London Teaching in IR and Security Studies Workshop. Tamiris Santos has kindly offered us her reflections!
Besides being instructional and engaging, the workshop was a formidable opportunity to exchange best practices with colleagues from different institutions at all stages of their teaching careers, sharing views, insights, and experiences. Also, it was lovely meeting Ann Bajo, my colleague at the Defence Research Network, and meeting again with Angeliki Martinou (Brunel University) and Dr Blake Lawrinson (University of Leeds).As an early-career researcher who moved out recently to the UK and just started having more significant contact with British academia, this opportunity was beyond invaluable. It reminded me of why I chose to enter academia in the first place: ‘to learn and to inspire others to learn as well’. And that’s precisely how I felt after this event—absolutely inspired!
Georgie Eckersley recently attended the European Association of Social Psychology Conference in Krakow and as a result of discussions she took part in wanted to share some helpful readings on the 5R Leadership Development Program....
Our committee member Tami Santos also shared to book recommendations on the monthly theme for you to enjoy....
One of our very own, Dr Veronika Poniscjakova, has continued to discuss the current situation in Ukraine and the NATO Summit with TVP World. Click on the links to hear her insights!
The Centre for Army Leadership has recently announced the 2023 winners of its annual Leadership Essay Competition with this year's theme focused on Leadership and Emotional Intelligence.
The competition was launched to stimulate debate about outstanding leadership and best practice across the Army and beyond. It was open to military, reservists and civilians. It included a junior category for young writers between the age of 16 and 21. The call for submissions specifically asked for original and innovative perspectives that could support the continuous development of British Army Leadership and that could bring insights from other sectors and disciplines.
To read the winning essays click here.
Make sure to look out for next year's Essay Competition details!
New Members and Introductions!
Edited by Tegan Harrison
We would love to welcome our newest member, Rupak Rattanmoj Pathak!
Rupak is doing her masters in international relations from University of Portsmouth. Her research interest mainly lies in the security studies and her dissertation is on ‘Deterrence in the field of cyber,’ and to understand the applicability of concept of deterrence in the cyber domain and to emphasize the emergence of cyber threat as a non-military threat to the national security. In future also she wants to build her career and experience in the field of security and military studies through field work or further research. She is currently also working as a team member in the national museum of royal navy, Portsmouth. She holds her masters in political science and Bachelors in political science and history from University of Delhi, India. Rupak have experience in working and volunteering with NGOs and different organization back in India. Apart from her academic interest, she is also a trained Indian classical dancer and have immense interest in art, culture, music and books.
It's great to have you on board Rupak!
What we have been listening to
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
Do get in touch if you have heard a fascinating podcast or you have been involved in one, we'd love to include it in a future newsletter.
July Twitter Hour: 'Military leadership'
Edited by Lucy Robinson
July's #TwitterHour on the theme of 'military leadership' happened on Wednesday 26th July. Thank you very much to all who took part by sharing their responses and reflections to the four questions. #DefResChat
Q1: What area of military leadership are you exploring now, either through work or study?
- I am not strictly studying military leadership but I am looking at military cultures which are informed by leadership. And am always fascinated by the different examples of leadership I observe in all different aspects of life in formal and informal settings.
- Exploring the RAF’s attitude to risk to better understand what leadership needs to be doing in this area. The RAF has not faced a peer competitor for decades but understands the need to change.
- I would recommend the Haythornthwaite Review of Armed Forces Incentivisation which talks about moving inclusion away from D&I and into mainstream reporting: Agency and Agility: Incentivising people in a new era - a review of UK Armed Forces incentivisation - GOV.UK (
- I've just finished looking at leadership in the British Army during the SWW. Specifically, on ways it effected fighting power at unit and fm level.
- Battle planning.
Q2: What four words comes to mind when you think about military leadership?
- Living the core values.
- Sometimes misguided. Sometimes brilliant. Can I have 4 more words? Please more politically independent. And 4 more? Dependent on the individual.
- I'm going with 'Misunderstood, assumed drill sergeant.' Although I think 'White, male, hopefully changing.' also applies.
- Trust and example always.
Q3: How has military leadership changed over time?
- That’s a difficult question and probably one for a PhD. Social media has probably changed things. Does that make it more performative??
Q4: In your opinion, how do you foster military leadership?
- Diversity in leaders. Engagement with histories of military leadership beyond the mainstream stories to foreground different leadership styles and their application in different contexts. Perhaps new histories will begin to acknowledge forgotten leaders and their contributions.
- Well I don’t obviously as someone who is asked to challenge. But more genuine empowerment, less bureaucracy. Lots of this in DCP23 but they are just words for now. There is some will behind that though. Changes of political leaders will affect this too. Let’s hope so.
Thank you to all who took part! #DefResChat
What we're reading
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
The War Came To Us: Life and Death in Ukraine
Christopher Miller
This book is the author’s first-hand experience of the Russian War in Ukraine, and it includes front-line dispatches and interviews with various people.
The book also provides a brief history of Ukraine and outlines some pivotal events that preceded the war, such as the Euromaidan revolution. But the book’s most compelling part is the one that sheds light on the current war. It depicts how the Russian forces destroyed places like Bucha, Bakhmut and Mariupol, and the horrors people went through, bringing the reader closer to the war.
You can get a copy here.
On the Crisis of Boko Haram: Terrorism Causes and Perspectives
Sogo Angel Olofinbiyi
This new book provides a general introduction to terrorism studies, looking at its different causes and perspectives, and the factors that sustain terrorism. Then, the book focuses on the case of Boko Haram, going beyond the traditional explanations of terrorism to explain the conflict in Nigeria and the rise of Boko Haram. It looks at the conflict through the socio-economic perspective, and in the same vein provides recommendations on countering terrorism.
You can get a copy here.
Edited by Andre Carvalho
The FiMT Research Centre team are delighted to announce the date and location for our upcoming 2024 FiMT Research Centre Conference. Be sure to add this to your calendars and look out for upcoming updates about registration, abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations, and award nominations.
Don’t miss any conference updates by signing up to our newsletter at the bottom of our homepage here.
The KCMHR Veterans Mental Health Conference will be held in the same location on Tuesday 14th May 2024. For information, join the KCMHR mailing list here.
If you would like to advertise any upcoming opportunities, please let us know via email.
Edited by Andre Carvalho
Evaluating the Intellectual Project of Critical Military Studies: its First Decade in Review
Contributions are being sought for abstracts to be submitted for a Special Issue proposal to Critical Military Studies, the purpose of which is to offer a critical evaluation of the intellectual project of the journal as it reaches its ten year anniversary during 2025.
For more information please see below.....
Calling all innovators, academics, industry partners, investors and start-ups based in Spain! On 20 July at 1000h CET, INCIBE - Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad and Spain's Dirección General de Armamento y Material (DGAM) will run an infoday/webinar on initiatives in the field of #cybersecurity, and a second part exclusively devoted to DIANA. The event will feature DIANA's Chief of Staff, Moritz Zimmermann, who will discuss DIANA's three challenges and the application process.
DIANA’s pilot challenges to #deeptech #startups and other innovators are open until 25 August 2023. If you’re an #innovator with a disruptive idea for a dual-use solution to our challenge problems in energy resilience, secure information-sharing, or sensing and surveillance, you should apply now for DIANA’s non-dilutive #grants, starting at EUR 100,000, and its unique accelerator programme. Details on!
As always, keep an eye on our Twitter for new events and opportunities posted/retweeted every day!
Planning a future event?
If you are planning a defence-related event and you would like to reach an audience of like-minded researchers, we'd love to come along! Drop us an email and we can include it in our next newsletter.
If you are interested in any of our events but don't want to go alone, or simply want to expand your network, please reach out on Twitter or drop us an email and we can connect you with fellow DRN members who may be planning to attend.
We will be taking a well-earned break in August so our next newsletter won't go out until the end of September on the theme of 'Creative research dissemination' (but you can keep sending things in to us and we can save them to the next edition).
We hope you've enjoyed our news, tips and recommendations so far. In case you missed our previous newsletter editions, check out our archive section here!
As usual, we will be looking to showcase some early-career researchers in research spotlights in the newsletter so don't be shy! And we welcome any suggestions for 'in conversation with' pieces with more established academics. And let us know about any relevant events, from book launches to webinars. We'll keep an eye on our Twitter account to keep you posted!
Keep an eye on @DefenceResNet for more information and check out the website for a preview of the questions for the next #DefResChat. You can also find all our previous #DefResChats on the Archive section of our website. Make sure to tag @DefenceResNet and hashtag #DefResChat to join the conversation.
See you soon and many thanks for being part of our network!
Do you have a blog or publication you would like to promote? Don't hesitate to share it with us via email and we can add it to our newlsetter.
Thank you so much for joining our network.
Have you recently won an award, had your paper published, launched a book or are you organising an event? We want to hear from you! We are always looking for new content for our newsletter and would love to showcase the great work of our members.
For queries, more information, or just to tell us about yourself, don't hesitate to contact us on Twitter @DefenceResNet or at
The DRN team