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Dearest ecovillage network,

We write to you from a place of deep love and support after a week of in-person meetings at the European Ecovillage Gathering in Germany where we focused on healing, strategy, and connection. The strength community provides does not cease to amaze and delight us and we hope to continue visiting gatherings held in all of the GEN regions. You can witness our joy of being together here.

This month you will find us celebrating more togetherness as we hear from the Kincentric Leadership project, our 2023 online EDE, the regions that make up the Global Ecovillage Network, and our partner organizations in building a regenerative future. 

We hope you take from this month's newsletter tools, inspiration, and a sense of belonging and connection to an impactful global network.  We ask that you leave a small donation in support of the continuation of our work to link and support ecovillages, educate the world about them, and grow the regenerative movement. 

In awe, appreciation, love, and gratitude, we thank you for the work you do in building and sustaining ecologically conscious communities, carrying this beautiful network forward into a regenerative world. 
Celebrating the first interviews of our Resilience Podcast, coming soon! 

Join us in conversation with experts from ecovillages and beyond as we explore what it really means to live in a time of deepening polycrisis and the ways in which many forms of community nurture seed of hope, passing on the ways in which they have learned to be resilient.
The celebration continues with the completion of our second Kincentric Leadership retreat in Devon, UK which explored Sound, Silence, and deep listening with the more than human world with a truly impressive group. 

Click the image above to read the full story and learn about and from those who participated. 
As the Youth in Action project took a pause in July, this month we bring you an exciting update from our previous Youth Project, Twinning Regenerative Educators. To complement our versatile and well utilised ecovillage design cards, we’ve added a new tool, specifically developed for educators and youth.

Read the full story here!
This month we are celebrating those who embarked on the online Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) learning journey. Thank you for joining us in making sustainability education a global phenomenon! To kick off our celebrations, we hear from the support team of this year's online EDE. 

Read the full story here. 
We have more news from last year'sTwinning Regenerative Educators project! Kuthumba Ecovillage located in South Africa is searching for a part-time Self-Directed Learning Facilitator to join their Learning Center. 

Learn more about the opportunity here. 

The Dances of Universal Peace workshops are coming back to Asia this year! Jorge Arjun Calero, one of the senior mentors of the dances, is coming back to Asia to further nurture the seeds that were planted last year.

The sessions this year will happen in 10 different countries of Asia!
Read the full story here. 

GEN-Japan's learning programme met last month for a Watershed Walk that lead from the mountains through the river to the sea. GEN Japan was joined by 16 Leaders and activists who gathered for team building based on the ScienZ method (📽️).

Learn more about As One Suzuka Community who hosted the event and their philosophy.
GEN Europe gathered for their annual General Assembly, reconnecting and revitalizing the network.

Read the full story from GEN Europe

Photo: Angel Matilla
The European Ecovillage Network gathered from 12-17 July in Nature Community, Bavaria, to activate hope with the help of Joanna Macy's Work That Reconnects

Read the full story from GEN Europe

Photo: Ana Correia
Celebrating the emergence of an open-source research project, Ecovillages & Intentional Communities Energy and Climate Action Research Project, which aims to collect any and all practical ideas and case studies about energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy, and integrated food-energy-water systems from ecovillages and intentional communities around the world.

The project creator, Tom Stanton, invites you to add relevant information about your ecovillage or intentional community, describing the tools and techniques you are using to reduce fossil fuel energy use. 

Through the European Day of Sustainable Communities (a.k.a. EDSC) ECOLISE aims to celebrate thousands of transformative community-led initiatives across Europe.

This year, they would like to raise awareness by bringing the campaign to the digital landscape and they are preparing a video collage to be shared on September 23rd. To join the campaign, take a picture of a community celebration around a table and upload it on their website before September 17th. They also encourage you to share the photo/s on your social media accounts, tagging @communitiesforfuture and using the hashtag #JoinTheBigTable, letting the world know what achievements you are celebrating this year.

If your organization is part of the ECOLISE network, you are eligible to be awarded free access to Greg William’s “Candid Photography Skills” Masterclass!

📽️ Click here to watch the pre-campaign video, read the toolkit on how to participate and upload your pictures.

Our friends at Gaia Education have many exciting upcoming opportunities from Sustainability for Teachers, on the 21st of August, to a Webinar Series, with Rosemary Morrow on the 11th of August, Jeremy Lent on the 25th of August, and Prof. Jem Bendell on the 9th of September.

Are you a certified designer of sustainability through the EDE programme? Join a training of teachers (ToT) at Damanhur , 3-9 September, or continue your learning journey online with a Training of Multipliers ToM, which starts on the 25th of September!

Last, but certainly not least, there will be another opportunity to gather in person or online for Catalysing Communities, A European Gathering for Building Connections & Capacity, 19-20 September, in Brussels, Belgium. 
On behalf of the International Communal Studies Association (ICSA), I write to encourage members of your community to submit proposals for the online conference we will be holding in January 2024 on the theme of “Building Communities for Global Social Change.” The deadline for proposals is September 29, 2023, and you can find the call for papers on ICSA's website at .

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Global Ecovillage Network, 2023.
Registered charity: SC043796. Consultative status in the UN – ECOSOC.201

All content on this newsletter is licensed under under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

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