Be sure all staff members are receiving the C2P
and please share relevant information with your volunteer leaders. Click here to sign up. Click here for archived C2Ps.
Recording and materials from last week’s training webinars
for parish and school staff input sessions
Last week, there were two training webinars to review the Partners in the Gospel consultation process for the upcoming parish and school staff family input sessions between August 10 and September 8, 2023. Click here for the webinar recording and materials provided during the webinar.
How do I pray? How can I know what God wants me to do? Where is the Lord leading me? Discernment groups led by priests are forming for young men to address these questions. Using True Heart from the Sacred Story Institute, these young men will be engaging in spiritual exercises to help them grow closer to the Lord, consider their vocation more deeply, and grow in openness to following God’s will in their lives. Learn more | Bulletin insert
View this month’s newsletter and learn more about youth minister and volunteer training and formation opportunities, as well as coming events for middle school and high school students. If you are not receiving youth ministry announcements by email, please contact Lisa at to be added to the list.
Important information about the WSCC’s support position for Referendum 101 and explanation of SB 5599, plus U.S. Supreme Court decisions supporting religious liberty and more. Read in English and Spanish
All waves are onboard with ParishStaq. Adding Waves 8-11 introduced Vietnamese and Spanish simultaneous interpretation during the Tuesday sessions. Korean interpretation is coming in the near future. Priest and deacon ParishStaq Training is Aug. 24. Monthly check-in meeting is Aug. 9. Learn more | Visit our website.
If you have not done so, now is a good time to start preparing
content for your Annual Report to Parishioners (not to be confused with the PAR from PFS Chancellor’s Office). This report provides a recap of parish events and activities (and financial data) from the past fiscal year and is usually distributed in late August or in September. To see examples of various reports from past years, click here.
• Your opinions matter! Please take our 6-minute ACA survey here.
• For parishes that have a weekend Hispanic Mass and have NOT YET made goal, we suggest you take up a once-a-month ACA collection (weekend of your choosing) through the month of September.
• Campaign status report for week 14 (available after 3 p.m.)
Come to one session or all four – Aug.14, 15, 16 and 17. All sessions are from 10 a.m. to noon on Zoom. These sessions are free and open to all. Registration is required. Email to register. Flyer
At Home with Faith will be taking a pause to re-evaluate its content and usage. We are grateful to have been part of your prayer life and ministry for the past three years. For questions or feedback, please email
A friendly reminder that parishes (including their schools) are not exempt from paying Washington state sales tax. So whether the entity you are purchasing from is located in Washington state, or outside of Washington state, you should be paying sales tax.