
Greetings friends
Thanks to all of you for sharing so much of your precious and sacred time with me.  We have had the warning, and I hope you have been keeping clear of the mob and the mob mentality. 

Its dangers cannot be underestimated.  But – it is all mobs and all mob mentality, and that can and often does include friends; government; groups – social, occupational, other; educational; and let’s not forget religious mob mentality – one that dominates throughout history.  It is everywhere.
In ancient times we were blessed with a wonderous group of writings known as “wisdom literature.”  It flourished in the Near East, with some of the earliest writings being Egyptian, going back to the 3rd millennium before the common era.  And so it seems – since the beginning of time, man has sought a little more wisdom, common sense, and decency.
It revolved around understanding or attaining wisdom – something we all can still strive for and is most well-known and appreciated during the biblical period – several millennia later - for books like Ecclesiastes; Psalms; the Book of Job; Proverbs, and others – books you all are familiar with - and one of the great early biblical writers was ben sirah – who wrote about a group known as “ha’cham” which meant wise ones, who were the original instructors of law and ritual and from them came “masters” to learn from, which is actually where the word rabbi comes from – rav – great one; master.
But – by the time of later temple days – things had changed – and warnings were issued about following blindly, such as this one - “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.  So, you must be careful to do everything they tell you.  But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 
Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.  Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
Mobs, hypocrites - Maybe things have not changed as much as we think.  Seek wisdom, and you will know inside yourself as you grow in it.
Our promised land is just over the horizon; it is within reach, just as each of us has our own Promised Lands in reach – for some, it is attained; for others, it too is just over the horizon, and for some, there is still a wilderness to cross.
The people are camped on the banks of the Jordan, assembled to hear the words of Moses.  We are about to begin the last of the five books of the Torah – the book of Deuteronomy – a Greek term meaning restatement of the law; from the Hebrew – Mishna ha’Torah – a copy of the teaching – and while it is a summary with some modifications – it is best captured by the Hebrew name – Devarim – the words.  It was a book missing for several hundred years.
Words were and are at the root of all creation.  Words can be used to destroy and to build.  It is words that move us; it is words that inspire; it is words that teach.  From the words we will be reading, we will be moved; we will be inspired; we will be taught.  We learn about our intention and what it sets in motion; we learn to unite, to help, to support.  Yes, words can be used for more nefarious purposes, but that is the choice we face in life.  We seek the balancing point, the center.  We are our own world of opposites – high/low; up/down; introvert/extrovert; lone wolf/social creature; puritan/hedonist; believer/skeptic.  We see balance, and much of the journey we have been on together has been in search of that balance.
We are never just one thing – we are all, and we constantly grow and change.
This episode will be posted on our channel - click here to watch the Rabbi David Gellman Show in the 2023 cycle.  And if you are one of the people this was sent to by a friend and want to receive it yourself, let me know, and I will add you to my mailing list.
Thank you all for allowing me into your homes, into your electronic devices, into your hearts – as you are all with me in mine.
Be well, be happy, be healthy, be free, be kind, be forgiving, be compassionate, be independent of mind and deed, be mindful of your intentions, and be good to yourself.  Continue to celebrate freedom of choice in your life and do not give in to the fear which is so prevalent, and enjoy the peace that comes from acceptance – and as always - if you have any questions or suggestions or want to say “hi,” please send me an email.  I love hearing from you.
And remember, anytime you do not want to receive these anymore, please send me an email so I can remove you.  And know - that I truly appreciate your sharing your sacred time with me.
Enjoy and celebrate your life and the lives of others, and in doing, be safe, my friends, be happy, and may you all sow the seeds of and reap the rewards of peace and love and miracles and make sure you also celebrate your unique individuality and your incredible awesomeness. 
Continue celebrating love; continue celebrating freedom; send renewal and goodwill out to everyone in the world – it is an energy that cannot be stopped - and remember – your world is what you make it.  Just wish upon a star and continue to be a miracle in someone’s life and light the light of love wherever you go. 
Blessings, and share your love

Respecting our past.  Putting faith in your future
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