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Issue 121 ~ 28th July 2023


When I am invited to do an interview on radio, TV or the press, one of the most common questions I am asked is to give my five top tips for losing weight. My response is simple:

  1. Eat three meals a day.
  2. Cut your portion size by 20%.
  3. Stop snacking completely.
  4. Eat unlimited vegetables.
  5. Go for a 30-minute walk every day. 

Another statement I make is that if we all stopped snacking, there would not be an obesity epidemic in this country. And I honestly believe that.

When Mary and I wrote our book The 28-Day Immunity Plan in 2020 the focus was toward boosting our immunity after the horrors of the pandemic. We learned so much on that journey, and putting it very simply, our overall message in the book was to stop eating rubbish and exercise more!

Whilst I created a very different kind of eating plan, Mary designed a highly effective progressive exercise programme - a perfect combination and it worked. In fact, it has gone on to change people’s lives in ways we could never have anticipated. Some of you will have read in our Newsletters when we have described the success of staff and officers from Leicestershire Police who have transformed their wellness, weight and fitness as a result of following this Plan.

The key to that success is to eat food that nourishes and keeps us feeling fuller for longer. This way, our body feels healthier and we have no need to snack. So, how do we do this?

The foods to avoid:

  • White bread and processed cereals such as rice crispies or cornflakes offer little nutritional value because they are so highly processed and they have virtually no fibre. We desperately need fibre to have a healthy gut.
  • Cakes, biscuits and snacks are made with hydrogenated fat and lots of sugar – both of which are really bad for us. They don’t satisfy us but they contain loads of unhealthy calories.
  • Savoury snacks are full of fat and artificial flavouring with virtually no nutritional benefit. They don’t fill us up and are bad for our health.
  • Take-aways and fast-food are unhelpful for our health too. They are expensive and their nutrient and fibre value is low because they are so processed. They do not satisfy us for long either.
The key to healthy eating:


  • Have some protein at every meal (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, nuts, grains) it keeps us feeling fuller for longer.
  • Eat healthy carbs (wholegrain bread, basmati rice, pasta, sweet potatoes or new potatoes with their skins and high fibre cereal) it keeps us feeling fuller for longer. Eat those and you won’t need to snack.
  • Eat fruit in our daily diet (it needs to be in moderation because of the sugar content – two portions a day is ideal) Fruit gives us valuable vitamins and fibre.
  • Soups for lunch (even better if homemade) are amazing nutritionally and have been proven to keep us feeling fuller for longer.

 We don’t need snacks! We just need to eat healthily, three times a day.

If you are trying to lose weight, watch your portion sizes at meal times. Use our Portion Pots® to help you. I always use the blue one for rice and cereal otherwise I would get carried away!

If you are a regular snacker, it will take time to re-train your stomach and your brain. By following The 28-Day Immunity Plan you will see for yourself the transition that takes place in your approach to eating. it will transform how you feel, as well as your health and wellbeing.

The golden key to eating healthily is to understand that foods high in fibre will keep your blood sugar level, because they take longer to be absorbed by the body. If you don’t experience those hunger dips, you won’t be tempted to snack. It really is as simple as that!

Healthy Eating
Rosemary gives an overview of different food groups including protein, carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, fats, drinks, sugars.

Recipe of the Week

Serves 4 
Per serving: 288 calories, 5g fat (excluding rice)
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 25 mins

4 skinless chicken breasts
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
2 tsps garam masala
1 x 2.5cm (1in) piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped
2 red onions, diced
1 red and 1 green pepper, seeded and diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 small red chilli, seeded and sliced
juice of 1 lime
2 tsps vegetable bouillon stock powder or 1 crushed stock cube
900g tomato passata
1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint
fresh mint leaves to garnish

  1. Slice the chicken into bite-sized pieces, season with black pepper and place in a bowl. Add the cumin, ground coriander, garam masala and ginger and mix well.
  2. Preheat a non-stick wok until hot. Dry-fry the onions, peppers and garlic for 2 - 3 minutes until they start to colour.
  3. Add the chicken and continue cooking for 5 - 6 minutes until the chicken starts to change colour. Add the remaining ingredients except for the fresh coriander and mint. Reduce the heat and simmer gently for 20 minutes.
  4. Just before serving stir in the coriander and mint. Spoon into a warmed serving dish and garnish with mint leaves.
  5. Serve with boiled basmati rice. To cook the rice place 1 Blue Portion Pot® (55g, 208kcal) of uncooked rice per person in boiling water with a vegetable stock cube. Cook according to instructions.

Chef's tip: You can substitute diced beef or lamb for the chicken - just allow 20 minutes extra cooking time for the meat to tenderise. For vegetarians, Quorn fillets work really well.

Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I remember when I was a little girl my Mother would be outraged if she saw people eating in the street - she considered it to be very bad manners! This was in the 1950s when rationing was still around and food was in short supply, so snacking was virtually non-existent. How times have changed! Now it is a common sight on our streets and nobody is too bothered.  

However, I am sometimes confused when I see a burger, for example, being eaten in the middle of the afternoon, and I ask myself whether it is a late lunch or an early dinner!  Sadly, the chances are that it is simply a 'between meal' snack!

The food industry had a new opportunity to change the way we eat after the publication of the 1977 dietary guidelines. Previously a common breakfast was often the full-English, but we were then told that it was killing us with too much highly saturated fat. So, the new 'healthy' low-fat, high-sugar breakfast cereals were produced. That resulted in a craving for a mid-morning snack because they just didn’t satisfy us.  

Those of us of a certain age will remember the advertising slogans that used to encourage us to eat between meals: ‘A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play!', ‘Have a break, have a Kit Kat!’ and I think it was Milky Way that boasted that it was 'The sweet you can eat between meals without ruining your appetite!'  We were led to believe that you needed a snack to get you through from one meal to the next and it needed to be high fat and high sugar!  We now see it for what it is – just a marketing ploy, as the snack industry is now worth billions!

In the UK we are now very used to seeing people eating in public yet some of our European neighbours, such as in Italy for example, will never be seen eating on the run. It is just not a part of their culture. It is also estimated that in the UK we eat 6 - 7 times each day, whereas in France it is only 3 - 4.  In Spain they tend not to eat breakfast at all and begin eating around lunchtime. A significant difference then, between us in the UK and the rest of Europe, which is why, maybe in part, we have a far bigger obesity problem.

One of the important features of The 28-Day Immunity Plan is the suggestion that you do not have any snacks for the entire 28 days – and there are many reasons for this. The premise of this eating and fitness plan educates us away from the unhelpful habit of calorie counting and toward eating healthy, regular meals that satisfy your appetite so you don’t feel hungry.

Snacks can add 100s, if not 1000s, of unhealthy calories every day. Most of them are from ultra-processed foods and are loaded with fat and sugar. They contain little or no goodness - just unhealthy, unnecessary calories. Even the so-called ‘health bars’ are sugar-laden so sadly they are far from healthy!   

So, what is ultra-processed food? In a recent television programme with Professor Tim Spector, he highlighted the ultra-processed nature of snacks, and in a recent podcast he encouraged us all to never snack. Most ‘ultra-processed’ food is disguised as real food, and mostly combines highly refined carbohydrates (bad carbs), saturated fat (bad fat) and little or no fibre (which is bad for our gut). Such foods are absorbed very quickly, giving almost no nutritional benefit. He terms it as causing 'metabolic chaos'! A message Rosemary and I totally endorse.  

So, let's explore why we need to eat healthier food to help us to ditch that mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack.

The Sugar Roller Coaster

If someone eats a highly refined sugary breakfast - typically a processed (as opposed to a natural) cereal and/or white toast with jam or marmalade - they will most likely get a sugar spike soon after.  By mid-morning their blood sugar levels will have plummeted so much so that they may well get a terrible craving for more sugar. At their mid-morning coffee break, they are likely to grab a biscuit or two or even a chocolate bar!  

Similarly, an energy dip can occur mid-afternoon following a white bread ham sandwich and blueberry muffin eaten at lunchtime. Again, temptation beckons from the biscuit tin two hours later. Finally, and the worst timing of snacking we can have, is one late evening (after 9pm). The reason late evening snacking is discouraged is because it needs to be digested, preferably before you go to bed.  

We now know that the very best thing we can do to boost our immune system is to go for a longer period of not eating overnight to give our gut the opportunity to be 'cleansed' as we sleep. Studies have also shown that the later we eat, ironically. the greater our hunger we will be the next morning.

This constant roller coaster of eating processed foods that don’t sustain us, and eating unhealthy snacks in between meals, leads ultimately to inflammation of our gut, putting us at higher risk of illness and disease. So, let’s make our eating times work to allow for our digestive system to work, rest and repair.

Make your own lunch or picnic

How about this for a scary statistic: Fast-food outlets can number as many as 69 in one square mile! Add to this frightening fact that it is often difficult to access fresh, wholesome food on the high street or at the adventure playground, so it is not surprising the fast-food outlets are winning! 

Whether you need to take something to eat for lunch at work or for a day out with the family, it makes so much more sense to try to develop the habit of planning in advance, so you can make your own healthier alternatives.

Some useful tips:

  • Ensure your meals are high in fibre and contain some protein because they both take longer to digest and will keep you feeling fuller for longer so you won’t get ‘energy dips’.
  • Avoid snacking just because it is a habit.
  • If you do need to snack (due to a delayed meal perhaps) then go for a piece of fruit or carrot sticks to tide you over.
  • Keep alcohol to the recommended maximum number of 14 units a week. Alcohol is sugar and the calorie content of alcohol at a meal can often be higher than the food!
  • Amazingly, 40% of people who eat a high-quality diet (which we recommend through The 28-Day Immunity Plan) don't ever snack, simply because they don't need to!
  • Following an exercise session, don't ever think you have burned off the equivalent calories of a sugary, high fat snack because the chances are you haven't – nowhere near!

When I was growing up, I also remember a couple of other common slogans that became stuck in our minds... 'An apple a day keeps the Doctor away' and 'Go to Work on an Egg' … now I believe both of those could be re-invented for this next generation!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Walk for 30+ minutes every day and think of your daily walk this week as an amazing calorie burner and avoid having anything to eat after it unless it is at a usual meal time!
  2. If you get the urge to snack this week do 3 ‘exercise snacks' instead: eg 10 worktop press-ups; 10 'sit to stands'; go up and down stairs 5 times consecutively! You will have forgotten all about eating when you have finished!
  3. Then try some valuable core work – try a bit of Ballet or Pilates 3 times this week.
Did you know... 

Back in the day when there was only one TV channel that carried advertising, we all seemed familiar with the slogans, but just who wrote them?

‘A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play’. That was the advice written by the late Murray Walker, the Formula One commentating legend, who had a career in advertising before he moved into sports commentary. 

'Go to work on an egg'  was attributed to the late author Fay Weldon. Like Murray, she worked in advertising before finding fame, and helped to create the campaign for the Egg Marketing Board in the 1950s.

"Naughty but nice." In the 1980s Les Dawson and Roy Barraclough, dressed as their alter-egos Cissie and Ada, sold us fresh cream cakes - using the slogan conjured up by the "Satanic Verses" author Salman Rushdie.

In 50, 60, or 70 years' time will we still remember any of the current slogans and reminisce about how advertisements used to be in the 21st century?

And finally...

Having written my column, and learned from Mary’s views on snacking, I found it fascinating to remind ourselves of the basic principles of The 28-Day Immunity Plan. Prior to writing the book, I had not appreciated the filling-power of fibre. Also, I hadn’t appreciated its value in boosting our immune system and my own daily diet has been transformed as a result of eating more fibre. It is so much simpler to have three proper, healthy, fresh meals a day and to feel satisfied after each one.

We really hope you will be able to kick the snacking habit.

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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