Rain or shine, this is a vibrant part of the summer in gardens - and at Riverside! Our displays are currently providing a parade of colour from Dahlias, Echinacea and many other dazzling perennials. Come and see us soon to have a look - and in the meantime read on for planting inspiration, top tips and more...
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It's a Dahlia-fest at Riverside

It's definitely Dahlia season now - and our current Dahlia display is a riot of different colours and flower styles. Part of the fun of these plants is just how varied they are - from delicate single flowers to vast 'dinnerplate' blooms to pompom shapes that you want to just reach out and touch! They grow well in sun or part shade and are equally suited to borders or pots.

Our top care tips for Dahlias:
  • Deadhead the flowers regularly and they should keep flowering and flowering, right up to the frosts.
  • Beware of earwigs, slugs and snails, which are all fond of Dahlias. A trick for capturing earwigs is to place upturned flowerpots filled with straw or shredded paper on canes near your plants. They should hide in there during the day, making it easy for you to remove them. For slugs and snails, you could try organic slug pellets or sheep's wool pellets around the base of the plant to deter them. 
  • Tall varieties may need support, as the stems can become quite heavy when in full bloom. You can tie the stems into canes or use a pre-formed plant support to help keep everything upright.
  • Be sure to feed your Dahlias to keep the plants in good health all summer and to ensure a steady stream of flowers. You can use a liquid feed every week or two, or you could apply a slow release fertiliser in spring.
  • Finally, once winter comes, lift the tubers or protect them in situ with a mulch of straw or similar.

Edible gardens: what to sow and plant now

The period from July to September is sometimes called the 'second spring' when it comes to vegetable growing because there are so many things you can still sow to get crops in late summer, autumn and even winter. 

Check seed packets for guidance on individual varieties, but in general here is a list of things that can be sown now and in the coming months:

Oriental Greens (such as Mizuna, Mibuna and Mustards)
Salad Radishes
Spring Cabbages
Spring Onions
Winter Radishes (such as Mooli)

You can also sow green manures in areas of the veg plot that are currently empty of crops. These help to build and maintain soil health on your plot. We have a range of green manure seeds available in the shop, and just ask if you'd like any help choosing.

If you prefer buying ready-to-plant seedlings, we still have veg strips available for some varieties, including salads and brassicas.

We still have some soft fruit and fruit trees in stock and these can also happily be planted now (especially with the recent rainy spells we've had, which help to keep new plants well hydrated as they get their roots established).

Happy growing!

Prairie planting

As we move later into summer we have a wider selection of perennial grasses on offer, including varieties like Miscanthus and Pennisetum. These taller grasses provide structure in a planting, and their showy seed heads give texture and interest now and throughout the months ahead.

These grasses combine beautifully in a sunny spot with other prairie style plants, such as Echinacea, Achillea, Verbena, Rudbeckia, Coreopsis and Helenium. These perennials provide colour through the summer and into autumn and, like the grasses, can provide continued interest (and value to wildlife) even later into the year if their seedheads are left to stand.

If you would like to introduce some prairie planting into your garden and need a bit of help getting started, just ask and we'll do our best to advise!

Unicorn magic continues

Finally, just a brief reminder that our special visitor, Mike the Microbial Unicorn, will be here throughout the school summer holidays. Come and visit if you haven't yet! It's all part of Unicornfest, which you can read more about below. We hope to see you soon!
Unicornfest at Riverside

Happy to help.

If you have any questions at all then please feel free to contact us, we'd love to hear from you!

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