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September 2023

To our colleagues, partners and community members, 

Welcome to the Joint Office of Homeless Services monthly newsletter! 

Learn about our collective work and shared commitment to addressing homelessness in Portland and throughout Multnomah County.

If you are experiencing homelessness and need assistance,
please call 211 or go to
Question of the Month
Is there a shortage of affordable housing in Oregon?

(scroll to the bottom of the newsletter to see the answer)
Supportive Housing Services: Q4 Report

On August 15, the SHS team submitted our Q4 (Quarter 4) report to Metro, which highlights Multnomah County’s SHS work from April to June of Fiscal Year 2023. 

The report represents the culmination of not only another quarter of SHS programming in Multnomah County, but also the end of year two of SHS implementation across all three counties. This quarter we had an opportunity not only to reflect on the last three months of work, but also to consider our progress within the broader scope of the SHS timeline. 

In year two, SHS funds supported: 

  • 624 people to move from homelessness into permanent supportive housing 
  • 694 people to move from homelessness into rapid rehousing, and
  • 5,380 people to avoid homelessness and stay in housing with homeless prevention. 

Charisse moved into a new apartment in the Hattie Redmond building, thanks to the Supportive Housing Services measureOverall, Multnomah County served 6,698 people with SHS funds, and exceeded last year’s SHS outcomes for moving people out of homelessness and back into housing.

This report would not have been possible without our cross-department partners and the many teams and individuals across the JOHS who compiled stories, data, and financials that together paint a picture of SHS impact in addressing homelessness in Multnomah County. Our collective efforts in Q4 give many reasons to celebrate the continued fortitude and innovation of our providers and staff as we navigate the challenges of implementing these historic funds, and find solutions together!  

You can read the full report on the JOHS website here.

Celebrating New Affordable Housing
On Sept. 12, Catholic Charities of Oregon held a groundbreaking celebration for the Francis & Clare Place, a 61-unit permanent supportive housing project that's planned to open in 2024. The Joint Office will be funding the on-site services at the project, made possible thanks to the voter-approved Supportive Housing Services Measure.

"This project shows what’s possible when we join together to solve homelessness, braiding together our resources to create a solution that responds to community need," said Dan Field, the director of the Joint Office.

Artist rendering of the new Francis and Clare Apartments


Jessica's Story
Just a few months ago, Jessica was in a situation she never thought she’d be in: homeless and living in a tent under the Steel Bridge.

"I was raised pretty well off,” she said. “I never thought I’d be that person that's walking downtown, not knowing where to go or living in a tent.” But after receiving services through the Joint Office of Homeless ServicesHousing Multnomah Now pilot program, working with Transition Projects, Jessica is living in a one-bedroom apartment and working to get back on her feet.



$17 Million Allocated for Shelters & Support
The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners on Sept. 7, 2023 approved $17.6 million in one-time funding for new shelter sites, workforce supports for service providers, rent assistance, and employment programming — finalizing investments outlined in an administrative corrective action plan to address underspending of Supportive Housing Services dollars.
Cole Merkel, co-director of the
HereTogether Oregon coalition that helped create and pass the Supportive Housing Services Measure, expressed support for multiple investments, but especially highlighted the capacity-building grants.

Andrew Hoan, right, leader of the Portland Metro Chamber, and Cole Merkel, co-director of Here Together, both urged the Board to approve a $10 million allocation for capacity-building and workforce supports for service providers on Sept. 7, 2023“While working on the front lines of homelessness can be rewarding, it involves long, demanding hours to support people in crisis, making do on shoestring budgets, and earning low to modest wages,” Merkel said. “Nobody doing this lifesaving work should have to make the gut-wrenching decision between buying groceries and making rent. You have the opportunity to make tangible changes for our frontline workers. Please vote yes on that $10 million package and get the funds out into the hands of our nonprofits.”

                                Read more about the funding allocation

Heat Outreach/Cooling Centers 
The month of August brought with it an extended period of extreme heat. Outreach workers from JOHS-funded providers panned out across the city to provide water, ice and information about cooling shelters to people struggling to survive outside. These cooling centers are places where people can not only get out of the heat, but also connect with resources and organizations that can provide case management and a path back into housing. This video features provider Cultivate Initiatives.
Wage Study Report
In August, the Joint Office released a wage study that analyzes wages, employee satisfaction, and workforce stability at 20 community-based service providers contracted with the Joint Office of Homeless Services. Read the study here. The study reveals that many of the employees at the organizations have trouble making ends meet with their current wages, with only 31% saying they felt their compensation allows them to take care of their basic needs. Half of employees surveyed said they were likely to look for a new job within the next year.

“These findings reinforce what homeless services providers have been saying for years: that they aren’t adequately compensated for the challenging work they do on the frontlines of our community,” said Daniel Field, director of the Joint Office of Homeless Services. “Low wages result in high turnover rates, slowing our progress in delivering housing and homeless services to our most vulnerable community members. That’s why the Joint Office is increasing the resources we dedicate to our contracted staff. Strengthening the workforce is key to accomplishing what our community demands of us: moving people off the streets and into housing,”
New Program: The Butterfly House
Young person wearing yellow shirt, smiling. standing in front of white wire sculpture of a faceThe Butterfly House Program is a dedicated housing initiative through New Avenues for Youth and the New Day Program, funded and supported by the Joint Office of Homeless Services, aimed at supporting young individuals aged 18-25 who have survived sex trafficking or exploitation in the sex trades. Participants can stay for 12-18 months, after which they can access a move out fund that can be used for deposit or rent. 
The Butterfly House Program is a holistic approach to skill building and community support for young survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation. By nurturing the individual's autonomy, fostering a sense of belonging, and addressing their immediate needs, this program not only aids in healing but also lays the foundation for long-term recovery and independence.
Notice of Funding

NOFA: Homeless Housing Response & Capacity Strengthening (NOFA #2023-9) 
We are pleased to announce the release of the Homeless Housing Response and Capacity Strengthening Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). This NOFA provides resources for developing service-enriched housing for people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness, veterans, and domestic violence survivors in rural communities and helping rural communities increase capacity to develop service-enriched housing.

Funding Sources and Amounts:

  • HOME ARP development: $25 million 
  • HOME ARP operating support and capacity building: $3 million 
  • GHAP capacity building: $2 million 

NOFA materials, important dates, and information can be accessed at 

Those who completed pre-applications by August 11 are eligible to apply. Questions regarding this NOFA should be submitted to with “Homeless Housing Response NOFA” in the subject line.

Full NOFA applications are due Friday, October 13, 2023 by 4 p.m. PST. 

Multnomah County Increases Landlord Engagement
Multnomah County is launching a new Landlord Liaison Team!

Operated by New Narrative, the team will be a system-wide resource to secure permanent supportive housing opportunities for households with tenant-based Regional Long-term Rent Assistance (RLRA) vouchers.

The Landlord Liaisons (now hiring!) will establish a network of landlord partners and work with supportive housing service providers to find units that match the needs of RLRA voucher holders. With almost 100 RLRA-funded households currently looking for housing, this new resource will improve the housing search process and get folks into their own apartments faster! 
Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month - September 15 to October 15From September 15 - October 15, 2023, we celebrate the histories, traditions, and cultures of Hispanic and Latinx communities and the challenges they face with homelessness here in Multnomah County and across the metro. Whether it's our unhoused neighbors who are at risk of or experiencing houselessness by themselves or in a small group or familial setting, it is important for us to always advocate for equitable access to resources, culturally-responsive support services, and policies that not only benefit QTBIPOC folx, but everyone who is experiencing homelessness. A shout out to local community organizations like: Bienestar de la Familia, Catholic Charities of Oregon, El Programa Hispano, Hacienda CDC, IRCO, Latino Network, and so many more for working specifically with Latinx communities and people!
Community Resource Fair
Four Joint Office staff members standing behind a display tableJoint Office staff joined staff from other County Departments and community based organizations for a Supportive Housing & Community Resource Fair in the Hazelwood neighborhood of East Portland on September 9th. The event included on-site mental health services, clothing & hygiene distribution, mobile showers/grooming stations, information about housing and employment resources, free meals and music.

JOHS staff shared information about how people can access housing services through the County's Coordinated Access system. The Joint Office plans to be out and about at a number of upcoming events, so look for our table and come say hello if you see us! Hopefully we will be able to answer any questions.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
Attend one of our advisory board and committee meetings below! Learn about the Joint Office's work, bring a community perspective to our decision-making, and make recommendations on programs, services and policies. 

Continuum of Care Board
Thursday, September 21st, 2023  ⋅  11:00am – 1:00pm
Click here for Virtual Meeting
More info about the Continuum of Care Board.

Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Advisory Committee
Thursday, September 14th, 2023  ⋅  3:00 – 4:30pm
Click here for Virtual Meeting
More info about the Supportive Housing Services Advisory committee.

For more info on our advisory boards and committees, including meeting links, agendas and other materials, please visit

Please email us at with any questions.
Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness:
►  Who to Call for What - a list of hotlines, helplines and other useful phone numbers.

►  Visit Oregon Law Help or Oregon Renters Rights for information about rental assistance and eviction protection.

►  Rose City Resource Guide from Street Roots - includes an updated, searchable list of food, housing, transit and other resources for the Portland area.
Racial Justice & Equity Resources

►  Data on Race, Ethnicity and Homelessness: A report from the National Alliance to End Homelessness.

Resource Guide: Race and Homelessness: A guide produced by the Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative at Portland State University

Multnomah County Workforce Equity Strategic Plan: How the County is addressing historic and institutional inequities within local government.


COVID-19 Updates

► If you test positive with an at-home test, you can self report your positive test to the Oregon Health Authority. Call the hotline at 866-917-8881 or text OHACOVID to 61222, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Upcoming COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Multnomah County 

Regional COVID-19 Dashboard: Case data from MultCo, ClackCo, WashCo and YamCo.
JOHS Employment Opportunities

Budget Analyst - Applications due September 26
Shelter Strategy and Operations Manager - Applications due September 26
Supportive Housing Services Manager - Applications due September 15

Partner Org | Employment Opportunities
Answer to the Question of the Month 

Yes! There is a shortage of affordable housing in Oregon. The National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates that Oregon is 109,682 units short of what is needed for extremely low income households (ELI), whose incomes are at or below the poverty guideline.

According to a recent report on OPB, "More than half of renters in the state don’t have enough money after paying rent to afford other basics, including food, child care, internet access and transportation. Because the state’s housing inventory is so limited — Oregon simply doesn’t have enough units for the number of people who need them — there are limited rental vacancies, so landlords can raise rents with few repercussions. As a result, Oregon is among states with the lowest supply of rentals that are affordable to people at or below poverty levels. (A unit is considered affordable if it costs someone 30% or less of their income.)"

Key facts: 141,795 or 23% - Renter households that are extremely low income

Thank you for reading our newsletter. It is important that we continue to recognize the underlying issues that make homelessness so pervasive in our society: from structural racism and disparities, to the economic and social impact from COVID-19, to the lack of affordable housing that makes homelessness unavoidable for so many local households.

We would like to hear from you: ideas, feedback, suggestions and connections. Your feedback can help shape our work in the community. Please reply to this newsletter with your ideas for features, things we should include or questions you have for the Joint Office.

Please share this newsletter in your circles and with anyone who would like to learn more!

Thank you for your work and your interest in helping our unhoused neighbors get the support they need to get into housing, so that we can collectively end homelessness throughout the PDX metro and make anyone's experience with homelessness temporary and brief.

                                                                           -The Joint Office of Homeless Services
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