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July 25/23

🍁 VHL Dialysis No Cure
I used to automatically think and feel that all cab drivers looked down on me because I was ‘sick’ and ‘took advantage’ of government benefits. Also, I just looked like someone who could possibility fit a stereotypical profile

However, after a couple of years, I started to feel less frustrated and more assertive (or honest) in these situations. For example: I believe that clarifying some simple facts about my disease (kidney, VHL and my whole self) inspired an “Oh … I didn’t know that!” moment.

For example: if someone on long-term dialysis just stops, then they will die eventually (days or weeks)
**. It’s not a ‘cure’. In addition, I feel hurt (and angry) sometimes when I’m the object of misinformation or stigma about my ‘kind of people’.

* Adult VHL patient, with lots of interesting personal and professional experiences, from Toronto
* For the last 4 years, disability benefits (Ontario Disability Support Program or ODSP: ‘welfare’ for sick people) has paid for 3 days of 2-way taxi rides per week for dialysis

** Kidney Foundation of Canada
Help us to fill a gap in Canada.
We have moderate expenses to operate a peer support network specifically for VHL patients and their families in Canada.

VHL Canada
Registered Charity BN: 800804676RR0001

Our temporary mailing address is:
VHL Canada
C/O: H. Seo
618 Gladstone Avenue
Toronto ON, M6J 3H4


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