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Regular Visits to the 'Balcony'

Dear Reader

Something we do in EOS that's really powerful, is that we regularly lift our clients from inside the business to go start working on the business - to stop working day-to-day and the tactical things and lift them up to do the strategic things. 

I call this "getting onto the balcony" and the image is that you lift yourself up. You look from a balcony down onto the business, down onto your life, and you think of what is going on in the business, what are the systems in the business? You see yourself, from above, in the business: what are my movements in the business? What is the movement of the departments? What is the movement of clients coming in, vendors coming in? How do all those things work together? And you're thinking, from the balcony perspective, how can I improve it? 

Anyways, we do this exercise once a year during our annual where we look back on the past year, and we plan for the next year. What are the 3 to 7 goals that we need to accomplish in this coming year that will serve the company best? We do that also during our quarterlies where we look at the past quarter, we rate it and then we set goals (or we call them rocks) for the next 3 months. 3 to 7 rocks, so that we're focused, that we all work together in the same direction in the next quarter, on a monthly basis or even on a weekly basis. 

I also teach my clients to do a Clarity Break, and during the Clarity Break to go sit somewhere away from work, away from the business, away from home, in a neutral space and think strategically. Do that leadership thinking that's so important. Now, there are different things that I recommend for them to do at their Clarity Break and that we do at the annuals and the quarterlies. 

Talk to me about that, if you want to know more and I'll be glad to also do a complimentary 90 minute meeting with you and your leadership team to tell you more about EOS. 

There you have it. Hopefully this is helpful. Remember to lift yourself up onto the balcony on a regular basis to work on the business and not in the business. And the same goes for your life; lift yourself up to work on your life and not just in your life. 

Have a great week. 
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Best wishes,
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