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September | October 2023


Q&A with Scott Stark, Resonate’s New Regional Mission Leader for the Great Lakes Region

Scott Stark recently stepped into the role of Resonate Global Mission’s new Regional Mission Leader for the Great Lakes Region!
Get to know him and his heart for mission.

Scott has been working in mission-minded ministry since he was a student at a public university. In his new role as the Regional Mission Leader for the Great Lakes region, Scott will be working alongside established CRC congregations, church plants, campus ministries, and individuals to equip them for mission. We had him answer a few questions so you can get to know him and his heart for spreading the gospel.

What’s your favorite icebreaker question, and how would you answer it?
If there was a movie made about your life, what actor would you want to play you, and why? For me, it is Samuel L. Jackson. I’ve never really been cool. But I think if Jackson played me, I’d look pretty cool. Just look at his hats! I aspire to wear hats at the level he does.

Read More about Scott

Prison Ministry Bears Fruit for Church Plant

God is at work through a church plant reaching the growing Hispanic population in West Michigan

One year ago, church planter Pablo Lee started visiting the local prison to fill a ministry need. This summer, two people who were formerly inmates celebrated their baptisms in Lake Michigan.

Pablo was serving as a missionary at All Nations Seminary in Mexico when he felt God call him to plant a church in Michigan. He connected with Resonate Global Mission and confirmed there was a huge need for a church plant that ministers with the growing Hispanic population in West Michigan.

Pablo moved to the area and started spending time in the community to meet people. He struck up a lot of conversations at the laundromat. He led Bible studies at greenhouses and farms for the many seasonal workers who spoke Spanish. He learned that many people didn’t know very much about God or the Bible.

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Upcoming Events

October 6, 2023 - October 8, 2023
Global Coffee Break
Hickory Corners, Michigan

Gull Lake Ministries
1800 Burlington Drive
Hickory Corners, MI 49060
United States

Register by September 22, 2023 - 12:00 am
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God calls all believers to live together in unity, but sometimes conflict causes pain and drives communities apart. So many pastors and believers are at a loss for how to engage and reconcile the pain caused by ethnic and racial differences, political disagreements, generational divides, and so much more in our families, churches, and communities. How do we heal from pain, reconcile with one another, and walk a path forward together? 

That's what Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations is all about. You are invited to participate in a 3-day, 4-night HHTN event to experience for yourself a fresh encounter with Jesus at the cross, which, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is the foundation of reconciliation.

October 8-12 at Maranatha Bible & Missionary Conference, Muskegon, MI

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