Audio Link to this NotificationHERE(7-min/mp3) PLEASE NOTE the above audio has Additional Kelly-Insights and was
created for those times when it is easier to LISTEN than READ.
Hello Everyone! This week, we are in-it now with the Mercury Retrograde through Virgo and misc Activations pushing us to do some self-reflection & self-assessments so that we can heal & integrate on multiple levels and if we do, then we can move into the future with less excess baggage, emotional debris & physical stress. These Retrogrades are helping us dial-in our self-love & self-value and deepen our dedication to living with more authenticity & personal integrity.
Upcoming EVENTS: Aug 30th :: SPIDER Medicine ($25) Sept 7th :: LEO/INNER Initiation - Venus Circle ($25) Sept 13th :: Sept Money Pouring Ritual ($5+) Sept 14th :: ASTEROIDS/Sacred Feminine 2023-24 (Free) Sept 22nd :: FALL Equinox/FIRE Ceremony (Free) Sept 30th :: YeYe Luisah Teish's Bookparty (Donation)
PS :: Please check-out the Audio linked HERE as it has more additional insights and details about upcoming Events + Resources Below!
PPS :: If you are interested in ordering a Mercury Retro in VIRGO Reading + Activations for $50 HERE, please reply to this email and let me know.
OneLove Kelly M Beard::Your Mystic Mentor
Shamanic Astrologer :: Earth Medicine Practitioner JOIN/LogIN to Kelly's Private Online CommunityHERE
Weekly Forecast :: Aug 20 - 26, 2023 Read Post HERE :: Listen to Podcast HERE :: Watch VideoHERE (Audio/Video = 20-min)
It is my pleasure to serve in this way, so thank you again for being
part of my ever-expanding Power Circle Global Community!