In this Newsletter...

Take The Tour

Making History

Many People Ask

Take The Tour

There is much to learn in the world of vibrational medicine, to include the studies of the relatively
new science of cymatics. We receive hundreds of questions daily about our Acoustic Meridian
Intelligence devices, Cymatherapy and how making sound visible can help everyone.
Our website is packed full of wondrous things to read, some of which may not be apparent at first
glance. So, we decided to take you on a “tour,” to point out “little jewels” of knowledge that you
definitely will not be able to find anywhere else.

For those of you who are interested in Cymatics, click on Soundflower on the tool bar at the top of the
homepage. This will connect you to the story of the birth of the Soundflower Experience, and
features a short video of the rough footage used to create our real, (not digitally created), cymatic
You can also click on Cymatic Healing Arts, which will lead you to discoveries on how to utilize
the power of the visual aspect of sound imprinted on many of our products.
If you are interested in reading Sound Science articles, visit our Blog, where Mandara provides great
insight on the science of sound and why the AMI devices work best. There is much information to share!
We Welcome All New Owners and Our New AMI 850 Training Students to!
Making History
Cymatics ISTA Conference Video
In 2017, Cyma Technologies produced a “sound event” in Atlanta, GA, to promote the science of cymatics and the use of therapeutic sound. This conference was full of firsts!

Mandara Cromwell gave a presentation entitled, “The Mystical Side of Cymatics,” revealing her spiritual experiences and sound discoveries, during her travels throughout
the world.

The program also included guest speaker British acoustics researcher, John Stuart Reid,
who gave an enlightening presentation on how to measure energy. During it, he explained how
the cells function, which allows for creating the matching vibrations in frequency healing,
effectively bring the cells back into harmony through entrainment.

The Cymatics Arts were represented in the work of Professor James Oliverio, who created a
short film entitled, “Full of Stars.” In it, he took the cymatic images of the Chinese medicine “five
elements,” and through the technology at the University of Florida, was able to make these
images 3D.  Oliverio, a popular classical music composer, created a sound track inspired by the
sound of the frequencies, which actually created the images.
Our own Sound Education Director, Kate Holland, a well-known contemporary dance
choreographer, premiered her first video utilizing cymatic images, entitled, “dance divine.” The
audience was treated to her video performance and original soundtrack, which utilized dance,
yoga, and the cymatic images of the healing frequencies found in the Cyma Technologies
Acoustic Meridian Intelligence
In every enriching presentation during the conference, the healing power of sound was witnessed.
The collection of beautiful images, spiritual journeys and the science interwoven into each
aspect, made for a wonderful evening of firsts.
All of these presentations are available in the Cymatics Conference Video found in our website store.
Go to  Scroll down to the image you see in this
newsletter segment, where it is easy to purchase.
Please enjoy this on a larger screen (rather than a phone), with your friends and family, for an exciting and educational look into  the world of sound and vibration.
Many People Ask …
With Mandara 

Many people ask, do you have frequencies for_____(fill in the blank with any cognitive, autoimmune,
neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive or nervous system disorders, sports injury or joint
and muscle pain; whatever the condition or diagnosis). The short answer is yes. There is a frequency
formula for everything. However, it is important to understand that the recovery from the disease,
or dis-harmony process involves many frequencies, not just one.
This may be a little difficult to understand, due to the fact that when we visit a western medical
doctor, they prescribe a pill to address the symptom of that ill. Over the past decades, our society
has developed the line of thinking that the prescribed pill will be fast acting, and we will then
be able to get on with our busy lives. At Cyma Technologies, we sometimes take into consideration
what western medicine has diagnosed, but we don’t stop there. We use the perspective of treating the
root cause, as opposed to one or more pills to address one or more symptoms.
I ask that you put on the lenses reflecting our approach and take a look at your discomfort or dis-ease
from this perspective…
To continue reading this article, please go to our blog
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Thank You For Surrounding the World with Healing Sound!

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Disclaimer:All content in this newsletter is the freely-expressed, individual opinions of all those involved. Cyma Technologies does not recommend any particular supplement or treatment option for any medical health condition.  We do not intend to replace the need for professional advice in any way.  Ultimately, it is up to you to work with a qualified, medical professional and make an informed decision.  The information here within is for educational purposes only.   
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