
"Storytelling as a Framework for Engagement"

Storytelling is a powerful way to connect with people. Narrative is how we think, remember, and relate to the world around us. When we hear stories, our attention focuses, our compassion increases, and our behavior changes as a result. This method is especially effective for high-level policy conversations that can be hard to understand even when the impacts to your daily life are profound. Stories can make the abstract more tangible to the average resident.
In 2020, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) began updating the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (SMTP). The SMTP is the state’s highest-level plan that sets policy direction for decision making for 20 years. It includes overarching objectives, performance metrics, and strategies for all modes, some of which are based on public engagement that focuses on the “why” behind people’s perspectives on transportation.

MnDOT’s approach took it one step further than collecting input. First, they gamified input by creating a “Transportation Mode Lib”  where participants filled in the blanks with a story about how they move throughout the state. In this game, participants expressed where they go, how they get there, how they would like to get there, and their hopes for the transportation system. Focus areas emerged from the stories that confirmed transportation priorities. 

The focus areas were then turned into 3-5 minute stories and illustrated by a local artist and compiled into a comic book on the following topics:
  • Aging infrastructure
  • Climate change
  • Economy and employment
  • Equity
  • Safety
  • Transportation options

Two-way storytelling centered the human experience. The message presented back to the public was a relatable story, rather than a series of technical graphs and jargon. That way, the message could hone in on a purpose of connecting, encouraging, guiding, or persuading the audience to elicit feelings and action. For instance, if the purpose of the story type is to connect, then it is designed to make the audience feel heard and safe to open up and share ideas. If the purpose is to encourage the audience, then the story is designed to make them feel inspired and supported so they can take ownership of the project.

For the remainder of the process, MnDOT continued to provide forums for residents to share their stories in a variety of formats. Importantly, they practiced active listening to ensure that their efforts to improve transportation networks address the public’s current reality and desire for a safer and better integrated future.


Hally Turner (she/her), Minnesota Department of Transportation, Policy Planning Director
Katie Caskey (she/her), HDR, Strategic Communications Manager 

Opportunities to Connect

We look forward to connecting with you in the Emerald City! Opportunities to connect with fellow Midwest chapter members and chapter board members at the conference will be announced soon. One way to connect is at the Welcome Reception. Follow the chapter signs during the reception to find other members.

Please reach out directly to Midwest board members Dan and Anne Carroll.  

What's of Interest to You?

The Midwest Chapter needs your help. Chapter members and friends of the chapter are invited to lend their creativity and support volunteering for any of the following focus areas:

  • Communications, which helps keep members informed of chapter happenings. Following the 2023 Spring Conference, help author session summaries of your favorite session so we can share some of the key takeaways with chapter members. 

  • Membership, which helps provide a meaningful IAP2 membership. Help establish and support Local Networks and develop virtual engagement opportunities.

  • Conference, which helps plan the chapter's annual spring conference. Help guide the work of conference subcommittees.

  • Training, which helps support individuals and organizations interested in bringing an IAP2 training to an area within the Chapter.

For more information about how to get involved, please email us at


Stay Tuned!

IAP2 Midwest call for self-nomination for board positions will be coming out soon! There are three opens seats and the terms are set for three years (2024-2026).

Do you know someone who might be interested in these updates? Be sure to forward this email along!
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