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EAGLE Training Application  |  State Statutes  |  Resources


AUGUST 17, 2023

Engagement in Elder Abuse Prevention

EAGLE is committed to building strong relationships with the people we serve, and that’s why we’ve created a variety of resources to help law enforcement keep their communities engaged and informed on elder abuse. To assist in outreach and training efforts, EAGLE has developed materials you can customize and download to use for social media and community presentations on elder abuse.

Our thanks to the National Center on Elder Abuse for the use of STEAP – Supports and Tools for Elder Abuse Prevention customizable materials.

FREE Ready-To-Use Outreach Kit


A Reality TV Star's Telemarketing Scheme

Financial Elder Abuse happens in so many ways.  Here is a prominent example taken from the news.  Hoping to build her hobby into a business, Penny takes an online training course in social media marketing. After this initial small investment, she is flooded with calls from companies selling different website services. They promise big returns, but her investment of more than $30,000 with multiple companies doesn’t lead to a single sale. Penny reports the scam, but it’s not until she gets a call from a news producer that she learns that the person behind the scheme is none other than The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Jen Shah.
Listen to AARP's The Perfect Scam podcast to learn more about the reality TV star's telemarketing scheme. 


Certified NW3C Elder Abuse Course

EAGLE has collaborated with the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) and created a free online training covering the main features of the Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement (EAGLE), and introduces types of elder abuse. 

This course has been certified by the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) as part of the National Certification Program. In POST Certified states, a certificate of completion for this course may also grant credit. If your state does not participate in the National Certification Program please let us know and we can work with you to explore the possibility of local or state certification credit for this course. 


We Are Updating State Specific Laws

Use EAGLE's State Specific Laws to learn about the elder abuse statues, elder abuse charging information, consumer protection statutes, and state mandated reporting laws in your state.

As you navigate the laws in your state, if there is new information we should add to EAGLE or if you ever come across a law that needs to be updated, please let us know and we will make the changes.The EAGLE Team really appreciates when you provide us with changes and updates in your state.
Email us at with any updates. 


Elder Abuse in the News

  • Property Manager for Senior Residential Buildings Pleads Guilty to Financial Exploitation of Two Elderly District Residents Read More

  • California Attorney General Secures Convictions in 'Horrific' Abuse Case Read More

Training from EAGLE Team 
The EAGLE Team can provide an in-person or virtual training for your organization. Visit our Training Application to request a training today! 
Copyright © 2022 EAGLE Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
National Center on Elder Abuse
c/o University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
Department of Family Medicine and Geriatrics
1000 S Fremont Ave, Unit 22, Building A-6
Alhambra, CA 91803

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