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Issue 125 ~ 25th August 2023


It is human nature for us to try to find a solution to any problem that costs us less time, energy or money. I think we all love a bargain and we are always particularly interested in finding a quick fix when trying to become fitter, slimmer and healthier.

So, when recently the news broke that we don’t, after all, need to walk 10,000 steps a day to achieve optimum health benefits, it attracted a lot of media attention.

A sense of relief washed across the nation for anyone wearing a FitBit or smartwatch as they realised that they didn’t actually have to be a slave to the regular messages appearing on their ‘fitness gadget’ encouraging them that they 'only have another 1730 steps to go' to achieving their 10,000 steps a day.

I wear a FitBit and its record of my daily steps certainly motivates me to move more. But when Mary wrote in her column in our Newsletter a few months ago that, in fact, we don’t need to do 10,000 steps every day and that there are just as many health benefits from doing 7,500, I was relieved. It eased the pressure on those occasions when, at bedtime, I looked at my day’s step-count and it was only 8,300 so I took a reluctant labrador, BB, for yet another walk around the garden to try to reach my 10,000-step goal. I now don’t feel that pressure.

As you will read in Mary’s section later, there are even health benefits from walking only a few thousand steps each day. This is very good news for anyone who maybe finds themselves not as mobile as they would like. We can all benefit from walking – even going for just a 5 or 10-minute walk three times a day can make a big difference because it helps our heart to pump the oxygen all around our body, from our brain to our toes, so that our body works better.

Walking is undoubtedly good for us and that’s why every week we ask our readers to undertake 30+ minutes of walking every day. Not only is it good for our heart and lungs, it is good for many muscles around our body, our bones and our mental health - plus, a 30-minute walk burns around 150 calories – five times more than if we were sitting in a chair. Walking in a natural environment is also a tonic to the soul and we feel refreshed when we have finished our daily constitution. But the benefit is even greater than that.

As we grow older it is even more important that we keep ourselves mobile. Walking keeps our feet and legs strong. Walking helps to keep our weight in check. Walking helps with our general sense of balance and mobility – so please don’t underestimate the benefits. Not keeping moving can cause serious problems.

Peripheral Arterial Disease
Did you know that we have a pulse in our legs and feet? If the pulse is very weak or undetectable, it may be that you are suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD) which is quite common among elderly and inactive people.

If your GP thinks you might have this problem, he or she will check over your legs looking for symptoms such as shiny skin, brittle toenails, leg ulcers and a weak or non-detectable pulse in your legs and feet. These symptoms are a sign that your circulation of blood around your feet and legs is poor. What is the best thing we can do to help make it better? The NHS website says:

  • One of the best exercises you can do is walking. It's normally recommended that you walk as far and as long as you can before the symptoms of pain become intolerable. Then rest until the pain goes. Begin walking again until the pain returns. Keep using this "stop-start" method until you've spent at least 30 minutes walking in total. Do this several times a week.

Walking costs nothing yet it can transform our health, and if we get into the habit of walking every day, hopefully, we will never suffer from such a disease and our circulation will work well throughout our lifetime. I do hope so.

So why bother Exercising?

Rosemary asks Mary Morris MSc., choreographer of the exercise routines on our website, why exercising is even more important as we age. Mary explains that, no matter at what age you start, the benefits are swift and remarkable.

Recipe of the Week

Serves 4
Per serving: 390 calories, 7.7g fat
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 25 mins

500g Quorn® mince
2 leeks, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tbsp finely chopped sage
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
1 tsp vegetable stock powder
1 egg, beaten
500g tomato passata
1 tbsp chopped fresh basil, plus extra for the garnish
1 tsp runny honey
200g (dry weight) pasta shapes
freshly ground black pepper
10g low-fat mature cheese to serve

  1. Place the Quorn® mince in a mixing bowl. Add the leeks, garlic, sage, mustard and stock powder and mix well. Mix in the beaten egg, then divide the mixture into 20 golfball-sized balls.
  2. Preheat a non-stick pan sprayed with Frylight rapeseed oil then dry-fry the meatballs, browning them on all sides. Add the tomato passata, 1 tbsp of basil and the honey and season with black pepper.
  3. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in a pan of boiling water, then drain well and transfer to warmed serving bowls.
  4. Spoon the sauce on top and garnish with the remaining basil and a little grated low-fat mature cheese. 
If you prefer you can substitute beef, chicken or pork mince for the Quorn®
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

The recent controversy surrounding how many steps we should be doing every day does not surprise me one little bit. For many it has become a bit of an obsession with constant checking to see how many steps they have done or, for an even larger group of people, it has been dismissed as being too impossible to achieve, sending them back to the comfort of their sedentary lifestyles. It has almost become like a big black 'step' cloud hanging over the majority of the population!

The number 10,000 originated from a marketing campaign in Japan, linked to the 1964 Tokyo Olympics by the Company Yamasa Tokei Keiki and called manpo-kei , which translates as the 10,000 step meter and quite simply that figure has stuck. I must say that the number does have a certain 'ring' to it and there is no doubt that for some it has worked in encouraging them to be more active. But at that time there had been no research linked to how many steps will improve our overall health and it is only in recent years that its true worth as a target has been tested.

I acknowledge that 10,000 steps is a difficult target to achieve, even for those of us who are pretty active and almost impossible for those in sedentary full-time jobs, or for that big chunk of the population who simply don't like to move much. So, let's look at the latest research and unravel the whole issue, so we can start to take a realistic approach to it.

How many is enough?

In short, we can reap excellent health benefits with a far lower step count than 10,000 but it is true to say the more you do the better.

A study in 2019 found that the mortality rate of older women (with an average age of 72) decreased as their step count increased. This showed that, long before reaching 10,000 steps a day, they were seeing health benefits. 

They discovered that those taking 4,400 steps a day had a 41% lower risk of dying than those taking 2,700 or fewer.

Interestingly, the study found that the health benefits of doing 10,000 steps a day were no greater than doing 7,500! I have known this for a long time now and told all those I train with that 7,500 steps a day should be their aim if they want to maximise their chances of living a long and healthy life as it is much more achievable.

European Journal of Preventative Cardiology

Another study, recently published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, involved more than 200,000 people. (Of course, the more people participating in any study, the more robust the results.) Interestingly, the study suggested that walking even as few as 2,337 steps a day was enough to reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, but for every extra 1,000 steps a day, the benefits kept on increasing.

Our Daily 30-Minute Walk

We may be covering around 1½ miles in our half-hour walk and that, on average, equates to about 3,000 steps. This gives us a good chunk of our required 7,500 steps a day. Then, if we get up out of our chair at regular intervals during the day, we can almost certainly reach our goal. Of course, some days are naturally more active than others so aiming for a weekly total of 52.500 steps would be perfect. All that moving around more is called our ADLs (Activities of Daily Life) and here are a few suggestions to up that number:

  • Drive our car short of our destination and walk to where we need to be.
  • Never leave things at the bottom of the stairs, take them up each time.
  • Get up and move around whenever the adverts are on the television.
  • Always take the stairs rather than a lift whenever the opportunity arises.
  • Dance around the kitchen to a great piece of music on the radio – my favourite is Barry White, You're My Everything!

100 Steps per Minute

Try adding some 'pace' to your walks then it’s not so much about the number of steps you take but how hard you are working when doing them! That's when the BIG health benefits come – pushing the cardiovascular system to transport more blood to the working muscles, improving your heart and lung fitness. If you use the stopwatch on your phone and walk at your normal pace, you can count how many steps you do in exactly one minute. I found I did 100 in 55 seconds showing that my normal pace is effective. If you find you are really quite slow then a good way to 'up the pace' is to gradually increase your steps per minute. Try walking a little faster from one lamppost to another and then slower to the next one. You will be amazed at how you gradually become accustomed to walking faster.

I started a ‘steady’ walking group recently as I realised that my regular walking group had become ‘super-walkers’, going at too fast a pace for many of my other members and therefore they were being unwittingly excluded. My 'steady group' is now increasing their pace and getting faster. I know, because we are covering our regular walking routes a lot quicker than when we started a few months ago.  It works – it really, really works!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. On your daily 30+ minute walk try doing the '100 steps in one minute challenge’ and see how you compare. If you are short of 100 steps then test again at the end of the week and see if you have upped the pace a bit.
  2. Decide on the days you plan to do your 3 strength workouts this week and ring the changes by doing one you have not done for a while or better still, a brand new one! Why not try Pilates, Ballet, the Seated Strength Workout or one of the Toning Band Workouts?

  3. Go back to the Balance Exercises on the website or, at the very least, check you can stand on one leg for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Did you know... 

While 100 steps per minute may sound fast, it's a long way behind the speed of the amazing tap dancer Roy Castle. In 1973 he earned a place in the Guinness World Records for tap dancing the greatest number of steps in one minute - an astonishing 1,440 steps!

He also achieved a separate record when in 1985, at the Guinness World of Records exhibition, in Piccadilly, London, he danced one million taps in 23 hours 44 minutes, raising £1 million for charity.

Roy Castle OBE (31 August 1932 – 2 September 1994) was well-known as a singer, comedian, actor, tv presenter and musician. He appeared in Carry-on films, as a guest star on Morecambe and Wise, acted with Ronnie Barker and Jimmy Edwards, and once stood in for Bruce Forsyth hosting an episode of The Generation Game. From 1972 - 1994 he hosted Record Breakers, a children's show on BBC1 during which time he broke 9 records himself.

He died of lung cancer which, as a non-smoker, he attributed to passive smoking from playing the trumpet in smoky jazz clubs, and towards the end of his life he set up the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. His widow Fiona worked with the charity after his death and campaigned for the British smoking ban, which came into effect in Northern Ireland in 2004, Scotland in 2006, and England and Wales in 2007, banning smoking in virtually all enclosed public places.

And finally...

Life is so precious it makes such sense to do everything we can to help ourselves to stay as healthy as possible for as long as we can. The simple act of going for a 30-minute walk every day can make such a tremendous difference to our health and wellbeing as well as to the length of our life – and it will add a valuable few 1000 steps to our daily step count - so what are we waiting for?

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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