It was 40 years ago that a group of us decided to go on a pony trekking weekend in the Brecon Beacons. We travelled by minibus and finally arrived at a pub/B&B in the Welsh countryside.
After we had settled in, we met in the bar and ordered food. I ordered steak and chips but when it arrived, I had a shock. It was served on one of those serving platters similar to one that my mother used for the family Sunday lunch - roast beef, roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and so on. Yes, my steak and chips were served on an enormous serving platter! The steak was huge, the chips were enough for at least three people, as were the mushy peas, onion rings, mushrooms and the token tomato!
I ate as much as I could, but it didn’t look as though I had eaten anything! The weekend was a great success and as well as enjoying the horse riding and making new friends, I met Mike. That weekend was the beginning of our wonderful relationship and this year we celebrated our 37th Wedding Anniversary.
Now, back to portion sizes.
If we are trying to lose weight, how much we eat is critical. If we eat more calories than we burn in our daily life, we gain weight. We all know that. If we eat fewer calories than we burn each day, we will lose weight. If we add in some extra activity in the form of walking or strength exercises, we will lose even more weight. It is simply a matter of physics. You might like to watch my video How to lose weight which explains this principle.
All of my diet plans over the years have been based on restricting fat and calories and exercising more, and if someone comes to me and says ‘I’ve followed your diet but I’ve not lost any weight’ I know immediately what the problem is. Their portion sizes are too large.
Before you think you are going to be hungry from eating smaller portions, it isn’t necessarily so. The key is to fill our plate with low-cal foods like salad or vegetables so we feel we have eaten a normal-sized meal. Another important fact is to realise that by eating more protein and healthy carbs, in a sensible portion of course, they will keep you feeling fuller for longer.
My earlier books suggested readers weighed out their various foods for each meal but that is very time-consuming and often too much trouble. And therein lies the problem. Most people just don’t bother and that’s why I created my Portion Pots® - still one of the most popular products in our shop. I use mine all the time.
In the mid ‘90s I was a Consultant for M&S for their ready meal range. They were looking for advice on how to create a range specifically for anyone wanting to lose weight. I asked them how they did it presently and they explained that they took the normal product but just cut back on the portion size so the calories were less. No wonder it wasn’t working.
I suggested that they needed to keep the size of the serving at least the same but to be clever with the ingredients. I explained that people become overweight because they love food and cutting back in quantities will just result in them feeling hungry and possibly even being tempted to eat two portions!
So, for their recipes, they cut back on the fat and bulked up the content with more vegetables or soya, whilst keeping to the principles of the recipe to keep it tasty. They said it was like a light-bulb moment for them.
To market a range for those who wanted to lose weight I suggested they call it Healthy Choice. I also designed a diet for them which they could reproduce as a free diet leaflet for M&S customers in their stores. In the end over 3 million copies were taken.
I worked with them for four years and learned so much about M&S in that time and they learnt from me that portion size was critical to a dieter’s success.
In recent weeks there has been much publicity about the recommended portion sizes of products and how appropriate or inappropriate they are. Which? wrote an extensive report and Mary explains all in her column below.