Here in Oregon, we find ourselves in the midst of an enormous culture war. It’s not unlike other parts of our nation where the far-left is propagating falsehood and purposefully misguiding public opinions. On an hourly basis mainstream media and mindless twitter-bots praise what is despicable and despise what is honorable. They punish noble, patriotic and virtuous sentiments while hurling despair and discouragement  around the local schoolyard like junkyard litter. They applaud falsehood and smother truth under indifference, hypocrisy, insult and brazen lies.

In the 2023 legislative session, eleven Republican and Independent Senators attempted to deny quorum and stop further business in the Senate chamber. Our actions were sound; our reasons were valid; our cause was just, and as I have said before, righteous. Our principles and purpose were and still are valid. Through the full-throttled stoppage of Senate business our goal was to prevent unconstitutional, disingenuous, risky and life-threatening legislative concepts.

Not unlike a workers’ strike, we denied quorum to elevate the voices of our oft ignored minority constituencies.

During the founding era, our nation was continually warned about the vigilance that would be required to keep our Republic whole.

In the past several newsletters I have written about the most egregious bills put forth in the 2023 Legislative session. Bills targeting children, parental rights, increasing access to taxpayer funded abortions and transgender care as well as the ever-increasing assaults on our 2nd Amendment rights. I supplied details with specifics about how parents, their children and all Oregon families and individuals would be harmed.

Here’s a list:
As my newsletters illustrate, Republicans and Independent Senators denied quorum to stop the State from: 
  • becoming the authority over your children and your family’s decisions,
  • furthering unconstitutional anti-gun measures on law-abiding citizens,
  • increasing the healthcare costs for all Oregonians,
  • covering transgender and abortion on demand for all, including minors,
  • providing free abortion and gender-altering care to anyone, of any age, from any state,
  • eliminating the right of patients to seek justice following provider malpractice,
  • sterilizing untold numbers of innocent, confused and vulnerable children.

The Democrat party uses our own tax money against us and our children. The advancing power of the state is like the screw in a mechanical fitting. It is always turning, always gaining, always gripping, always penetrating, forever holding fast to what it gains and never letting go.  

Friends, I believe the casualties and the price Oregonians pay will be high. But I am confident we will win this culture war if we continue to stand on our principles with unwavering fortitude. We must protect our children and never back down from working to restore our God-given rights to life, liberty and our own just pursuits.

Surrender is not an option. 

The question before us is, how do we continue, where do we throw our weight, what battles should we fight?
First, I am currently involved with five other Republican Senators seeking remedy against the Secretary of States for her capricious ruling regarding Measure 113. Essentially her ruling is that the 36 county election officers would not be permitted to accept the filing for office from Senators falling under Measure 113.
Remember, Measure 113 allows the partisan Senate President, who is currently a Democrat, to declare an absence by any member “excused” or “unexcused”. This power was used in a capricious, vindictive and retaliatory fashion against Republicans in the 2023 legislative session.

At the end of 1776, Thomas Paine was sick at heart over the suffering and despair he saw after just six months of tragedy. Yet, he was also inspired by the undaunted resolution of others in leadership. His book The American Crisis, should continue to inspire us.
It begins:
“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. 

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

I will follow Paine’s counsel with all of my might. I will continue to serve Oregonians to the best of my ability. I will continue to work towards a positive, prosperous and wholesome future for all Oregonians. I won't give up and I won't back down from the ongoing fight. 
As summer closes, we confidently move forward. Diane and I send our Best Wishes for the fall season.
As you know lawsuits are not cheap and your help is vital to continue our pursuit of justice in this battle against tyranny.
Thank you for your steadfast support.

Best Regards,
Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate - District 28

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The Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects,
against unreas­onable sear­ches and seizures,
shall not be violated, and no War­rants shall issue,
but upon probable cause,
sup­ported by Oath or affir­mation,
and parti­cularly describing the place to be searched,
and the persons or things to be seized.

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