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Critical Element—Oxygen

See You In Kansas City

The Big Boom

Critical Element

There are hidden causes of many disease processes in the body. One of the biggest ones is a lack of an essential element to all of life—oxygen. This is especially important where memory loss and building our immune system is concerned.

Even though our brains are only 2% of our body mass, they utilize 20% our oxygen. The brain actually uses more energy than any other organ. Our neurons are constantly firing, carrying messages and communicating with all parts of the body. This means it needs a constant source of nutrition in the form of glucose. This is where oxygen comes in. Without it, our brain cannot convert glucose into energy, so its functions shut down.

In some cases, as we age, we lose our capacity to intake as much oxygen and carry it to our brain. To further complicate things, our earth’s atmosphere has rapidly lost its oxygen content over the years, which has also resulted in some of the major memory loss that is now underway. Lack of oxygen triggers runaway inflammation and also triggers our brains immune cells known as “microglia” to attack the neurons. Normally these cells patrol the brain looking for signs of damage or infection. Without oxygen they become overactive and even destructive. They release cytotoxins which destroy the synapses, weakening the brains ability to coordinate activity.

Oxygen is also an essential healing agent. If you are deprived of oxygen for even a short time, the brain cells are the first to die. On the other hand, large boosts of oxygen, harnessed in a specific way are shown to repair the damage. This is a secret key to fighting memory loss and other disease processes.

With the AMI 850, we provide Channel Six—Body Balancing A—to stimulate the mitochondria, super-oxygenate the cells and help build the immune system. Owners recognize this as an extremely important channel found in the Cyma Ten. With the AMI 850 device, these first ten channels build a sound grid to support the body’s systems, all of which need a powerful immune system to function well.

Then we move to the next set of channels-- the Keys To Health. There, you will find Channel Eleven, the Cellular Dance. With it, you will be able to continue your process of restoring the cell function and supporting the body with tissue oxygen frequencies and other energy building components. 

Another beneficial Keys To Health approach is Channel Twelve—Memory and Focus. This can be even more effective when the Channel Six oxygenation protocol has been completed with the Cyma Ten—at least once. When early signs of memory loss become apparent, and the oxygen component has been addressed, using Channel Twelve can be helpful as a preventative measure and ongoing body support for brain health and focus.

With every AMI channel, there are elements which inspire the body to function at its highest potential and restore harmony within it. With our new AMI delivery system that includes tourmaline and germanium in the silicone foot pads, our owners have the extra added benefit of these natural healing elements.

We encourage you to utilize the thirty minutes of your AMI channel to give your undivided attention to your body. That means listening to the sound, observing your body’s response and practicing gratitude for the amazing miracle of sound healing. 

If you would like assistance with your protocols, please feel free to reach out to our therapists for a consultation at

See You In Kansas

The October 20th-22nd 2023 Kansas City event will mark the third Wise Traditions Conference where Cyma Technologies has provided sound therapy for the attendees and participated as a sponsor.

The exhibit space is free and open to the public. If you would like to view and register for the full conference offerings, Click Here.

There are many reasons to attend:

  • Learn how to stay healthy in a toxic world
  • Explore solutions for your health concerns
  • Get clear on which foods truly nourish your body
  • Be a part of a vibrant growing community
Says CEO Mandara Cromwell, “We have met many like-minded people at these conferences who share in  our vision for natural health. The focus of the conference is always about nutrition, new discoveries in the world of health and inspiring speakers who are changing the world for the better.”

Sound Education Director, Kate Holland will also be on hand to offer sessions on the new AMI 850 device to conference participants. “We look forward to seeing many of our old friends from previous years and all of the many new anticipated guests. We invite all AMI device owners to join us at this exciting event which is specially created for learning the latest health discoveries and forming a “sound community.”

To view and register for the full conference offerings, Click Here.

For previous Wise Tradition conference presentations by Dr. Mandara Cromwell, please visit our Library.

The Big Boom

It was a dark and stormy night. There was lightning and thunder. It was also extremely hot outside. Then, I heard a big “boom”. It turns out that an electrical transformer in our neighborhood had exploded. This resulted in a loss of power and two surge protectors in my home being fried. Fortunately, the two AMI devices I had plugged in to the surge protector were not damaged! The surge protectors, did their job!!  Needless to say, we had no air conditioning and the 18 month old refrigerator stopped working.

I share this story with you, in hopes that it will encourage you to use surge protectors with your AMI devices at all times. Sometimes, it may not be a dark and stormy night, rather simple fluctuations in power. For example, have you ever come home from work and needed to reset your clocks or reset appliances? You don’t have to reset anything on your device—but sometimes, an electrical surge can cause you to need a power cord replacement.

I also want to encourage you to imprint water, so that if you are unable to use your device due to a power outage, you will be able to depend on your AMI water supply for a short period, until you can resume your favorite channel on the AMI 850.

I hope this story can help to save you from unnecessary damage to your devices and replacement of power cords. If you do need one, for any reason, just visit our website store.
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Thank You For Surrounding the World with Healing Sound!

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Disclaimer:All content in this newsletter is the freely-expressed, individual opinions of all those involved. Cyma Technologies does not recommend any particular supplement or treatment option for any medical health condition.  We do not intend to replace the need for professional advice in any way.  Ultimately, it is up to you to work with a qualified, medical professional and make an informed decision.  The information here within is for educational purposes only.   
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