
Wait, that’s not he point at all. The point is I have been sick, so we’ve missed a newsletter and might be late on the next one.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share this video I woke up to Youtube autoplaying the other day. I often get served ads for luxury cars in Spanish, professional contractor equipment or Chroh’s disease medicine and think, “My god, Google, I’ve given you access to absolutely everything and you still don’t know me!”

But this was a good call, it gets at a lot of the stuff I like to bring up about control and agency, but expressed by a multi Teen Choice Award winning author and professional YouTuber.


And if that intro didn’t take us far enough down Tangent Road for you, here’s a bit more brain fog stream of consciousness.

My introduction to John Green (the guy in the video) was Crash Course History. I’m pretty sure this series is aimed at high school, or maybe even middle school kids, but 30-something me discovered it one of the many other times I was sick in bed. And it got me actually interested in the subject of History.

I later found out John Green was the author of The Fault in Our Stars… but was originally famous for just being on YouTube with his brother Hank since the old JustinTV days. He’s got no background in History or any other qualifications to be doing this! He just had an unrelated platform, wanted to share the information and knew who to ask to get it (his high school History teacher). His stuff is remarkably well researched and nuanced for 10 minute, half animated videos with multiple running gags.

A few other random links I watched (at least 10 minutes of before falling asleep)