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Dear Friends,

As families across New Hampshire return to school this week, I am very thankful for the teachers, aides, and staff who work so hard to instruct and take care of our children every day - especially in our public schools. This is also an important time to remember that traffic patterns change during the school year, so be sure to give yourself extra time in the morning in case you are behind a school bus. We can all look out for the safety of New Hampshire's children. Here are some updates from what's been a busy summer!

Legislative Updates
This year, I was the prime sponsor of 11 bills, six of which have been signed into law. Four of my bills have been retained in committee and will be addressed in the upcoming legislative session that begins in January 2024. The Governor vetoed one of my bills, and we will see if there are enough votes to override the veto when the legislature meets in a Joint Session for Veto Day on January 3.
Although the 2024 Session does not begin until January, the Fall will be busy in preparation. House and Senate Committees retained approximately 250 bills in the 2023 Session, including four of my bills, and they must complete any hearings or work sessions on those bills before final reports on retained bills are due November 17. The filing period in the Senate for new legislation in 2024 will be open September 28 - October 12, and I am working on bills that I plan to introduce in the coming Session.
In the News

"I saw this being taken seriously and being adopted by other states in the nation, so I decided that it was time for New Hampshire to stand up and take a lead," [Sen. Sue Prentiss] said.

Prentiss started crafting the legislation in the Granite State about a year ago. The kits will now be put in every state building, including rest areas, liquor stores and DMVs.

WMUR, August 28, 2023

Unintentional injury and the uncontrolled bleeding that often follows are one of the top causes of death in New Hampshire among people 1 to 45. Sen. Suzanne Prentiss wants more people to know that and be able to intervene. 

A new law inspired by legislation she sponsored will require trauma kits containing tourniquets to be placed in state-owned buildings that are highly-trafficked because they have many employees or are heavily used by the public, such courthouses, the Department of Motor Vehicles, state liquor stores, and the State House. 

NH Bulletin, August 24, 2023

According to FEMA press secretary Jeremy Edwards, the agency has made climate change a priority under the Biden administration, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law increased funding for the agency’s hazard mitigation program. 

In New Hampshire, state lawmakers created a program last year to help towns with upfront pay for repairs. New Hampshire officials say that is up and running; towns can apply for a loan up to the amount FEMA has said they’ll reimburse.

NHPR, August 22, 2023
Summer Days
Earlier this summer, I visited with the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn about their capacity-building efforts, community engagement, and their renewable energy work! As a long-time local official, I know that we can accomplish great things at the local level - including fighting climate change.
In July, I participated in the New Hampshire Women's Foundation "Run Women Run" program, encouraging women to run for office in the Granite State. I have been proud to stand up for women, moms, and families in the NH Senate. Women's leadership is important for a more prosperous, inclusive New Hampshire.
New London Hospital Days are an amazing community event, and I was proud to see the team NLH EMS connecting with the public about their Mobile Integrated Health program! Here I am with Derick Aumann, Director of EMS, Lebanon City Councilor Karen Liot Hill, and Kate Bidlak, Development Program Coordinator, New London Hospital.
Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington hosted the Governor and Council for a meeting "on the road" at Hypertherm in Lebanon. This gave us the opportunity to highlight some of the very good work being done in the Upper Valley, including the Friends of Mascoma Foundation which fills an important need by providing food for families in the Mascoma School District. The meeting also featured a performance by students at the Upper Valley Music School, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lebanon Fire Department Captain Joel Coehlo.
I recently achieved a major milestone - 30 years as a Paramedic. Prior to that, I served as a Vermont EMT/EMT-1 for 7 years. My career has been dedicated to public safety, and I am proud to bring nearly 4 decades of healthcare knowledge and emergency medicine experience to the New Hampshire Senate.
Happy Back to School to all of the parents, students, teachers, and staff in all of our schools. Our working families in Senate District 5 and throughout the Granite State are always on my mind as I strive to be a "Senator for All of Us." 

Best wishes,

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5
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Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal Agent.
6 Batchelder Ave, Lebanon, NH 03784

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