

Greetings friends
The days are getting noticeably shorter, and it seems the world keeps moving closer to the brink of destruction and chaos.  Let us all hope and pray for things to settle in all those parts of the world engulfed in turmoil.
It’s not just them, but all neighbors can and do suffer by the actions of any.  We are not an island.  The steps we each take reverberate through the corridors of time and space, affecting everything around it. 
It is always time to take a deep breath and focus on peace – internally and externally.  As we each do what we can do ourselves, it impacts the world around us, one atom at a time.  As you expand your energy, you affect everything around you.  That is not a special time, a special thing.  It is always - with everything you do, say, think.
In less than two weeks, we face the mirror of self and stand in judgment, and for ten days, we can reflect, examine, forgive, and renew.  This is not just an exercise we do every year or so; it is an opportunity to clear karma and reconnect to the path of your true destiny.  It is a permanent gift available for anyone, anytime.  It just so happens to come at the time of the heavenly scales when we weigh our souls.
What do you need to think about for the coming of the ten days of awe?
That’s a pretty intimidating kind of term.  How does that connect to New Years?  Is that how you see January 1 or the beginning of any year?
It can be such a misnomer – because, as you Torah readers out there know – this was never intended as a time to mark the calendar - it is the 7th month, not the first. 
So, this year, think of the “new year” as an opportunity to see where you need to make changes in life.  The two equinoxes mark very special times when the world is in balance, and we choose which way to go.
Remember also, you are not only noticed on Rosh Hashanah – your treatment of self and others is something that is with you always.  Where in your life are you treating people as ‘other,’ as ‘alien,‘ not as brother or friend?  The phrase for inscription and sealing – ketiva v’chatima tovah - does not just apply to the coming ten days.
You are inscribing yourself daily.  Treat others as you want to be treated.
This week, we see the actual first liturgy in the bible – the first prayer actually that we know was said and is said no longer.  It brought history and spirituality together and thus tied secular to sacred, past to present, and time to space.  We learn the secret formula for prayer – a regal formula was developed on the basis of identity, flattery, and thanks, entreaty.
“Oh lord, creator of heaven and earth, who delivered us from bondage”– “if it please you, as you have done so often before, for so many, provide peace, security, insight into who I am and give me the power to grant and to seek forgiveness….”
That little prayer has all the elements - I stated the identity of who I am addressing and praised them for things they do and have done, and then I ask for what I am petitioning them for.  This is what the prayer-filled holy days coming up are about, and this is your formula for developing your own.

And this week, we read about the blessings and curses to be ensconced on Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerazim for all to see and remember.
The 12 curses dominate – perhaps one for each tribe, which is one for each person since the tribes are the signs of the zodiac, and everyone on earth is ruled by a sign, and the blessings are dependent on one thing only – obedience to the law. 
Why do we need to be told to be good to others?  Should that not be part of our own internal nature?  After all, we are all the same, all connected, and we cannot hate ourselves, can we?  We are reminded to be good to all to help each other.
Being human means caring for each other, regardless of what we believe or how we affiliate; it is part of our genetic makeup and baked into our being and texts.  Perhaps the best-known text is from the Talmud (Shevuot 39a): Kol Yisrael arevim zeh bazeh, “All of Israel are responsible for each other.”
The word arevim is literally translated as “guarantors,” which implies a true legal obligation.  We, as people, are obligated to be responsible for all life.  Be loving and kind, and see how you feel.  You may like it.
This episode will be posted on our channel - Click here to watch the Rabbi David Gellman Show in the 2023 cycle.  If you are one of the people this was sent to by a friend and want to receive it yourself, let me know, and I will add you to my mailing list.
Thank you all for allowing me into your homes, electronic devices, and hearts – as you are all with me in mine.
Be well, be happy, be healthy, be free, be kind, be forgiving, be compassionate, be independent of mind and deed, be mindful of your intentions, and be good to yourself.  Continue to celebrate freedom of choice in your life, do not give in to the fear that is so prevalent, and enjoy the peace that comes from acceptance – and As always - if you have any questions or suggestions or want to say “hi,” please send me an email.  I love hearing from you.
And remember, anytime you do not want to receive these anymore, please send me an email so I can remove you.  And know - that I truly appreciate your sharing your sacred time with me.
Enjoy and celebrate your life and the lives of others, and in doing so, be happy. And may you all sow the seeds of and reap the rewards of peace, love, and miracles, and make sure you also celebrate your unique individuality and incredible awesomeness. 
Continue celebrating love; continue celebrating freedom; send renewal and goodwill out to everyone in the world – it is an energy that cannot be stopped - and remember – your world is what you make it.  Just wish upon a star or a blue moon, continue to be a miracle in someone’s life, and light the light of love. 
Respecting our past.  Putting faith in your future
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