
Carpentries Clippings, 24 August

#Carpentries25: New Zealand and Australia Spotlight

Image of a group of 53 adults standing and kneeling and sitting on a concrete floor surrounded by ornate pillars under a university cloister

Image by Nicole La Mela of attendees at Instructor training event during the inaugural Research Bazaar, University of Melbourne, February 2015.

Gratitude of the Month

Do you have a gratitude to share? We would love to feature it.

Email to have it posted to our newsletter.

Updates from the Core Team

Community Development Team

#Carpentries25 Anniversary Celebration Series

Thanks to everyone who attended the second event in our series to celebrate The Carpentries 25th anniversary! If you were not able to join us to spotlight the achievements of our subcommunities in New Zealand and Australia, we invite you to check out the recording. The festivities will be ongoing until the end of the year, so be sure to register to receive communications about upcoming events. The next events in our series will be spotlighting the origins and activities of our subcommunities in Africa and Latin America.  

Africa: 28 September 10:00 AM UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

Latin America: October (to be scheduled)

Host a Community Session in Q4

Scheduling for Q4 community sessions is currently open. Between now and 1 September, we would like to invite you to sign-up to host one or more sessions even if you have not been formally onboarded as a Community Session Host. The Community Development Team can provide support for your session or provide you with an onboarding that will take no more than 30 minutes of your time. You can email with your interest, and we will follow up with you.

Community Development Quarterly Meeting

The Community Development Program quarterly meetings are next month: 26 September, 14:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar) and 27 September, 02:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar). These meetings are great for anyone supporting a Carpentries subcommunity or interested in community management. This month, we will spend time discussing development of a series of tip sheets to support our Community Coordinators. You can sign up on the Etherpad if you plan to attend and can continue to receive updates through our Community Development Program mailing list.

Monthly Welcome Sessions

New to the community? Join us for an upcoming Welcome Session! These sessions provide onboarding for new Instructors and are ideal for new Member contacts and anyone curious to learn more about The Carpentries community. This is also a great place to re-onboard if you haven’t been engaged with us for a while! Check out upcoming dates and times and sign up to attend on the Etherpad. If you are interested in serving as a Welcome Session host, please email

Director of Community Office Hours

Join our Director of Community for office hours next month! You can drop in at any point during the hour to ask a question or bring up any topic for discussion.

Curriculum Team

Seeking New Maintainer Community Lead

We will soon be posting a call for applicants for Maintainer Community Lead. An individual filling this role is eligible to earn their organisation a significant discount on a Membership package. Responsibilities of the Maintainer Community Lead include leading monthly Maintainer meetings, recruiting for and assisting with teaching Maintainer onboarding, responding to Maintainer inquiries, and having short check-ins with our Curriculum Team about twice a month. You can find more information about the role in this blog post. Please contact with any questions or to apply.

Collaborative Lesson Development Training Program

In the second half of this year we will be expanding access to our Collaborative Lesson Development Training program. This is a three-day training curriculum teaching good practices in lesson design and development, and open source collaboration skills, using The Carpentries Workbench. The target audience is Carpentries Instructors with an idea for a new lesson they would like to create, especially if that lesson is intended for short-format training (e.g. part or all of a two-day workshop). If you are interested in taking part in the training, please email to receive a notification when training opens.

Workshop Administration Team

Monthly Instructors Meeting

Instructors, be sure to sign up for the next Instructor Meeting, Tuesday, 12 September at 15:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar) and 21:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar). You can sign up on the Etherpad.

Meal Reimbursement Pilot

We are currently piloting meal reimbursements to Instructors teaching online Centrally-Organised workshops. We would like to get as much feedback as possible and need your help. During this pilot phase, we have chosen select workshops across the globe to test the meal reimbursement process.

Interested in finding out more? Visit The Carpentries blog post, Piloting Meal Reimbursement: A Way of Saying Thank You, and check out the upcoming teaching opportunities in AMY. The notes section will indicate whether a workshop is part of the pilot.

Questions? Please email

We hope that you will take part in this pilot, and appreciate all that you do with The Carpentries!!

Instructor Training Team

As of 14 August, the requirements for trainees to complete certification as a Carpentries Instructor have changed! Everyone trained since 1 January 2022 may elect to complete their certification using the new rules. For details, check out our blog post!

Highlights from the Community Calendar

Community Sessions are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on Community Sessions that may pique your interest and are in your time zone. Sign up to attend on the Community Sessions or Welcome Sessions Etherpad.

  • 11 September

  • 13 September

  • 14 September

    • AU/NZ Regional Call at 02:00 UTC (add to calendar)

      • This is a monthly call for community members in Australia and New Zealand.

    • Skill Up: Tips and Resources for Writing Successful and Impactful Grant Proposals at 14:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • In this session, Alycia Crall will share tips and resources for writing successful and impactful grant proposals based on my experiences as a grant writer and reviewer and will invite other attendees to share as well. This session will also include information on all you need to know to build The Carpentries into your grant proposals, from requesting a letter of support to budgeting funds for specific activities. Content from this (and a repeat session) will be shared back with the broader community through a blog post, which attendees will be invited to co-author.

    • Regional DACH Community Discussion at 15:30 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • This is a monthly call for community members in the DACH region of Europe (i.e., Germany, Austria, Switzerland).

  • 15 September

  • 19 September

  • 25 September

    • Regional UK Community Discussion at 15:00 UTC (add to calendar)

      • This is a monthly call for community members in the United Kingdom.

    • Regional US Midwest Community Discussion at 16:00 UTC (add to calendar)

      • This is a monthly call for community members in the midwestern part of the United States.

  • 26 September

    • Community Discussion Session at 18:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Discussion designed for Instructors getting ready to teach or having recently taught to come discuss their workshop with the community and new instructors going through the check-out process.

  • 27 September

  • 28 September

    • 25th Anniversary Regional Spotlight Event at 10:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Join us for the third event in our 25th anniversary celebration series spotlighting our subcommunities in Africa.

  • 30 September

What you may have missed on the Carpentries blog

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Community Opportunity Postings

  • The Carpentries is looking to contract a developer or organisation providing Web Development Services to build a theme for our website using the Hugo static site generator. Closes 1 September 2023.

  • The Office of Informatics and Information Technology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is looking for a Software Engineer to contribute to the innovative informatics efforts for the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR). The Software Engineer will be responsible for working with the Data Scientists and Data Team developing informatics tools and adapting and implementing biomedical data query tools such as i2b2, SHRINE, ENACT, OMOP, OHDSI tools, cBioPortal and other biomedical informatics tools. Closes 27 August 2023.

  • The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), the world's largest archive of social science data, is now accepting applications for a Data Project Assistant to assist with training and outreach website support and project management. Closes 30 August 2023.

  • Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA) is looking for a Research Manager to be part of a vibrant team to deliver a new programme, Leaders in Teaching (LiT), to support teachers and improve teaching and learning in secondary schools in Ghana. Closes 31 August 2023.

  • IPUMS is developing a U.S. record linkage database of unprecedented scale, spanning 1850 to the present, and including information on hundreds of millions of persons from censuses, surveys, vital statistics, and administrative records. They are seeking a Senior Data Analyst to be the point person for this project. Presumably open until filled.

  • The Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE) at Michigan State University invites applications for several Fixed-term Assistant Professor positions with a starting date of Fall 2023. Open until closed.

  • For the second year in a row the biggest gathering of synthetic biology, the iGEM 2023 Grand Jamboree will be in Paris, this year from Thursday November 2nd to Sunday November 5th. They are looking for volunteers to help with the event. The deadline is 30 September 2023.

  • University of California, Davis is recruiting multiple postdoctoral scholars in translational data science to participate in DataLab’s 2-year TRANSCEND Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The positions are open until filled, but initial review of applications received before 23 July 2023 has begun.

  • The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, is seeking a Research Computing Facilitator to provide facilitation, documentation, training, and service request support for Research Computing clients related to scaling computational research workflows on high-performance computing (HPC) resources. The position is hybrid eligible. Presumably open until filled.

  • The US Research Software Engineer Association’s (US-RSE) is looking for a Community Manager to support its members in building their rapidly growing community of research software engineers and in achieving the other components of US-RSE’s mission. This is a full-time, remote position for an initial two-year term. Presumably open until filled.

  • The University of Pennsylvania is looking for a full-time Community Engagement Lead to advance Research Rigor and Open Science. Hybrid/remote options are possible, though some in-office time is strongly preferred (Philadelphia, PA). Presumably open until filled.

  • The Research Engagement department of the University of Arizona Libraries is still seeking to hire a Data Repository Specialist. This posting will remain open until filled.

  • The Story Collider is still seeking to hire a full-time Storytelling Education and Research Director and a freelance producer in the New York City area or on the East Coast and in Seattle. The two positions remain open until filled.

  • North Carolina State is still wishing to hire a Manager HPC Computation Support. Open until filled.

The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and small donations. Donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!

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