
School’s about to begin. Here’s what WFU should know.

Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023

In this issue:

  • Important academic dates
  • Campus safety and security resources; fraud and phishing schemes
  • Campus Health Committee message
  • Are you a first-year student with ideas for how to improve campus life at WFU?
    • Eduroam is the preferred wireless network
    • Verify your cell phone is listed in the “Cell Mobile” field for emergency alerts
    • National Panhellenic Council (NPHC) welcomes four new organizations
    • Wake Forest to explore redeveloping University-owned property adjacent to Allegacy Stadium

Important academic dates

  • Undergraduate students:
    • August 28 — classes begin
    • September 1 — deadline to add a first part-of-term course
    • September 4 (Labor Day) — classes will be held on Labor Day, but University offices will be closed
    • September 11 — last day to add a full-term course
    • September 13 — last day to drop a first part-of-term course
    • October 2 — last day to drop a full-term course
  • Graduate and professional school students should consult their school/program calendar.

Campus Health Committee message

On Aug. 22, the Campus Health Committee shared information regarding healthy habits to prevent the spread of illness. Read the message on the Campus Health website.

Campus safety and security resources; fraud and phishing schemes

  • The start of the academic year is a good time to remind our community about University resources related to safety and security. Read the message from Wake Forest University Police Chief Regina Lawson.
  • In addition, please inform your family about a fraud scheme in which individuals claiming to be law enforcement officers or others involved with the criminal justice system tell a parent or family member that their student has been arrested and bail bond money must be sent using Venmo. More details at Wake Alert.
  • Fellow Deacs have recently reported receiving phishing emails offering internship opportunities for employment. Additionally, these phishing emails have reached a select portion of Wake Forest-affiliated education programs and even appear to come from a email address. We must stay extra vigilant in protecting ourselves and our personal information. Find out more from Information Systems.

Are you a first-year student with ideas for how to improve campus life at WFU?

The Campus Life Advisory Council (CLAC) serves as an advisory board for the Vice President for Campus Life, Dr. Shea Kidd Brown, and provides invaluable input and suggestions for improvements of campus life. CLAC members meet with campus leadership, provide their perspective, learn about campus life topics such as mental health and residential life, and share information learned at these meetings with the larger student body. Apply here by Monday, September 4th to join CLAC.

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

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Winston-Salem, NC 27109

