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New Grants Awarded to CHAMPP Team Members

Congratulations to Dr. Charles Jonassaint and Dr. Cristina Murray-Krezan on their new NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute UG3 grant for PRESENCE: Peer suppoRt for adolescents and Emerging adults with Sickle cell pain: promoting ENgagement in Cognitive behavioral thErapy.

Congratulations to Dr. Yael Schenker, Dr. Lindsay Sabik, and CHAMPP Associate Director Dr. Hailey Bulls for being awarded a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality R01! This research will have a high impact because it will clarify impacts of wide-reaching  opioid legislation for the more than 600,000 Americans who die annually with advanced cancer.
CHAMPP Works In Progress
A huge thank you to Winston Churchill Fellow Nerita Lewis, who presented her research to CHAMPP on August 2. Her Fellowship project focuses on how chronic pain in veterans contributes to social isolation, shame, and stigma. 

She is currently working on building a centralized social platform called Jaspen, where members can share their experiences and access evidence-based information, treatment, and support.
New CHAMPP Staff
Please welcome Justin Scott, CHAMPP's newest Research Assistant! Justin comes to us from Hobart and William Smith Colleges in New York, from which he graduated with a B.S. in Psychology. 
Notable Recent CHAMPP Publications
Find the full list of CHAMPP publications on our website.
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