Should 16-year-olds be able to vote? -- Civitas' First Activity

It's a controversial topic. It's not simply young vs. old, because many teenagers oppose lowering the voting age and many seniors favor it.
In the first Civitas program of the 2023-24 school year on Saturday, September 9, we'll tackle this issue, along with several others that are timely. While we want to add to the research on this topic, it is already a "movement" in Missouri, particularly on the Kansas City side of the state. The current focus is on whether 16 and 17 year-olds should be able to vote in local elections, including those for school board members. After all, some say "who knows more about what schools need than students?" Others think that the thinking of high school students would be too self-centered to make good decisions.
We have arranged to have a good YOUNG speaker on the topic. He is DJ Yearwood, a senior at William Chrisman High School in Independence, MO, just outside of Kansas City. DJ has been very active in the movement. He will share his thoughts with us and will entertain questions.
We'll follow DJ's presentation up with discussion and conversation on whether any Civitas students would like to collaborate with others to dive further into the issue. As we said, the gathering will be on Saturday, September 9. It will be at Grant's View Library in South County, specifically 9700 Musick Road; 63123 (map), beginning at 10:00 AM, running until noon. As always, we'll have good refreshments and time for students just to chat.
You can sign up by clicking here. If you have any questions, e-mail us at
Mark Your Calendars for High School Model UN!

A detailed email about HSMUN this fall will be sent to teacher sponsors and student leaders next week. If you would like to be added to that list, please email Stephanie at If you are interested in participating in Model UN but don't know of a group at your school, you can attend all events on your own. Civitas can also help you get a group started at your school.
The first important date to plan for is the Country Draft on Saturday, October 7 from 10:00 am until noon. All High School Model UN events will be in person and held at Browning Auditorium at Webster University. Any student can attend the Country Draft, although just one representative from a school is required to attend. We'll have a brief opening presentation about global happenings on draft day, followed by a few rounds of trivia (with prizes) before dividing into sessions to draft for countries. Civitas will need to know which of the three sessions available (two on November 18 and one on December 2) your school plans on attending before the draft day.
Click here to sign up for the Country Draft.
Is your school looking for an additional Model UN experience?
Consider the Washington University UN program, Sep. 29-Oct. 1.

The WUMUNS program welcomes high school students from all over the country, and they are especially interested in increasing local participation this year. There is no preparation to attend. Students do all work during the conference itself. Civitas is sponsoring a group to attend; however, we have reached our capacity. You can contact us at if you'd like to be put on a wait list.
A message from Varun Sinha, the Secretary General of the Washington University St. Louis Model United Nations Symposium:
Through participating in new delegate training opportunities, learning from spectacular speakers, and working with your fellow delegates to create modern issues to age-old problems, we hope that delegates will emerge from this conference with new passions and confidence. Most importantly, WUMUNS XVI will provide each delegate with the opportunity to connect with future world leaders from across the country, as you share in thoughtful conversations. If you or your school has questions, please send us an email at
The registration deadline for WUMUNS is Friday, September 1. Late registration will be accepted after September 1, but there will be an additional $10 more per delegate fee. Financial Aid is available for the program through Wash U.
Click here to reach the WUMUNS registration page.
Become a Civitas Game Changer This Year!
Earn at least 7 points by spring and become a Civitas Game Changer and get invited to special opportunities. The greatest benefit is an invitation to apply for the Civitas Summer Internship program. Being a Civitas intern is a fun opportunity to be with other civic-minded students your age from all over the St. Louis area. Summer interns are paid $16 an hour for two weeks of commitment. There are other advantages to being a Game Changer, too, such as invitations to special events and activities. There are several ways to earn Game Changer points:
- Sign up and show up for any Civitas event (never any homework, tests, or fees!).
- Bring a friend who doesn't know about Civitas to an event.
- Write for the Civitas blog.
- Introduce a teacher from your school to Civitas.
- Lead a Model UN group in your school.
- And more...
Saturday, September 9, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Grant's View Library Branch (MAP)
Kick-Off event for '23-'24 School Year--Should 16 & 17 year olds be allowed to vote?
Sign up here to attend.
Saturday, October 7, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
High School Model UN Country Draft
Sign up here to attend.
Saturday, November 18, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session A
Saturday, November 18, 1:30 pm until 4:30 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session B
Saturday, December 2, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session C