August 2023
I hope you all had an enjoyable summer and got some time in at the range, in between rain storms.
Incident Report
On August 19th we received a report from the Lisbon Police Department that one of neighbors believes that rounds fired from the rifle range have landed in his driveway. The responding officer investigated and did not see any indication of new rounds fired from the Lisbon Fish & Game landing in the neighboring property, however the neighbor did show the officer where projectiles had previously impacted the neighbors garage. In response to this incident the President and Vice President of the Lisbon Fish & Game conducted an inspection of our rifle range to look for any indication that projectiles fired were not impacting the berms. Several projectiles were found to have hit the ground between 10-25 yards from the firing line, impacts on the 50 yard berm are nearing the top of the berm and individuals are shooting above the targets, but well within the confines of the 100 yard berm. There was no evidence found in the tree line to indicate that projectiles are traveling beyond the property. Despite this to further ensure that rounds fired stop safely in our berms we will be installing fence sections above the 50 and 100 yard berms. This will further help to provide evidence if people are shooting over our berms. All shooters are responsible for where their projectiles stop.
Volunteer Work Day & BBQ
On Saturday September 16th we will have our annual work day from 9:00AM – 1:00PM. Starting at noon we will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs.
During this work day we will be installing sound dampening insulation on the Pistol Range, Checking the Property line and re-marking where needed, Removing small tree roots from the 25 yard rifle berm area, spreading gravel at the pistol range, completing the 25 yard shooting line, setting up the canopy over the 25 yard rifle range and installing new 24” wide target holders at the 25, 50 and 100 yard rifle berms.
Volunteers are encouraged to bring gloves (all jobs), Loppers (tree roots), Tractors (spreading and moving material). This is a lot of work that we’ll try to accomplish in one day, we greatly appreciate everyone who volunteers their time for the good of the club!
The rain date for this event is Saturday September 23rd, 9:00AM – 1:00PM.
Women’s Group
The next women’s group meeting will be Wednesday September 6th from 5:30PM – 7:00PM. The women’s group meeting is free to members (or their significant others).
Our Women’s Group instruction, Alice Andrenyak, has 3 upcoming classes
09/07 & 09/14: Concealed Carry & Home Defense @ Buck’s Guns, RT 196 Lisbon Falls. Cost is $125 with option to purchase range time for $50. 5:30PM – 8:45PM. To Register call Buck’s Guns 207-407-1444 This is a COED class.
10/18 & 10/25: Basics of Pistol Shooting @ Merrymeeting Adult Education, Topsham. Cost is $125 with option to purchase range time for $50. 5:30PM – 8:45PM. To Register go to This class is for Women only.
11/1/ & 11/21: Basics of Pistol Shooting @ Medomak Valley High School, Waldoboro. Cost is $125 with option to purchase range time for $50. 5:30PM – 8:45PM. To Register go to This is a COED class.
National Night Out
On August First Brian Fitzmaurice, the Fishing Director of the Lisbon Fish & Game and Brandon Corkum, President of the Lisbon Fish & Game, attended Lisbon’s National Night Out event at MTM. At this event we advertised the Lisbon Fish & Game, the LFGA’s Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs program, and setup our Backyard Bass fishing game for children to learn to cast or practice casting. We talked with many people who hadn’t heard of the Lisbon Fish & Game, many who had heard about us and are excited for our future youth Fishing nights and several of our members.
Hunter Sight In Day 2023
Due to a lack of interest over the last few years we are canceling our annual Hunter Sight in day for 2023. If you are a member and need help sighting in a rifle or if you have a friend of family member who does, please contact the club President.
Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine
SAM is having their annual Save our Heritage Banquet & Auction on Saturday September 9th, 2023. This event will be at the Waterville Elks Banquet & Conference Center, 76 Industrial Road, Waterville. To purchase tickets or for more information call SAM at 207-623-4589, email them at or visit their website at
Hope to see you at our Volunteer Work Day!
Brandon Corkum
Lisbon Fish & Game