Dateline: Papara, Tahiti
Dear Praying Friends,
     The religious demographic of Hao, a coral atoll 600 miles east of Tahiti, is daunting, being dominated by Roman Catholics, Mormons, and the Community of Christ, a Mormon offshoot.  It is truly a stronghold of the enemy.  By the grace of God, the Operation Christmas Child team here was given permission to share the Gospel to the children of the island.  The recent census put the population of Hao at 1,000 souls, of which 350 are children!  Last week, our Evanelia Tahiti tahitian missionary, Punari'i returned to Hao (which was the previous launching point for the effort on nearby Amanu atoll), where he and the team shared with 302 of the children.  
     On this water-starved island, rain is all-important.  Until the arrival of the team a week ago Sunday the 10th of September, it had not rained in 5 months.  The situation was becoming dire.  But the very next day a deluge came, filling all their water catchments to overflowing.  The people there could not help but associate the deluge with the coming of the team and their message of salvation in Jesus Christ alone.  They had the rapt attention of the children and their families.  We can only attribute this circumstance to our awesome God.  To Him be the glory.
     Hao was the scientific center for France during the infamous period of nuclear testing on the atoll of Moruroa.  "France has consistently underestimated the devastating impact of its nuclear tests in 
French Polynesia in the 1960s and 70s, according to groundbreaking new research that could allow more than 100,000 people to claim compensation. France conducted 193 nuclear tests from 1966 to 1996 at Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls in French Polynesia, including 41 atmospheric tests until 1974 that exposed the local population, site workers and French soldiers to high levels of radiation."
France has underestimated impact of nuclear tests in French Polynesia, research finds | French Polynesia | The Guardian
This past week, the Gospel came to Hao, the power of God for salvation, a far greater power than nuclear bombs.
We never tire of these events! 
Above, the smiles; below, the team, with Punari'i on the right.
     Please pray for Hao: the follow-up lessons will now be taught by the locals who were trained before the departure of the team. 

     Additionally, the island of Hao was recently in the news because the parents are dissatisfied with overcrowding in their classrooms.  There are 60 children under the age of 7 divided between two teachers, with two special needs children among them.  The classes are two large and it seems that the government is too concerned with pressing political matters to render immediate help.  Yesterday I submitted a plan to the mayor of the island that should provide immediate and long-lasting relief, enhancing the education of the children through community involvement.  Because change is difficult for people on these small islands, they need your prayers.  Success in this endeavor will give us an even stronger connection for future educational and discipleship opportunities.
     Meet Timeri Mou-Fat, the most recent Tahitian to join the Evanelia Tahiti team.  Timeri was born on the island of Raiatea, but like many here she migrated to Tahiti in search of a better job and a better way of life.  After a health crisis last year, Timeri reset her priorities to a Christ-centered life and she is active as a Sunday school teacher in our local church, Eglise Bonnes Nouvelles.  She will be working for us part-time until December, helping us develop our organization locally.  She is a very capable person! She speaks Tahitian fluently, and although she is more of a beginner in English, she is working diligently.  Pray for her! In December we will discuss with her again about staying with us for the longer term.
Timeri Mou-Fat, the latest Tahitian to join the Evanelia Tahiti team.
Other ministries to pray for:
1. Our children's English/Bible Club continues to thrive.  Pray for them!
2. Our small group on Moorea continues faithfully. Pray for their witness to their families.
3. Our home Bible study using The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus is multiplying and demanding longer sessions (currently two hours, but will likely double at least).
4. We remain in touch with the people of the Roadless Coast. Please pray we can return soon.
Our invitation to give to the Three E's Campaign Remains
Three E’s Matching Campaign - Evanelia
Please check out our updated website!  It has pictures, videos of worship, and literary quotes about the islands where we serve!  There will be regular updates as the Lord unfolds our work here, as well as videos of teaching and ministry events, and interviews with the islanders we work with.
Our Local Mailing Address:
BP 121403
98712 Papara
Polynesie Francaise
As always we are grateful for our amazing support organization, Village Ministries International.  If you want to support us beyond prayer, click below:

 FPolynesia - Village Ministries International

Likewise, we have a private charitable foundation to support education for Tahitians.  You can give to that fund at
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Evanelia Website
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