
The MAGA Movement Causes Disorder and Chaos

Our democracy is under threat by a MAGA fascist movement. It has engaged in a criminal conspiracy to over-turn self-government as evidenced by January 6 and ‘false elector’ schemes. It will lie, break laws, and foment corruption to grab and hold power. 

If the MAGA fascist faction takes control of our government, chaos and disorder will follow, not only for our government, but our culture and the economy.

MAGA Seeks to Destroy Government by the People

MAGA’s goal is to consolidate power around a ‘strongman’ leader. To do so, it will break democratic norms, set aside the Constitution, and cast aside the rule of law. The strongman will rule by dictate.

We are not alone is our view. The presidential libraries of Obama, Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush, Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Harry Truman, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover warn about the state of US democracy in a first ever joint statement.

Here’s how MAGA would rule if it takes power. 

Put its toadies in positions of authority

MAGA officials will replace duly elected prosecutors. Honest prosecutors stand for equal protection of the law and prosecute criminals based on the law.

One fascist technique is to replace prosecutors with toadies who will prosecute political opponents without cause while not prosecuting their own supporters for serious crimes. German Nazis used this technique effectively.  Nazi prosecutors refused to prosecute violent crime by Nazi thugs including murder.

Suppress our votes

MAGA suppresses the vote to subvert the will of the people. MAGA gerrymanders voting districts and makes voting more difficult despite the fact that courts often rule their actions unconstitutional. In any event, MAGA will not abide by the court rulings.  When MAGA candidates lose elections, MAGA maintains the election was fraudulent, or rigged, even if the elections are certified by Republicans.

Suspend the Constitution

The MAGA leader will use his own misinformation about the ‘Big Lie’ to justify suspending the Constitution.

DeSantis says if he is elected president, he will invade Mexico on day one. He doesn’t care that  initiating war without the consent of Congress is unconstitutional or that the problems he decries can be solved using more effective means than military violence. 

Weaken our Military and National Security

MAGA weakens our military and national security. MAGA Senator Tommy Tuberville has placed a hold on military promotions. His actions disrupt Pentagon management and burden military families. Other MAGA politicians like DeSantis support Tuberville.

MAGA Uses Violence to Grab Power

The January 6 coup attempt evidences the violence MAGA will use. MAGA politicians claim the attack was a “normal tourist visit” and claim those convicted of crimes are ‘political prisoners.

MAGA threatens more violence if the criminal charges against their leader cause him to lose the next election. The threats are quite specific—bullets not ballots.

MAGA Denies Climate Change

The MAGA candidates for president all deny climate change is human caused. 

In response to a comment that nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis, DeSantis said comments like that are a ‘lie’ designed to ‘politicize’ natural phenomena. 

Worse, DeSantis obstructs efforts to combat climate change and help people with their energy bills. He opted out of the energy-savings rebate program saying it’s ‘woke.

MAGA Hurts Our Environment and Economy

MAGA does not enforce environmental regulations like they should be to safeguard our land, air, and water

Not addressing climate change is raising the risks of financial disaster for homeowners, insurers, and bankers. Yet MAGA politicians like DeSantis will not address the root cause because they depend on power companies and fossil fuel tycoons to fund their campaigns.

MAGA Seeks Government Failure

MAGA will cause government to fail to advance its agenda. The MAGA house caucus is threatening not to fund the government. 

We Must Protect Our Freedoms

Americans value our freedoms—our freedom to elect leaders who respect our will, protect our interests and govern in our name. 

MAGA will carry on a criminal conspiracy to attempt to seize complete power. We can see what the result will be if the MAGA movement is successful. If they are, MAGA will rule over us in an unchecked, corrupt manner. 

From the Supreme Court, the House of Representatives, and state legislatures, MAGA wants to take our freedoms and rule for the wealthy few. 

We must stop them. We must hold accountable those who schemed, abetted, and excused the attempt to overthrow our government. 

MAGA is a powerful movement although it is a minority. Patriotic citizens of all parties must stand up to them by exposing its lies, lawlessness, and corruption to grab and hold power. We must replace MAGA with leaders who will govern for us, not against us. We the people are the majority and can save our democracy if we work hard together.

Take Action: Call the United Auto Workers 

The UAW has invited Trump to speak. Instead of having him as a speaker the MAGA leader should be ostracized everywhere in America. Call 313-926-5000 or email and ask the UAW to reject the MAGA leader as a speaker.

Here are some points you might mention, but certainly include your own:

  • Trump incited a conspiracy to overthrow our self-government. He is not a typical candidate.

  • Trump is no friend of labor. On some of his projects he didn’t pay his workers.

  • Trump will attempt to divide workers and break down solidarity by calling electric vehicles a disaster for the UAW. In fact, if the companies manage the EV transition well, the companies and workers could benefit from building more electric vehicles. 

  • By asking Trump to speak, the UAW is weakening its goodwill with supporters. 

  • Post your comments to social media.

Do something Special for FLVCS Projects

This year on November 10, our FLVCS sister organization, Florida Veterans for Common Sense Fund, is the beneficiary of the annual Kiwanis breakfast honoring Veterans. One of our members, Kelvin Womack, will be the keynote speaker. 

Sponsor the breakfast. Purchase tables for veterans. You’ll not only help FLVCS Fund, but you’ll also help the Sarasota Kiwanis Foundation. Use this link: or email Kim Noyes at

We thank the Kiwanis Club for their help over the years with our Green Path Veterans Farm Project (Now Operation Eco-Vets) and now with our ongoing microforest projects.

December EcoSummit in Sarasota

The Environmental Science Council in Sarasota is holding an EcoSummit in Sarasota on December 4-6. If you plan to attend, you can buy tickets now at a $80 discount using discount code: EXPOTIME as we are exhibiting our microforest project at EcoSummit Find More Information Here

Sarasota Stand Down for Homeless Veterans

FLVCS is again helping with the Sarasota Stand Down for homeless veterans, a program we initiated in Sarasota several years ago. The Stand Down will be this Saturday, September 23, 2023 at the Sarasota County Fairgrounds on Fruitville Rd.  If you want to help, please call Hector Muniz at 941-321-4774.  If you participate, you’re asked to post at 7:30 AM.

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