The Frustration Zone

Dear Reader

We keep coming back to the 'Delegate and Elevate' tool.

Recently, in a session with one of my clients this came up again. This tool helps us organize the items of our work, and we're supposed to look at everything over a span of a week or a month. We classify those items into things that we love and we're great at, we like and we're good at, we don't like and we're good at and we don't like and we're not good at.

Today I want to speak about only one of those categories. I call it my 'frustration zone'. Those are the things that I don't like doing but I'm good at doing them. These things have come to me over time and I've learned to work with them, and maybe you're in the same boat. They suck the life out of me, but I've always thought, okay this is part of my duty, I have to do this and because I do it fairly well and got better at it, other people will send this type of work to me, and they are blissfully unaware that this is sucking the life out of me.

Now, I urge you to make this list and then see what those things are that you don't like doing, but you keep doing every day because you're good at this. I call this your frustration zone.

These things sap your energy. S-A-P, sap your energy and it leaves you dry and tired and you don't have enough energy to go work on those things that you love and you're great at, or the things that you like and you're good at, that you can move up, and become better and better at the things that you like and you love.

So I urge you, do this exercise. Get rid of these frustrations in your workplace and you will have so much joy.

I hope this is helpful. If you want to know more, let me know and I'll tell you more; about EOS and the world that we call 'the EOS world.'

Have a fantastic week.
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Best wishes,
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