 <<First Name>>,

North Texas Giving Day is almost here, and it is the single biggest fundraiser for Living Hope Ministries. Unlike many nonprofits with broad community support, LHM is a unique ministry in a very controversial space. Foundation grants and corporate sponsors are not supporting the work of LHM. Without YOU who have been touched by this ministry or believe in our God-ordained mission, we would be unable to do ministry!
People often ask, "What does Living Hope actually do?" That is a great question, and here is the answer: 
  1. Faithfully teach God's Word as the foundation for life, identity, and human interaction.
  2. Journey with people who are seeking sexual and relational wholeness through Jesus Christ.
  3. Disciple people to become more committed followers of Jesus or new believers in Christ.
  4. One of only a handful of ministries that conduct free, weekly, confidential, ongoing support groups for those struggling with their identity and sexuality and their family and friends, both in-person (for people in Texas) and via Zoom (for people throughout the US and worldwide).
  5. Provide free, online, moderated, confidential, open 24/7 support forums for youth, men, women, wives of men who struggle, and friends and family where all can find support, encouragement, a place of belonging and understanding while consistently encouraged toward Christ and His Truth. 
  6. Personal pastoral mentoring and coaching.
  7. Retreats and conferences
  8. Education and instruction for churches, colleges, universities, seminaries, and other Christ-centered organizations in understanding and responding biblically and redemptively to sexual and relational struggles and gender identity

All of the above is offered free of charge. Over 350 individuals participated in our ministry this past year, 71 seeking to participate in support groups for the first time, and 162 new individuals joining our online forums with membership at 10,569. 

We also have a Hope House, a discipleship home with high accountability where young men, 18-26, spend a year intentionally addressing their struggles as they work and/or attend school and journey through curriculum designed to help them become the men of God they were created to be.

However, ministry can't happen for free without the generosity of people like YOU supporting our unique work. In a day when there are less than a hundred ministries nationwide doing what we do at LHM, our voice and ministry are essential. I ask that you prayerfully consider how you might partner with us in proclaiming God's Truth to those seeking sexual and relational wholeness through Jesus Christ. Your investment in LHM allows lives and families to be transformed.

Giving to NTGD is open now. You can schedule your gift by clicking this link. Thank you in advance for your prayers and generosity!

Mark Your Calendar

LHM Celebration Fundraiser

An Evening of Desserts, Worship, and Testimonies of the Worldwide Impact of LHM

Friday, October 27, 2023

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Check out over 200 episodes of Hope Cast! - Honest conversations about real issues Christians face regarding sexuality, faith, and discipleship.
Designed specifically to speak into the sexual and relational brokenness of our lives, these verse-by-verse teachings of the Bible help all believers discover how to surrender their lives, sexuality, and identities to the Lord and be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.


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P.O. Box 2239
Arlington, TX  76004
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