Introduction to Trees – a course of learning
This course will run again but as a complete course instead of a series of talks. It will explain how trees function, how people can assist their growth and what makes the ‘right tree.’ Dom Scanlon, a compelling presenter with a huge knowledge of trees, will be leading the course and it will be held in the University’s Sustainability Hub between 7pm and 9pm on these dates (all Thursdays):
9th November
7th December
18th January 2024
15th February
14th March
25th April (includes going outdoors to look at trees)
Completing the course will qualify for a certificate showing the topics covered. A funding grant makes it possible to offer this high-value course free of charge so booking on this link is essential. If oversubscribed, priority will be given to Tree Wardens. Unfortunately, it is not possible to offer online or hybrid options this time.
All Ways Apples Festival 2023
The apple harvest has started, apple pressing is underway and the All Ways Apples Festival main event is during half-term on Wednesday 25th October, 11am - 4pm, at Devonport Guildhall. Plymouth Tree People has been invited to take part and is this something you could help with? Do get in touch with Tess Wilmot if interested – there is a planning meeting tomorrow (15th September).
PTP’s logo
Many thanks to everyone who forwarded ideas for a new logo or sent other comments. They were quite varied and, with plenty to consider, we will continue with the present logo for now.
Seed gathering day
Join the Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest for a day of seed collection, preparation and stratification at Poole Farm between 9.00am and 4.00pm on Thursday, 28th September. Places are limited so, if interested, contact Volunteers also wanted to help grow and maintain the seedling trees in Poole Farm’s new tree nursery.
Armada Way Consultation
The Let’s Talk Armada Way consultation is expected to go live fairly soon and to last for 4 weeks. Right now, each of us is encouraged to register our interest so we can receive updates as they happen. It’s simply a matter of following this link: Let's Talk Armada Way | Commonplace (
Trees – Light – Shadows; a new exhibition.
This exhibition at the Theatre Royal is on until 28th October with paintings and sketches inspired by “finding places such as these, walking in the dappled shade of trees.”
Street planting projects
Work to gather views and develop plans for replacing lost trees in Beacon Park Road and Wilton Street continues. Residents in each place have received a leaflet and responses are being collated whilst practical aspects are being discussed with colleagues at the Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest. There is a great deal to consider with these complex case-study projects, before, during and after planting.