
Recycle Week 2023 – Join The Big Recycling Hunt!

The 20th annual Recycle Week, an initiative by WRAP UK, will take place 16-22 October 2023 and this year,  the theme is The Big Recycling Hunt - a week-long campaign of action which brings the nation together to recycle more of the right things, more often.

Further to previous updates, please note the change in date for Recycle Week 2023 from the September date previously circulated. Apologies - there are various recycling initiatives, but the WRAP / Recycle Now is the official one. 

With information just released, this year's theme, The Big Recycling Hunt focuses on “missed capture”: that’s to say recyclable items that are commonly missed in the home, including empty aerosols, food tins, plastic cleaning and toiletry bottles, pots, tubs and trays.  Yes, you CAN recycle them! 

It would be fantastic if businesses of Oxted could get on board with Recycle Week and lead by example, either by operating a scheme for their staff or helping customers to recycle...

For example, Hamways Ltd has a great initiative that we could all follow.  Laura Winter, one of Hamways' "Green Pears" explains:
"For National Recycling Week, we have decided to raise awareness and promote recycling of a common waste product that many people may not be aware can be readily recycled: soft plastics. Soft plastics are lightweight, flexible plastics, used commonly in food packaging, such as crisp and chocolate packets, biscuit wrappers, peel-back yoghurt and ready meal lids, etc. They are sometimes called scrunchy plastics, as they are easily identified as plastic which, when scrunched into a ball, pings back. During this week, we are placing a clear plastic bag next to our existing recycling bins within our four staff kitchen areas, for all staff to collect their soft plastic packaging over the course of a week. The kitchen area which collects the most scrunchy plastic will be left a treat! The real goal however, is to share how all colleagues can and should continue to collect and recycle their soft plastic, both at work and at home, preventing unnecessary plastic waste which can be recycled from entering landfill. Within Oxted, both Waitrose and Co-op have dedicated bins to collect these plastics, making it easy for all to make a difference."

If you are intending on running some activity, please share it with us and we can help promote it. If you are posting about it to your social media, please remember to tag @loveoxted. 

We also recommend you download Recycle Now's campaign toolkit to see the range of assets and information available. Please note, aside from their Teaser Ads, use of these assets is strictly embargoed until 16 October 2023.



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