
AMA's Funders

US Dept of Justice
St. Paul Cultural Star
St. Paul STAR Program
Minnesota Lynx
National Endowment for the Arts
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Dept of Health
Wells Fargo
Minnesota Dept of Employment & Economic Development
City of Minneapolis

AMA Announcements 

1) Vaccination Pop-up Clinics in October

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 5, 2023 2023, from 1:30pm-3:30pm
PLACE: Seasons of Life Adult Day Care and Culture Home Healthcare, 510 Brunson St Suite 140, St. Paul, MN 55130

Walk-ins welcomed. $50 incentives. COVID-19 vaccines for anyone 6 months and older for their 1st, 2nd or boosters. For More Info:

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 7, 2023, 12:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE: Legacy Adult Daycare Center, 800 Boone Ave. N., #150, Golden Valley, MN 55427

Walk-ins welcomed. $50 incentives. New COVID Vaccine available. For More Info:

DATE/TIME: Sunday, October 8, 2023,     
PLACE: Asia Mall, 12160 Technology Dr., Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Walk-ins welcomed. $50 incentives. New COVID Vaccine available. For More Info:

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 12, 2023, from 4:00pm-6:00pm
PLACE: Fall Fest at the Church - Cross Of Glory Lutheran Church, at 5929 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Center, MN 55429

Walk-ins welcomed. $50 incentives. New COVID Vaccine available. For More Info:

DATE/TIME: Friday, October 13, 2023, from 5:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Faribault Middle School, 704 17th St SW #5518, Faribault, MN 55021

Walk-ins welcomed. $50 incentives. New COVID Vaccine available. For More Info:

DATE/TIME: Sunday, October 15, 2023, from 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: Chinese American Chamber of Commerce – MN, 7901 12th Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55425 USA - as every 3rd Sunday Wellness Day at Chamber

2) Pandemic Food Relief Effort, supported by the City of Minneapolis

Hot Asian meals pick up at Asian Media Access' office for Minneapolis families in need. Started in June 2023 and is on-going. Must be a Minneapolis resident to qualify.

Pick up on Wednesdays only from 5:00pm - 6:00pm. Limited to 13 families each week with 3 meal boxes per family, regardless of family size. Each family is supported for weekly pick-up for up to 4 weeks. 

Weekly registration link for hot meals:

Program Updates

Upcoming Sears Redevelopment Plans for Community Hub Space

Led by Asian Media Access, collaborating with Asian American Business Resilience Network (AABRN); we are honored to announce the ownership, and leading the repurposing and redevelopment of the former Sears site in St. Paul. Working with the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board (CAAPB) and the City of St. Paul, we envision the creation of a community hub to serve a diverse set of purposes, including residential, commercial, cultural, educational, and artistic—creating such a vibrant and unique atmosphere to attract locals and distant visitors alike, encouraging investment and the revitalization of a historically impoverished neighborhood.

AABRN's current plans include:
A. An Innovation Hub
  • a sports and digital arts focused charter school
  • a wellness center for health modalities research, business developments, IT and
  • food enterprise training
  • an event center, food court, and 3D theme park for entrepreneurs to experiment
  • a Zen garden for green space
  • a kids's zone for childcare needs
B. A Complementary Housing Development Plan
Read More on Asian Media Access

Community News


10th Annual Winter Warmth Collection

Collection period between September 1, 2023 until November 27, 2023
Drop off at 2944 Emerson Ave N.

HNC and partners understand that due to inflation families are struggling this year and are in need of a little extra help. We have started collecting winter coats, hats, scarfs, gloves, mittens etc. for our yearly give-a-way.

TCJACL 2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarship

Application link:
Completed applications and transcripts will be required to be postmarked by Wednesday, November 1, 2023.

2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarship applications will be available on September 1, 2023. Scholarships will be only available to current JACL – Twin Cities Chapter members enrolled in a post-secondary educational program. Membership must be active as of September 1, 2023. Not a member? Sign up now using the link below, and be sure to select "Twin Cities" as your chapter!

Help Heal Maui

Until September 30th, all donations to ‘Help Heal Maui’ will be matched up to $1 million. Amplify your contribution and double the impact.

The heart of Maui aches as wildfires consume its beauty, especially the cherished town of Lahaina. As countless survivors grapple with loss, Tzu Chi volunteers are currently mobilizing and preparing to distribute emergency cash cards and serve as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. Your generous donation can rekindle the spirit of the island. Stand with Maui in its darkest hour

Please make check payable to "Tzu Chi Foundation" and mail to Tzu Chi MN Office: 1485 Arden View Dr., Arden Hills, MN 55112

West Broadway Farmers Market

DATE/TIME: Fridays until October 6, 2023, 3:00pm-6:00pm
PLACE:  Located on The Plaza at the Capri Theater, 2027 W Broadway, Minneapolis, MN 55411

Bringing Northside fresh food, fresh produce, fresh beats and fresh wares every Friday! We accept EBT, WIC, and Market Bucks.
More info via the Facebook Event:

SEWA-AIFW health clinic is back

DATE/TIME: Every Sunday, 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE:Sikh Society of Minnesota, 9000 W Bloomington Fwy, Bloomington, MN 55431

DATE/TIME: Every Monday, 1:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE:Sewa-Aifw, 6645 James Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

DATE/TIME: Every fourth Sunday, 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: Hindu Temple of Minnesota, 10530 Troy Ln N, Maple Grove, MN 55311


DATE/TIME: September 12-October 22, 2023
PLACE: UnitedHealth Group Stage, 2400 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404,

Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling the Ticket Office at 612.874.0400. Ticket prices start at $15.

“We are thrilled to bring the international sensation Cookin’ to our audiences in Minnesota,” said
CTC Artistic Director Peter C. Brosius. “This dynamic and hilarious show has delighted audiences
around the world with its virtuosic percussion, incredible comedy and amazing physicality. We cannot wait for you to experience the joy and exuberance of Cookin’!”

FilmNorth First Annual Studio Thirteen Future Filmmakers Lab

DATE/TIME: September 26 - December 21, 2023
PLACE: FilmNorth, 550 Vandalia St. Suite #120, St Paul, MN. 
  • Focus lectures, skill workshops, and production days included
  • Completed film will be submitted to national film festivals
  • End-of-year public screening of completed works
  • Completely free! (Application & artist statement required)

Applications will become available for online submission at 12pm (CT) on July 10, 2023 through 11:59pm (CT) on August 18, 2023.

Mid-Autumn Festival

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 1, 2023, 12:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE: Sargeant Student Center, 2900 University Ave, Crookston, MN 56716

Join us as we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival on Thursday, October 1. This festival is also known as the Lantern or Mooncake Festival, and it is known as Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) in Korea, and Tsukimi in Japan. 

12 - 2 p.m. We will host an info session on What this event is all about with tea and moon cake - Located in the International Lounge by the bookstore

2 - 4 p.m. We will organize a moon cake making demonstration where you can learn to make your own moon cake Located in Brown Dining Hall

2023 IAM Non-Violence Day Event

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 1, 2023, 3:00pm-6:00pm
PLACE: Minnesota History Center Dr Dash Foundation Rotunda, 345 W Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN 55102, register here

The day honors the late Mahatma Gandhi’s October 2 birthday and the enduring relevance of his non violence philosophy. A reception runs 3–4 p.m. with food and entertainment highlighting dance by SAATH (South Asian Arts & Theater House) and jazz music led by trombonist Jim ten Bensel. The program following from 4–6 p.m. features three nationally recognized speakers. This FREE event is open to all 

District 59 Town Hall

DATE/TIME:  Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 5:30pm-7:30pm
PLACE: University of Minnesota Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC), 2001 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

Please join Senator Bobby Joe Champion (SD59), Representative Esther Agbaje (59B) and Representative Fue Lee (59A) for a special Town Hall Meeting to recap the 2023 Legislative Session and discuss goals for the upcoming 2024 Legislative Session

Walk and Bike to School Day

DATE/TIME:  Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The annual event, sponsored by Minnesota Safe Routes to School, encourages students and parents to try out a new, healthy habit that increases their physical activity, reduces traffic congestion and strengthens connections between families, schools and communities.

“Thanks to a new Minnesota state law that requires all public school students to learn safe walking and bicycling skills at the beginning of the school year, Walk and Bike to School Day is more important than ever,” said Dave Cowan, MnDOT Safe Routes to School coordinator. “MnDOT has resources and educational materials to help schools meet this new rule and help make Walk to School Day a success.”

Engaging in Effective Media Planning

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 12:00pm-1:00pm EST/ 11:00am-12:00pm CST/9:00am-10:00am PST
PLACE: Online, register

With a constantly changing media landscape, keeping up with the latest trends – and knowing how to keep your issue front and center – is critical. Join us to learn how to make the most of media opportunities through print, radio, TV, social media and online other platforms. We’ll help you plan for a media strategy to raise your visibility and advance your goals.

Agile in Nonprofits Summit 

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 12:00pm-1:00pm EST/ 11:00am-12:00pm CST/9:00am-10:00am PST
PLACE: Online, register here

During this interactive summit you will hear from nonprofit organizations who are successfully using Agile methodologies, including the Scrum framework, to help you learn from their experiences and successes.

This free 2-hour event is designed for you to come and go as your schedule allows. Each of our six presenters will give a 15-minute presentation on a set schedule so you can log in for the sessions you choose and ask questions live of each presenter. Don't worry if your schedule doesn't allow you to make it to all the presentations, all recordings will be emailed to registrants after the event!

Crossing the World to Sleep with You: Chinese “Crip” Poetry and its Translational Afterlives

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 4:00pm
PLACE: Macalester College, 1600 Grand Ave, St Paul, MN 55105

Hangping Xu holds a doctorate in Chinese Literature from Stanford University, where he received the Centennial Teaching Award, and is currently an assistant professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests include modern and contemporary Chinese literature and film, theories of comparative and world literature, critical disability studies, and new media studies. 

KPOP Matters

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 6:00pm-7:30pm ET
PLACE: Cooper Conference Room in the Erdman Center, 20 Library Pl, Princeton, NJ 08540 or online, Register for in person:
Register for online:

Rev. Kim will be presenting in person at Princeton Theological Seminary. If you are able to travel to campus, we highly encourage you to attend the event in person to enjoy fellowship with colleagues and friends and to create new connections

How Do I Start a Business

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 5, 12, 26 and November 2, 9, 16,  2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Northrop Community Education Center, 201 8th NW Rochester, MN 55901 Room 319

Session 1: Introduction to starting a business
Session 2: What do I need to start my business
Session 3: Finding money for your business
Session 4: Managing your money
Session 5: How will people know my business
Session 6: How do I get started

Grand Opening Jordan Area Community Council

DATE/TIME:  Friday, October 6, 2023, 4:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: 2147 Lowry Ave, N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

Join JACC for our office grand opening
5:30pm Traumatic Bleed Training
7:30pm Movie

We will have free food, safety trainings, book bag, and hoodie giveaways

Music, bouncy houses, games for all ages, guest speakers, and a movie

Cost of Gun Violence - Toll on the Black community

DATE/TIME:  Friday, October 6, 2023, 8:30am-3:00pm
PLACE: Northpoint Conference Center, 1256 Penn Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55412

Come join us and listen to keynote informational sessions and panel discussions. This community conversation will identify a strategy to remind our community that gun violence comes with a very steep price.

Joining us and leading the conversation

Cost of Gun Violence - Toll on the Black community

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, October 7, 2023, 10am-3:00pm
PLACE: Madison College Truax Campus, 1701 Wright Street D1630 Madison, WI 53704

Click HERE for Free Registration

A unique and insightful journey into the complex and multifaceted relationship between suicide prevention and mental health, and their relationships to the Hmong community. Through two sessions, a QPR trainer, service providers, and working professionals aim to shed light on mental health challenges and perspectives within the Hmong community.

Austin's 2nd Annual Pride Festival

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 7, 2023, 12:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Justice Center Square 

Main Stage Entertainment by:
Whalen and the Willows
Ladies of the 80s
Prairie Clamor
Roxi and the Bb Boys
And More

Owámni Falling Water Festival celebrates local Indigenous cultures

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 7, 2023, 1:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE:  Mill Ruins Park (102 Portland Ave. S), Water Works (425 West River Parkway), and Father Hennepin Bluff Park (420 SE Main Street).

Water Works is one of the newest attractions in the Minneapolis park system, opening on the west side of the river in 2021, and on the east side of the river, Father Hennepin Bluff Park reopened last summer with a new stage, permanent indoor bathrooms, and numerous path and landscaping upgrades.

“Owámni” is how the Dakota refer to the area at St. Anthony Falls. It means, “whirling or falling water” in Dakota language. The event is centered around the Owámni area on both sides of the Mississippi River, with the Stone Arch Bridge serving as a bike/walk/roll connection across the river.

Flying Sound - Praise of Life

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 7, 2023, 2:00pm
PLACE: Fridley High School Auditorium (Door #12) 6000 West Moore Lake Drive, Fridley, MN 55432, registration

Minzhou Chinese Cultural Service Center and other local associations are scheduled to celebrate the glorious In October, the concert "Flying Sounds - Praise of Life" was held. The program includes soprano solo, mixed chorus, piano playing and singing, erhu solo, string quartet, two pianos, flute and piano ensemble, harmonica solo, folk song collection, etc. The content is wonderful and rich. After the concert, the organizer will provide exquisite refreshments for distinguished guests.

Admission to this concert is free, but pre-registration is required. The deadline for registration is October 2. Welcome to sign up to participate in this music event.

Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 7, 2023, 7:00pm-10:00pm

Join us as we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival on campus! The festival is celebrated in many Asian cultures and highlights the harvest season and being in community. There will be performances, fun activities, raffles and more

Family Day: Fall into Color

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 8, 2023, 10AM - 5PM
PLACE: Minneapolis Institute of Art, 2400 Third Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Mark the changing seasons with Mia this October! Design your own patterns with artist Tia Keobounpheng, whose exhibition, “Revealing Threads,” is on view now through October 29. Experiment with unique color combinations in a painting workshop led by local Ojibwe artist and educator James Autio, and get inspired by “The Lyrical Artwork of Jim Denomie,” on view through March 24. Enjoy a selection of Spanish-language short films from the MSP Film Society’s Cine Latino festival. Explore fall colors on a gallery hunt of Mia’s vast collection of art.

Zumba with Lulu

DATE/TIME: Sunday, October 8, 2023, 3:00pm
PLACE: EP Community Center, 16700 Valley View Rd, Eden Prarie, MN, 55346

The class will be 45 minutes long
Free Admission For Members and $5 Entry Fee for Non Members
Minnesota Taiwan Women Organization

Open to anyone aged 18 and above, you do not need any dance experience

Curtis Chin Author Talk

DATE/TIME: Sunday, October 8, 2023, 2:00pm-2:30pm
PLACE: Minnesota History Center, 345 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102, register

Join author Curtis Chin to hear about his forthcoming memoir, “Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant.” The book is about growing up Asian American in the Black and white city of Detroit and coming out as a gay ABC, or American-born Chinese in his working-class immigrant community.

Entrepreneur Expo

DATE/TIME:  Wednesday October 11, 2023, 2:00pm-8:30pm
PLACE: Minneapolis Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401

Build your small business network, learn new skills, and find support and inspiration with panels, one-on-one consultations, workshops, exhibitors and more. This year's expo is all about money! Find out everything you need to know about financing and growing your business.

Renters' Right Forum

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, October, 11, 2023, 6:00pm-9:00pm
PLACE: BUCH Fermentary & Taproom, 1121 Quincy St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Several neighborhood organizations are working together to host a renters rights forum in Northeast Minneapolis on Oct. 11. At the forum you can expect to see:

  • Renters resource tables
  • A panel with renter advocates
  • Free pizza and beverages from Earl Giles
  • Freebies and giveaways

2023 HIDTA Prevention Summit

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 12, 2023, 8:45am-5:00pm EST
Register here

Address complex prevention issues of today with a focus on integration of activites focused on current and emerging substances

Breaking the silence: Minnesotas against opioids

DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 12, 2023, 3:00pm-6:00pm
PLACE: Urban League Twin Cities,  2100 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

Join us in breaking the silence, taking stand against the blues, and building a safer, healthier future for our community, together, we can make a difference

Free food
Inspiration guest speakers
Interactive discussions
Support Resources
Community bonding

How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia

DATE/TIME: Friday, October 13, 2023, 12:00pm EDT
PLACE: Hybrid, Register for in person here or register for online here

Join us for this book talk with Dr. Aram Hur, who discusses Narratives of Civic Duty: How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia. At a time when nationalism appears to be stoking regional conflicts and democratic backsliding in Asia and beyond, Dr. Hur's book argues for the positive capacity of nationalism.

2023 Stillwater Harvest Festival

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 14 & 15, 2023, 10AM - 8PM
PLACE: Lowell Park, 201 Water St N, Stillwater, MN 55082

Stillwater Harvest Fest, held the second weekend of October each year, is one of the premier events in downtown Stillwater and one of the largest of its kind in the Midwest. Several times, Stillwater Harvest Fest was the number one giant pumpkin weigh off in the world. That is determined by the combined weight of the Top 10 pumpkins brought to the scale. In 2010 we had a World Record pumpkin.

Come for all things pumpkins, live music, food, vendor markets, kids' activities. Visit for more details and information.

Moon Festival Celebration

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 14, 2023
PLACE: Mall of America, 60 E Broadway, Bloomington, MN 55425

As you may know, China has over 10 million of Hmong people livin. in several southern autonomous counties, closer to Vietnam, Laos etc. Many of Minnesota Hmong people have visited China in the past 10 years. We are inviting Art Troupes from the local Chinese community to join our Moon Festival celebrations with Minnesota Hmong, Lao and Vietnam etc. Ethnic Communities. By bringing these artists from local Chinese and ethnic artists together at the Mall of America, we are hoping to create a cultural performance that would be time-traveling with the ancient Asian community shared heritage, praise the greatness of modern life in Minnesota and America, promote the ancient tradition and heritage in the State, and engage communities with similar cultural and art backgrounds.

Minneapolis Central Human Library

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 14, 2023, 10:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: Hennepin County Library – Sumner 611 Van White Memorial Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55411

Minneapolis Central Library is looking for volunteers to serve as books for a Human Library event. We are looking for people to break down stereotypes and engage in dialogue with strangers about their identity and lived experiences. If you think you have a story that other would like to hear, then please fill out this form and we will get back to you about your submission.

Volunteer sign up:
Deadline September 17, 2023

Citizenship and immigration resource fair 

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 14, 2023, 2:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE: COPAL’s Primero de Mayo Worker Center at 3521 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 55406
  • Legal service providers giving an overview on the citizenship application process.
  • Answers to your questions about citizenship and immigration.
  • Information about interest-free loans to pay the citizenship application fee through the New American Loan Program.
  • Information about wage theft, labor law violations and Drivers Licenses for All.
  • Resources like English classes, job opportunities and more.

Arts and Craft Expo

DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 14, 2023, 2:00pm-8:30pm
PLACE: InterContinental Hotel, St. Paul Riverfront, 11 E Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN 55101, United States

CHAT presents this year's annual arts and crafts expo and Fresh Tradition's fashion show. Admission to the expo is free and kid friendly. All vendors are local artist, come out and support the community and get a jump on your holiday shopping. For vendor applications please
Then grab tickets to Fresh Traditions XVI and see some amazing designs and beautiful fashion models strut the runway! Tickets are on sale now, grab them before they are gone. Fashion show starts at 7 pm.

Hennepin County environmental education network meeting

DATE/TIME: Monday, October 16, 2023, 11:30am-1:30pm
PLACE: Kroening Nature Center, 4900 Mississippi Court, Minneapolis, MN 5543

Join environmental educators and outdoor professionals to learn how they are using technology as part of their educational approach. We will gather for lunch (provided by Hennepin County) followed by an informal “show and tell” where attendees can learn from each other about apps and other technology. The show and tell will be outdoors, weather permitting.  


DATE/TIME: Auditions: Monday, October 16, 2023, from 3:00pm-9:00pm and Wednesday, Oct 17, 2023, from 3:00pm-9:00pm Can’t make it? Please see our video audition instructions
Callbacks: Monday, Oct 23, 2023, from 3:00pm-9:00pm. by invitation. Callbacks will include a dance audition.
PLACE: History Theatre, 30 E 10th St. in downtown St. Paul

Inspired by Leslie Li’s Just Us Girls book and The Kim Loo Sisters documentary, both about the Kim Loo Sisters, this new musical follows the singing quartet as they made their way from Minneapolis to the flashing lights of Broadway, on the silver screen of Hollywood, and overseas at USO shows during the swing era. The story is an homage to family, love, their Chinese Polish American heritage, and the bond of these talented sisters through their lives on and off the stage.

Blended 和 (HARMONY): The Kim Loo Sisters is co-commissioned and co-produced by Theater Mu and History Theatre.


DATE/TIME: Thursdays, October 19-November 30 (no session Nov. 23), 7:00pm-9:00 pm
Application deadline: 11:59pm CST, Monday, September 4, 2023

Now in its third iteration, the FilmNorth Inclusive and Socially Conscious Filmmaking Lab is a six-week course designed to help filmmakers in any stage of their career practice greater inclusive and socially responsible filmmaking and become leaders of change in our field.

Bringing together leading industry professionals throughout America, including NYC, LA, and the Twin Cities, the lab focuses on the entire filmmaking process, from conception to finding an audience. Throughout this lab, questions of representation are asked of each filmmaker. What are the stories we see or don’t see on-screen? Who is telling them and why? And what impact do they have? 

TCFF 2023

DATE/TIME: October 19-28, 2023, Weekday Hours: 3pm-8pm Weekend Hours: 10am-5pm
PLACE: Hybrid

the Twin Cities Film Fest (TCFF) unveils its complete 2023 film catalog, revealing more than 140 movies (features and shorts) that will screen Oct. 19-28 in a hybrid format. Now in its 14th year, the festival returns to the Showplace ICON Theaters and Kitchen at The Shops at West End, programming over 90 screening opportunities to engage with the world of film today. More than 50 films will simultaneously debut online via the TCFF STREAMS platform at

West Broadway Black Business Week

DATE/TIME: October 26-31, 2023, Weekday Hours: 3pm-8pm Weekend Hours: 10am-5pm
PLACE: Hawthorn Crossings 904 W Broadway, Minneapolis, MN 55411

Join us in making this week a remarkable success for Black-owned businesses. Apply today and be part of the excitement! Stay connected at for all the latest on West Broadway's Black Business Week!

Inside Biden's Cuba Policy

DATE/TIME: Monday, October 30, 2023, 6:30pm
PLACE: Urban Research and Outreach Engagement Center (Room 105), 2001 Plymouth Ave N Minneapolis, MN

Join award winning Cuban journalist and filmmaker Liz Olivia Fernandez for a screening and Q&A

Generating Research Opportunities Workshop for (GROW) Urban Agriculture conference

DATE/TIME: November 1-January16, 2023
PLACE: Online, register here

Phase I is November 1-3, 2023. This virtual session will focus on connecting participants with similar research, extension and education interests.

Phase II will run from November 4, 2023 to January 16, 2024. Teams will work independently on developing interdisciplinary funding proposals.

Phase III is January 17-19, 2024. This virtual session will provide an opportunity for teams to share their proposals with mock grant review teams to get feedback, and then provide an opportunity for the team to work on suggested revisions.

Tagalong Language Classes

DATE/TIME: Tuesdays, November 7, 14, 21, 28, 28, and December 5, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Central High School Library 275 N. Lexington Pkwy. Saint Paul, MN 55104, register

This November & December CSFA will be hosting a Tagalog language course on Tuesday evenings. Lessons will incorporate discussions of common daily language within families, friends, and social gatherings, with an emphasis on norms and values, like respect to the elders.

The language course is available to all ages, genders, etc. We encourage you to join no matter what skill level you are. The class is free, but we do suggest a donation to CSFA.

Telling Your Story- Strategic and Ethical Storytelling

DATE/TIME: Thursday, November 9, 2023, 12:00pm-1:00pm EST/ 11:00am-12:00pm CST/9:00am-10:00am PST register

Storytelling is a uniquely powerful tool for connecting with your audience and inspiring action. Learn how to craft and deliver compelling stories that work in a variety of platforms – from media to presentations to digital communication to direct audience outreach. Spitfire also offers tips for creating a storytelling culture within your own organization.


Inspire, Unite, Thrive

DATE/TIME: Thursday, November 9, 2023, 10:00am-3:00pm 
PLACE: Arlington Hills Community Center, 1200 Payne Ave Saint Paul MN 55130, register
The youth summit is a space where youth of immigrant and refugee descent can network, learn from one another, build community, and foster leadership. This year's theme is Inspire, Unite, Thrive, where youth will work together to encourage culture-sharing, explore career possibilities, and acknowledge their shared experiences through creative workshops. Workshop topics include:
  • Career exploration with a panel of young professionals
  • Responsibilities of immigrant daughters/sons
  • Passport activity: sharing traditions and cultures
  • How to care for your mental health and wellbeing

Wasu Area Hmong New Year

DATE/TIME: November 11-12, 2023
PLACE: Expo Center, 10101 Market St, Rothschild, WI, 54474

We're looking for dancers and singers:
1) All participants/groups MUST COMPLETE A GOOGLE FORM to be considered. The Google form is NOT ready yet. We'll share the link after it’s ready asap. If you don't have the capability to submit a Google form, please reach out to us for assistance.
2) To preview the form as it is click here (please DO NOT send us this form completed unless you have our authorization; all participants must complete a Google form which is still in the works see #1.)
3) Please call 715-301-3269 (text message friendly) or email if you have further questions or concerns

Grantwriters Incubator

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
PLACE: Online, register

Are you looking for an opportunity to virtually connect with other grant professionals and “talk shop”? Join this free, lightly facilitated gathering of nonprofit grantwriters for a unique venue of interactive input and feedback from peers.

The Grantwriters Incubator is offered quarterly and each meeting focuses on grantseeking and grants management through the lens of our current context. This may include COVID-19, equity and justice, economic recovery, and self-care for fundraisers. Bring your burning questions, tips, and tricks.

KOM’s 15th Anniversary Gala

DATE/TIME: Thursday, November 16, 2023
PLACE:  Inwood Oaks Event Center, 484 Inwood Ave N, Oakdale, MN 55128, United States

This year, the KOM gala will be a joyful opportunity for past event attendees and new supporters to celebrate our achievements and look to the future as we fulfill our new mission: building on the strengths of refugee and immigrant communities and remove barriers to achieving economic, social, and cultural wellbeing.

Join us for a special evening of fundraising and community-building at Inwood Oaks Event Center in Oakdale, MN. We’re excited to welcome community leaders, elected officials, service partners, volunteers and donors for a social hour, dinner, live performances, a raffle drawing, and main program.

Event website:

Pagnia in Love: Live in Concert

DATE/TIME: Friday, December 15, 2023, 7:30pm
PLACE: Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, 345 Washington St, St Paul, MN 55102

Join Pagnia Xiong (Hmong name: Pajnyiag Xyooj), an internationally acclaimed, self-taught Hmong-American music artist, actor, and creative producer for an unforgettable night of live original Hmong music and inspiring stories towards love and healing. 

Tết Nguyên Đán

DATE/TIME: January 27, 2024, 10:00am - January 28, 2024, 8:00pm
PLACE: Burnsville Mall, County Rd 42 W, Burnsville, MN 55337


DATE/TIME: May 4 - 26, 2024
PLACE: Expo Center, 10101 Market St, Rothschild, WI, 54474

Making their way from Minneapolis to the flashing lights of Broadway in the 1930s, the Kim Loo Sisters singing quartet gained popularity during the swing era and performed across the country, on the silver screen of Hollywood, and overseas at USO shows. This new musical is based on their real experiences and is an homage to their family, love, their Chinese Polish American heritage, and the bond of these talented sisters through their lives on and off the stage. Join us for this uniquely American story of family, love, and the swingin’ music of the 1930s.
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