
Climate Change: Summer 2023 the Hottest on Record

The Correlation Between MAGA Fascism and Climate Change Denial

Almost a one-to-one correlation exists between politicians who espouse a MAGA ideology that threatens our self-government and those who deny climate change.

Rick Scott is a climate change denier

Rick Scott is a prime example. When he was governor of Florida, he forbade the use of the term climate change.  Then early action would have helped Florida avoid harsh climate change impacts like stronger hurricanes, heat domes, hot ocean waters, rising sea levels etc.

Rick Scott is a MAGA ideologue

He is also MAGA extraordinaire. Instead of supporting self-government, Scott voted against impeaching his MAGA leader despite clear and convincing evidence that the MAGA leader attempted a coup. Scott has been one of the MAGA leader’s most vocal supporters and steadfast political allies.

Fascist movements smash self-government norms

An earmark of fascist movements is failure to adhere to democratic norms. Of course, a basic democratic norm is abiding by election results. Scott is not committed to that norm. His guiding ideology is to deny the validity of elections when MAGA candidates lose. He even tried that grift when it appeared that he’d lose his bid for the Senate. 

Law professor Edward Foley an expert on contested elections says, “We’ve had disputed elections in the past, but we’ve never had the denial of the basic mathematical reality of counting votes. We’ve never had that. We’ve never had McCarthyism-style fabrication of a conspiracy theory applied to the process of counting votes…I would say it’s especially dangerous when it’s the electoral process because it’s the electoral process that ultimately allows for self-government. When the mechanics of self-government kind of get taken over by a kind of McCarthyism, that’s very troubling.”

MAGA fascist techniques work

Unfortunately, the MAGA grift about fraudulent elections and climate change works. Many MAGA supporters refuse to believe Joe Biden is the legitimate president. As you’d expect, they also believe as Ron DeSantis asserts, that climate change is a scam to advance a ‘woke’ leftist agenda.

What to do?

Our job is to educate our fellow citizens of the MAGA threat to our democracy and planet. 

Get information to your friends, family, and media.

When you see an article that treats the MAGA GOP like a normal political party, send the journalist an email explaining that MAGA is a fascist movement that is motivated to take away our self-government. You can find links to support your view among the FLVCS commentaries.

You should also familiarize yourself with the commentary of fascist expert Professor  Ruth Ben-Ghiat. She writes commentary that is tagged Lucid on Substack that you can find HERE.

By reading the professor’s commentary, you’ll learn the techniques fascist movements use to grab and hold power. For example, you’ll find that extremist groups like the Proud Boys are foot soldiers in the MAGA movement. Also, as federal law enforcement inhibits their activities, they are shifting their involvement to local action within MAGA. The conviction and sentencing of the Proud Boys leaders for seditious conspiracy will not decapitate the thuggish group.

Proud Boy Leader, Enrique Tarrio, Convicted of Seditious Conspiracy and sentenced to 22 years in Federal Prison

FLVCS Meeting Notice

Where: Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road, Sarasota and via ZOOM: Zoom sign-up will be sent in subsequent notices.

When: Monday, September 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Speaker: Floridians for Democracy: How to preserve self-government

Apology: The scheduled speaker was Rep. Anna Eskamani. She had to cancel because of an unexpected conflict in her district. 

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