
Hello! A few exciting updates to Elicit Beta that I want to share:

1. Filter for papers where Elicit has the full-text

With this filter, you can access the full-text of the paper in Elicit. If you're adding columns with information that is more likely to be in the full-text than in the abstract, you can use this filter to get more information. We can only access the full-text of open access papers. 

2. Sort by citation count
Our search ranking doesn't prioritize citation count today, just relevance to query. If you want to find more highly-cited papers, you can do so with this sorting button. 

3. "Find scientific research papers" will start to incur credits
After some experimentation with free credits vs. free features, we've decided that the "Find scientific research papers" will also incur credits. These queries cost ~ 80 credits on average (it depends on how many papers and columns you add), so we hope that you'll still get plenty of room to experiment with the free 5,000 credits we give you. 

Currently, the costs of the different workflows are (very roughly):
  • Find scientific research papers: 80 credits per query, on average
  • Discover concepts across papers: 600 - 2,000 credits, per query
  • Extract information from PDFs: ~ 10-100 credits per cell or data point extracted
These are rough approximations and vary with your specific usage. 

Thanks for your flexibility and understanding as we continue to experiment with features & pricing model!

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