Welcome  to the 

September 10, 2023

What a Labor Day Picnic!

How do we do it?...

Last Monday was simply beyond every bodies expectations, starting two Saturdays ago with the large turnout for our "Stewardship Saturday" The grounds clean-up and prep along with the Kitchen crew and their prep was amazing and not to forget the great turnout and organization provided by our own parishioners during the Picnic.

Our Sponsors

What can we say to our sponsors who generously donated to our picnic this are all special!

Our Guests

You filed our picnic with your presence and support which  made our efforts made it all worth it.  We were particularly thankful to share our gifts with all.

Monday-September 11

The beheading of St. John
the Baptizer

Long before the national day of mourning in the United States

The Church remembers the day in which St. John was beheaded by King Herod (Matt 14:1-6) For almost 2,000 years a strict fast is held remembering the "voice in the wilderness who called mankind to repentance."

Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.


Click the above Icon to learn more

Did you know that we also comerate today?

St Moses the Black

To learn more about this Christian Saint

"click the above icon"

4 Ways Parents Bore Their Kids Out of Christianity

The highlight of my summer was a family RV vacation to Kings Canyon National Park. Behind our campground flowed a gorgeous river that I returned to multiple times over the course of our trip. Each time I went, I sat and pondered the “big questions” of life. There’s something about the majesty of creation that bubbles up a deep sense of awe about who God is, what he has done, who we are, and the meaning of life.

But this sense of awe also led me to reflect on how so many kids are apathetic about their worldview. A common thread I hear from parents is that their kids just don’t care about their spiritual beliefs, or just don’t care about Christianity specifically. There are certainly many kids who explicitly reject Christianity today, but I just as often hear about kids who are ambivalent.

How does ambivalence happen? As I sat by a river contemplating that question, a thought struck me:

Kids are being bored out of Christianity.

To read more:
Just click the above picture

A special offer...

Several commercial Sewing machines are available to anyone who would be interested:

1. Antique Singer Home Machine

2. Singer Commercial Serger

3. Lewis Commercial Blind stitcher

4. Dearborn Model 9 Blind stitcher

for further info contact
Fr. Rade


An atheist approached an Orthodox Priest proudly professing the that he didn't believe in God.  The priest then asked him to tell him about the God who he choose not to believe in!

If you fast?

you can feast!

How about waking up Sunday...

and smelling the incense ...

has it been a while?

Confessions from 9:30
                Hours from 9:40
                             Divine Liturgy at 10:00

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