You voted and the results are in!

The Results Are In..


Many Thank Yous!!

Vote Now
It is with much appreciation and excitement to tell you our firm has taken THIRD PLACE in the Ranking Arizona Poll 2012 for Small Accounting Firms!!  This is up one place from 2011.  We could not have achieved this without your help.  We appreciate your votes!!  We are humbled by this and look forward to serving you! 

The voting for the 2013 poll has started.  Please click Vote Now, to place your vote for this year's poll.  It takes just one minute to vote.  You can vote one time per quarter, per email address, so please pass this along to your friends, family, and colleagues.  Again, thank you for your votes and continued support.

As always, if there is anything we can help you with, please feel free to give us a call, stop by, or visit us on the web!

Thank you,

Tony, Rachel, Katie, Kathryn, and Christine
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