Voice4u Android version: New Landscape-Screen and More!!
Now you have an option to use it with landscape vision on tablets and we added many other new function. Much improved usability for the same price! Download it now to experience the new Voice4u!!
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Easier use on tablets!
Following on iPad, you can now use Voice4u with landscape screen vision on Android tablets by changing your setting on "Preferences". You can also change the placement of symbols as icons or in a list on any devices. Enjoy your style on Voice4u!

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Did you know?
You can enjoy Voice4u as is but you can also make most of it by creating schedules or sentences with multiple icons on Voice4u or with the icons you create on your own. You can make a folder with the answers “YES” and “NO”, or you can make a folder/icons for each student if you are a special education teacher. You can even enjoy watching Voice4u on a big screen using iPad2/ iPhone 4S and Apple TV.

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What’s next?
Our developer team is working on developing Voice4u to be feasible on “Kindle Fire”, and we are at the stage of testing English/Japanese version on it. It’s coming soon and we’ll keep you posted!

Download it now! One time payment only. No fees to update it later!!
Once you download it, Voice4u can be installed on any of your Android devices with no extra costs. There are no extra fees to update it if you have already downloaded it before!
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Learn more at: http://voice4uaac.com/

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