Monday Mantra - On Not Giving a Sh*t
Diana Antholis

“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” - Honore de Balzac

Worry, worry, worry. Fear, fear, fear. Doubt, doubt, doubt. 

Don't these drive you crazy???? (yes that deserved four question marks)

You are the only one who can control worry, fear, and doubt. You are the one who chooses how you want to live your life.

And this is why today's Monday Mantra is all about not giving a shit. 

All those worries, fears, and doubts you are having right now - are they worth it? Are they really worth it? Is the pain in your back, shoulders, or stomachs worth it? Is the frown on your face worth it? 

When you woke up this morning, did all of the worries from yesterday get you anywhere today? How is today better because of your worrying?

As human beings, we can take anything in our lives and turn it into a worry. We carry around so many SHOULDS.

I should call this friend because I haven't in a while. 
I should invite this person to my party because she will be angry if I don't.
I should put on a happy face all of the time even though I'm drowning in sorrow because I don't want people to see my vulnerability.
I should try to be part of the popular group because that will make me feel better and more successful. 
I should do an extra 30 minutes of cardio because I had a piece of cake yesterday. 

It's all bullshit. 

Be who you are.
Accept yourself.
Don't try to fit into anyone else's molds.
Do things that you feel good about.
Forget the shoulds. 
Understand that you will be happier when you do what you really want.

It all sounds easy, but for those of you who have tried this before, you know it is NOT EASY to think these thoughts. That's usually because our destructive thoughts have taken over.

Sometimes you have to stop overthinking. Even when it comes to doing something positive. We can turn the best of things into the worst of things just be overthinking them. If you overthink that piece of cake, you won't enjoy it. And damnit if you are eating a piece of cake then you better be enjoying it!!!! You can turn a wonderful vacation into a nightmare because of overthinking and overplanning. You can turn your best relationships into crappy ones because you aren't letting yourself just BE and accepting and loving your friends for who they are. 

So stop giving a shit.

On that note, your fitness challenge this week is to choose an exercise that you really like doing! Yes, you know you have a few that you really like doing. Do 12 of them every day this week. For me, I love doing ab twists. So I will do them every day. Hold me accountable.

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Diana Antholis

Wellness Coach &
Virtual Fitness Trainer

I help you feel centered, balanced, and sexy - and regain control of your life.
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