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Friends of our Liberty:

I am pleased to announce SB 59, which we have asked you to lobby for these past few days, has been reported out of the Senate Natural Resources Committee with a "favorable" recommendation -- in other words, it passed!

Before I tell you more, I'd like to give you a background on one of the Committee Members of the Senate Natural Resources, Environment, and Great Lakes Committee.  Recently, another pro-gun bill, SB 525 was passed by the legislature and signed into law by the Governor.  There was one lone "no" vote against this pro-gun legislation in the entire legislature (House and Senate -- nearly 150 members).  Who was that, you ask?  None other than Senator Rebekah Warren from Washtenaw County's 18th Senate District.  Why am I telling you about Ms. Warren?  You'll see...

Before that, I'd like to thank and recognize the courage of the members that voted for SB 59 today:
Worth mention is the lone vote on the committee that was opposed to the bill: Sen. Morris W. Hood III.  Now you're thinking, "wait a minute, Warren voted against SB 525 and you have yet to mention her -- surely she'd also oppose this bill".  That's the funny the Chairman was listing the names of the dozen (or more) individuals who drove from across the state to put their support on record; Ms. Warren just excused herself from the committee room.  That's right -- she walked out right during the meeting.  Draw your own conclusions, but one might speculate she may have been too cowardly to put her opposition to our right to self-defense on the record AGAIN.

Let it be known to ANY and ALL elected official who votes against or otherwise stands in the way of this bill: we are watching and we're writing down names!  Your day for re-election will come...

The good news doesn't end, Senator Green during the meeting stated that he expects the bill will be receiving a vote on the full Senate floor for passage by the end of next week.  Then it's off to the house.  Keep your eye on your email as I expect we'll be asking you to make more calls in the near future, including to your own Senator.

Until then, there's one last group I'd like to thank.  To the people who made phone calls and wrote emails this past week: Thank you! When the day is won, the victory will be yours and (in large part) because of you.  Special kudos go to those who made the (some cases) long drive to come out and show their support in-person today.  Stay tuned for more!

Most Sincerely,

Phillip Hofmeister
Michigan Open Carry, Inc.
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