Call for young artists
CALLING: performers/ dancers/ visual artists/ poets/ spoken-word artists / live artists/ writers/ filmmakers to create new works for the opening of Phakama Pop Up Festival on the 17th of June 2012.
Are you a newly graduate drama student, an emerging artist or an already established young artist looking for new opportunities to showcase your work? Would you be interested in creating a new short piece to be part of a larger installation? Then we would like to invite you to create a 3-minute short piece inspired by Project Phakama’s body of work?
Phakama is a youth arts organisation driven by the desire to make high-quality arts. We believe that individuals’ stories have the power to move, challenge and inform. Phakama creates shared spaces for young artists to express, grow and perform.
In June 2012 we are producing the Phakama Pop Up Festival created during a 2-week creative residency for young people, emerging artists, youth workers, academics and an array of other professionals. Through its participatory methodology and rigorous artistic process the Phakama Pop Up will embrace experimentation, participatory processes, public performances, exhibitions and intercultural creative dialogues.
To celebrate Phakama’s 15 years, the opening of Phakama Pop Up Festival (17 June 2012) will be a re-imagined journey through Phakama’s past.
Since 1996 Phakama has produced a number of projects and performances using sometimes ambiguous, sometimes intriguing and undoubtedly each time inspiring titles as the starting point of our creative processes. Drawing from our past projects and looking ahead to the future, we are asking YOU to use a past Phakama title as stimulus to create a brand new 3-minute piece (such as poetry, installation, film, dance etc).
There is no fee but Phakama will be able to provide you with minimum technical support, an exciting audience to share your work with, a film of the final performance, free tickets for the Festival’s main events and the opportunity to engage with fellow young art-makers from around the world.
For more information and application form please click here.
Deadline by 5pm on Thursday 31st May 2012.