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Friends of Freedom,

I have been hearing from many of you recently: Phil, what's going on with SB 59?  Sadly, the answer is: not much.  Several weeks ago, in late March, there was word that the Senate Leadership (Randy Richardville) had promised to hold a vote on the Senate floor in Late March/Early April.  It's important to note, one man (and one man alone) has the power to make a full Senate vote on SB 59 happen, that's Mr. Richardville.  He also has the power to make sure SB 59 is never heard.  If what's happened (or rather hasn't happened -- namely the promised vote) in the past month is any indicator, it appears that's his current plan: that SB 59 will die.  I know this disappoints many of you.  I can't tell you all how much it frustrates me to relay this news.  I have put off passing the news on for far too long now, I was simply hoping it wasn't true.  But now, I simply have to speak out.

What do we in Michigan Open Carry, Inc. do best? In the past, we've done well at activism and media circuses.  That's exactly what we have in mind for the Monroe area (Mr. Richardville's home town) in the coming weeks, if immediate action isn't taken by Mr. Richardville.  Please stay tuned for more details.

As for now, if you're itching for something to do, here's Mr. Richardville's phone number: (517) 373-3543.  I'm sure you'll think of something to say if you're so inclined...

Want more background on SB59? Read these digest links for past emails...

Phillip Hofmeister
Michigan Open Carry, Inc.
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